But to make up for it I’m going to do my darndest to keep the little buggers away so we can still enjoy the summertime outside, starting with a “Mosquito Planter”.Or maybe I should call it the “Anti-Mosquito Planter”
The main anti-mosquito part of the plant is scented geranium, the lady at the nursery said they’re the same thing as Citronella plants. I think I believe her because they smell just like an all natural Citronella candle. Kind of like the citrus notes without the chemicals if your nose can picture that. Also in the planter are garlic chives, spicy oregano, regular geraniums (just for pretty) & catnip. (Although the catnip is really fragrant, I just threw it in there because I needed something that would cascade down the sides of the planter & also because P’s cat hates me.)
So far so good, I planted it right next to the back door so hopefully the mosquitoes will stop swarming around the dogs while they wait to come inside. I also gave Sam a little scented geranium next to her playhouse. If it doesn’t work surely the one-eared bunny will. Scary.Another plant whose odor is supposed to repel biting bugs is Peppermint. I planted one on it’s own because I was scared to put it in the planter with the others. At the nursery the Peppermint plants were going berserk with their little shoots crawling all over the plants next to them & wrapping every which way. That herb is a total clinger.

SO smart! I'm doing this like, tomorrow. 😀
That last picture is the CUTEST. I can't resist pups and littl'ns 🙂
I read that you can get yellow outside flood lights. Bugs aren't attracted to yellow light, just white lights so it keeps the bugs away when outside in the evening. I know this will not help during the day, but thought I would share.
p.s. you can find them at home depot
We use an all natural soap called Buzz Off. We purchase through Prairieland Herbs in Woodward, IA. http://www.prairielandherbs.com/ We used it last year and I found that it did help. They also have Buzz Off wands- chap stick like things that you put on your pressure points.
I think this year I might try using it in my homemade laundry detergent. Every little bit helps:)
I just might have to make a stop at the nursery tomorrow…
I recommend Mosquito Deleter for the yard, it's a trap that kills the larvae before the mosquitos even mature.
Good luck!
When we sit outside, we use a fan. The mosquitos can't fly in the wind it creates. I just take a tower fan outside with us. It doesn't make too much noise and makes a nice breeze in the heat!
remove all sources of standing water, and get some of those torches that burn citronella oil. The smoke coils work well too but are more offensive-smelling.
Another vote for the mosquito deleter. I used one last year on my front porch and they were all gone within a week. I've since ripped out the massive pile of weeds the previous owner left, no mosquito problems this year!
I've also heard that marigolds will repel them. I have them planted in my back yard, we'll see if they work.
I never knew plants would be a deterrent, thanks!
What a great idea! I need to get myself to the nursery to get some mosquito repellent plants!! I feel like I can't even enjoy our backyard because we're constantly under attack…thanks for the great idea!
I hate mosquitoes! I love your idea of using the citronella scented plant. I've been buying some mosquito prevention items from Gempler that have been working well. You may want to try
I'll definitely be trying some of your ideas as well!
This is awesome!!!! Thanks SO much!!!!
It's my understanding that a drop of bleach in any standing water that's around will kill the baby mosquitoes. My children are exactly the same way and my six year old went to school with a mosquito bite and two teachers called to tell me about it because it was so swollen and huge. Good luck!
Thanks for the planting tips. I will porbably put them to good use as the midges like to swarm exactly where I intend to put my table & chairs.
Hope You & Sam get through the summer without to many bites.
Where I live, we basically hide inside for a few months. lol. Actually, the city sprays, because they get so brutal. The weather has been so weird lately though that the skeeters are nowhere to be seen! Yay! Under normal circumstances, it gets joked about that it's our provincial bird.
Wow! Thanks for the 'secret recipe' really need this now!
This sounds great. It’s been many months since this was posted. How well did it work for you? i’m anxious to hear about it!
You know what, I’d say it actually worked out pretty well! The thing grew like crazy though & honestly looked like a planter full of weeds at it’s height. I guess all of those plants grow like crazy with or without your consent. It’s just now starting to sprout again for Spring so I’m relieved I won’t have to buy the plants again, they seem to have survived winter just fine. All in all I’d say it made a difference with keeping mosquitos away from hanging out around our back door.
the herb you planted you can also use when your cooking oregano with spaghetti garlic with anything and chives is also a good herb to yous ive never used catnip nor citronella but ive used the other herbs and there great in foods 🙂 also the peppermint is a good herb as well if you take peppermint oil and mix it with something and spray it around the house and it eliminate rodents nad you can spray it through the yard and etc it works good as a repellent Natural Insect and Rodent Repellents – Quick & Simple
http://www.quickandsimple.com/how-to/…/natural-insect-rodent-repellents is a good website as well
I was just wondering what happened when they all grew up, I have a catnip plant that went crazy in its planter and started taking over the pots around it. Be careful not to put it somewhere that it can drop seeds into your yard! It’s interesting that you mention the catnip as just a random addition, not for its mosquito repellent properties, although I believe Ohio State(?) recently came out with a study that showed its effectiveness against mosquitoes.
Huh, who knew?! It went well, the whole plant got nice and full except all the plants did seem to take over the citronella which was the one I wanted to grow the most. I found that if trimmed back everything for it though it did ok. The whole thing is dead now because it’s so darn cold but I’ll replant it in the spring.
We spray Listerine (the gold original) around our doors and if we are out in the yard or just about i spray it on the kids legs and arms. Just spray any nearby surface that you are around to repel them..hope it helps some !
My Daughter is highly alergic to any kind of bug bite and they always seem to bite her near or on her face close to her eyes and she walks around with her eyes all puffy all the time benadryl doesn’t seem to help much either anyone have an suggestions tried off and other bug repellants and nothing seems to work!!
Here’s an old timer’s tip: dab vanilla extract on your face and neck to deter gnats. my dad keeps a bottle of vanilla in his tackle box to use when he goes fishing. I’ve also heard that Avon’s Skin So Soft is a great mosquito repellent.
You’re kidding?!! Wow, I’m going to start carrying vanilla around!
I have to know…
DID THIS WORK?? If it did this weekend is going to be spent buying all of these things so that the buggies leave me alone!!!
Thank you for this idea. My son is the same way. Any kind of bug bite turns into an infection. I was told about a lotion that’s been used as an insect repellent. Although it doesn’t say it on the package! I’ve recently started using Avon Skin So Soft, the Original version. Lotion him up whenever we head outside. He hasn’t had any bites since. The first day, I made the mistake of not putting any on me and I was bit. So I know it works. Now off to the nursery to get some plants. Thanks!
Just catching up on my blog reading & reading the bunny watch & giggling like a crazy woman lol. I take vitamin B12 daily for other health reasons & someone told me that this is the reason skeeters don’t bite me. I bruise & swell & itch like mad also when bitten so I do all I can to avoid it.
Just looked at the bottle & it’s actually B12 complex so it contains other B vitamins also.
Ugh, thank you so much for the tip! I sit outside in the morning and evening to feed the bunnies & have been getting eaten alive! I’m trying this immediately. Thanks!!
I just came across this post and wanted to add my friend’s two cents about treating swollen bug bites. Her son suffers from awful swelling when he gets bit by mosquitos, what she does is cut a garlic clove in half and places it on the bite for 20 seconds (she says it starts stinging around 10seconds) and it draws out the irritant that causes the swelling. She also swears by garlic supplements to keep the bugs away.
Garlic supplements will definitely keep bugs away. As well as pets, people, or anything else anything with a good nose.
Make sure your dogs are up to date on heart worm testing and heart worm preventative!!!!! Please.
Two questions: Are those plants child and dog & cat friendly? Also, any plant tips for keeping flies & gnats away, too?
I just planted thyme, two pots of lemon grass and lemon balm all are considered herbs and can be used in cooking but also have a scent that repels Mosquitos, or that’s the theory. I recently learned thyme is an ingredient in some mouthwashes like listerine. I read an earlier comment about spraying listerine outside to deter the bugs too. I think I’ll give that a try also. I didn’t know about the geranium but I will look for some. 🙂
this is an interesting idea!! i also have seen many people using “Creeping Thyme” in planters for Mosquito repellent. i hate using bug spray so i am definitely thinking about using some plants in my planters that will help keep the Mosquito’s away so my daughter and i can enjoy time outside during the night as well as the day 🙂
Put LISTERINE, (I use the orange flavor), in a spray bottle & spray your deck boards or concret patio, under chairs, around doors, around childrens swing sets & play equipment…reapply after a rain or every couple of weeks, it’s worked for me!
Good tip! I’m going to totally try that!