I can’t believe I didn’t know about these Perdue already baked chicken breasts. My sweet friend Kelly told me about them & how she uses the Italian ones to make a quick & dirty chicken parm.
I had to resist the urge to kiss her.
I feel like I’m in the newborn baby daze from being up so much at night with Sam, dinners like this are perfect for keeping in your backpocket for just such an occasion as sick kids. At least it’s a step up from the chicken & french fries takeout we’ve been doing lately…It’s so simple I don’t even think I need to explain much more than the craptastic cell phone pics but just in case you’re feeling a little slow today…
Preheat oven to 350, in a baking dish spread a light layer of store bought spaghetti sauce. Next place chicken breasts on top, top with mozzarella cheese & a little more sauce around the chicken. Bake until ooey gooey. Serve with spaghetti or pasta of your choice.
Sam is still sick but we saw a pulmonologist yesterday who hopefully had the answers to our prayers. He thinks she’s developed an asthmatic cough from a couple of consecutive viruses she must of picked up. With his plan of some oral & nebulizer steroids over 5 days she should be better by tomorrow or Friday. I was really worried about the steroids making her into a nutcase (she had rsv once & they literally made her a tiny RAVING LUNATIC) but so far no big changes. If anything she’s kind of out of it.
Sophie is still sick but {knock knock} it’s just a cold. There’s been a lot of this…
At this point whatever works I’m game for it. Be it steroids or unlimited ipad time, WHATEVER. I’m in.
Great idea for the chicken parm! Hope the little ones feel better soon!
poor Sam- with the nebulizer treatments at her age, I would get so crazy hyper with the steroids, once when I was hungry my mom found me almost on top of the fridge trying to get a box of cereal…
Aw! That’s awful!! Steroids scare me. I’d usually shy away but at this point we’re desperate.
UGH…we’re all just getting over being sick over here. It’s horrible! Nebs, meds, etc. How did you like our ONLY pedi pulmonologist in the county? He’s a fast talker and calls everyone “mom”, but he’s not too bad!
Hope everyone gets better soon! xoxo
Yeah, not exactly a warm & fuzzy guy but he seemed to be very thorough & know what he was talking about! How are your little ones?
OMG those pictures are heartbreaking! I hope you all start feeling better soon!
We have had to deal with the nebulizers and meds for our 3 year old too. How the heck did you get Sam to keep that mask on her face?!?! we have to hold it up to our child as she screams and trys to get away.. it is the worst thing ever when we know she needs her neb… But it works! Hope your kiddos get better soon. This time of year is always when things hit us too..
Honestly, we were both shocked that she willingly kept it on! We really push the fact that it’s ‘fairy air’ but she’s absolutely positively not allowed to fly in the house. She thinks that funny…thank goodness!
I’m with you…whatever works! Thanks for the tip on the dinner, I will be going to the store this weekend to purchase the chicken. (:
Does the meat really taste like chicken? I’ve tried using shortcuts like this before in casseroles, but I always pick out the “meat” because it tastes fake or smells odd. How is this brand/version?
Hey Natasha! I’ve been trying like crazy to find your taco soup recipe. I made it once and it was delicious but I think it got lost in the switch to LPM. Do you think you could scrounge it up for us? I’d be so happy! Love your blog, thanks so much!
Ask & ye shall receive! http://littlebirdiesecrets.blogspot.com/2009/04/taco-soup.html
Those pictures of poor Sam break my heart! I hope you are all mending and resting well.
I just made the chicken parm! Soooooo delicious and easy! Thanks for sharing it! Then only thing extra I did was toss the noodles in olive oil with some parm cheese and garlic powder.
Hope the girls are feeling better soon!
We fall asleep to Yo Gabba Gabba over here, too
Hope everyone is feeling better! Thanks for all the great posts! 
Do what you have to right? Tonight is the first time in many many weeks that Sam has gone to sleep in her own bed…I think we might just be on the mend!