Have you ever been in a place in your life where you’re completely content with just going through the motions?
You already know this but I’ll go ahead & say it out loud, I haven’t been blogging lately. Maybe once a week if I’m lucky & accomplishing that is like pulling teeth. Honestly, whenever I sit down to blog I find myself making up excuses not to. It’s like what I do when I need to sit down & pay bills…maybe I’ll just fold some clothes first, or I’ll just throw a quick coat of nail polish on…anything to put it off a bit longer. The weird thing though is I’ve been writing this blog for 5 years & rarely have thought of it as a chore. Until now, for the first time it’s starting to feel that way, like something else to add to the list of things I have to do & don’t. That bums me out. I don’t want to think of LPM like that…so I decided to have a one on one therapy session to dig a little deeper. Except I haven’t been able to get around to scheduling an appointment with the therapist. You know, that whole not accomplishing things problem. So I had a long heart to heart with Lucy our golden retreiver.
Me: I don’t get it, I actually do have some time on my hands lately, which normally would make me over the moon because I’d actually be able to commit some time to my blog but I’m still not getting anything done. Why do you think that is? I still love it, in fact I really miss writing, so why all the self inflicted pushback for getting it done?Me: Right. So maybe it’s just a rut? Like writer’s block?
Me: Interesting. So what you’re saying is it’s not a rut because I actually am still crafting & cooking & thinking of posts I’d like to write about, there’s no lack of content ideas. And it’s not a time problem because the girls are in school more, my doctor’s appointments have calmed down & I’m taking a break from horseback riding lessons to let my back heal, for once in my life I actually have time. A little at least. I’m curious where you’re going with this…
Me: I’m afraid I don’t follow.
Me: Ohhhh, that’s very very interesting. In fact, it makes perfect sense! The last 6 months have been a roller coaster of events that have been extremely physically & emotionally exhausting, perhaps my avoidance to blog is because my mind & heart know that I need some time to just do nothing. Some time to take comfort in having nothing new, nothing pressing, nothing extreme. To actually enjoy the monotony of waking up, taking the girl’s school, coming home, walking the dog, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, picking the girls up, spending the afternoon together, cooking dinner, cleaning up, bedtime & TV with P. It’s funny, because that monotony is exactly why I started this blog. I needed something I enjoyed that was just for me & brought a little excitement into the sometimes dull repetition of a stay at home mom’s day. When you’ve had so many out of the ordinary ups & downs (sickness with me, sickness with the kids, the loss of Rose, the gain of Sheldon, holiday travel…) perhaps it’s ok to take a little time to just ‘be’. To spend the days cleaning the kitchen & watching Dr Oz & TMZ. And yes, I AM surprised by how much I learn from those two shows! I have to say, you’re a very smart lady. I was really worrying myself that something was wrong with me but our little talk has really put things into perspective. Is there any way I can thank you?
I’m realizing after proof-reading this that the problem may be I have in fact gone mad.
I called these times “nesting” and they were not dull or uneventful for me, they were serenity and peace. I loved my “nest” at home when I did nothing but take care of kids and hubby. It’s a blessing to be able to do so and short lived because kids grow up fast and life will throw you plenty to juggle and deal with. As much as you may love to blog, its still a job. Time off from a job is fine. Enjoy the season and wonder of having little ones at this time. its the most comforting thing in the world to have your family fill your days during the holidays. Everything else can take a back seat for a while.
Thanks mom (: As usual, the best advice comes from you!
This is just the cutest blog…. I have to admit I do stalk your page daily for updates because they are so good.. You write from your heart and I think that is what pulls me in… I can relate on so many levels to your feelings, stories etc. IT”S OKAY to take a break and I know it’s easier said than done but don’t stress about it… I can’t promise I won’t continue to stalk your blog but for me it will make your posts even more special… Enjoy your holiday season with your beautiful family 8-)))))
Seriously Melanie, best compliment EVER! That really is the best thing you could possibly say because it’s 100% my goal, to be relatable & authentic. Thank you for getting that!
Im like Melanie. I come by and see if theres any new post but I know lately youve been going thru a lot. And it is ok to just “be”! we’ll still be here and understand the things you go thru and as true followers and “friends” never judge you for taking time for yourself…youre allowed!
Loved this blog super cute
Aw, thanks Claudia, I love hearing about how people read the blog, like that you come by from time to time to check in. Thankyou for not forgetting up me when there’s nothing new (:
It sounds like you’re just emotionally and physically drained, and when you hit that place, all you can really do is sit back and re-charge. You’ll know when it’s time to write again, but for now? Just let yourself be. Your life has been so chaotic lately, that my guess is you are just savoring the monotony. And that? That is okay. Soon enough, you’ll get that restless itch, and when that happens, we’ll be here, waiting to hear from you. For now? Enjoy the monotony, enjoy your kids, enjoy your husband, enjoy your pups, enjoy the holidays and just be.
If Lucy really DOES start talking to you? Like audibly? Then, yes, perhaps you’ve gone a little mad… 🙂
Lol, I think you’re absolutely right Wendy. It’s kind of nice to be completely satisfied with just ‘being’. I know myself & it won’t last but for the first time I think, ever, I’m tooootally fine with it. Until the dog starts talking, then perhaps I’ll look into getting out more.
I feel the same way. After blogging for three years without having a problem coming up with content….this year I just haven’t kept up. Same like you, it’s not due to lack of content. Perhaps it could be because I started photographing weddings and even more families. I don’t have time to blog for “fun” anymore bc I have to keep up with editing photos. And now I’m pregnant, which means I sleep at 9pm, when I’d normally blog and edit, putting me even further behind. But you know what, I come first, and a pregnant mama needs sleep! There’s so much I want to blog about though =T I like looking back at how my daughter’s grown throughout the years from the activities I post…but this year, I didn’t do that as much and I’m kinda bummed about not having those posts to look back on.
I like the idea of it being “nesting.” I know exactly what you mean. Especially when it happens around the holidays and you just step back from all of the obligations and just live in the moment with your kids, hubby and cute dogs. When this moment passes, you just might want to blog. Just roll with it. Lucy agrees.
Sounds pretty normal to me. We all go through ups/downs. Our lives are one big cycle. I loved thus post by the way. I always enjoy your posts. God Bless.
I’ll be here waiting until the monotony turns into just that and you want to blog again. Until then, I will always make LPM one of my daily blog stops, and will get super excited when I see a new post. Thanks for always being honest and sharing your story with all of us.
You know, I think some of us, despite being strangers, kind of saw this coming a mile away. Glad you figured it out though 🙂 Of course we’ll miss you (um yeah, I also click on this website several times a day looking for a new post), but just enjoy life for a bit.
I think sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves, even on the things that we enjoy. When we do that though it takes away from the enjoyment we get by writing posts, or whatever else we enjoy doing. I think it’s good to sit back, and not try to figure out why your not doing something, but knowing that if it’s something you really enjoy doing, you’ll do it. No pressure. If you post once a day, week, month, it’s what is good for you at that time in your life. Don’t try to analyze it. Sometimes things just have to be.
I have never left a comment on a blog before, but I have been following your blog for about 3 years now. I live one state over in NOVA so we experience a lot of the same weather and other craziness that is this tri state area. I truly appreciate your candid and often hilarious opinions on motherhood, life, and crafting in general. If you are experiencing some pushback about something, take it as your instincts telling you something. Sometimes you need to step away from a project or situation to gain some perspective. As I have been a long time reader, I know you have been dealt some doozies. If you decided to give it a rest for a wile, I would be sad, but completely supportive of a fellow Mom who is learning to take care of herself, in addition to everything else. Mucha suerte!
Thank you Lisa, it has been a doozy hasn’t it?! Thank you for getting that, it makes me feel much better! (:
Take your time to come back your fans will be waiting 🙂
Natasha – I too check your blog daily for posts because you are simply awesome! Give yourself permission to take a break. Schedule in vacation or “leave” from writing much like you would with a typical 8-5 job and don’t feel guilty about it, we all understand. Every job (even if it’s a passion of yours) should allow for rest and downtime. OK? Now, step away from the computer and spend the holidays with your family and friends. We will be here when you return. 🙂 Happy Holidays! – Lauren
Thank you Lauren, that is exactly what I needed to hear!
I think we’ll all wait for you. I love reading your blog but you’re a person too and deserve time. Take some time from writing! (but please post pictures, give us a story board, we’ll make it up as we go 🙂 )
Good luck!!
LOL, you got it Mary!
Sometimes you just need that time to “be”. Don’t feel bad!!! I ran across your blog right after I found out that I was pregnant at the beginning of the year. I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading what you have to write, and it is always so heartfelt. I tend to come to your page at least 2 or 3 times a week. Even if there is nothing new. (i have a habit of reading some of the older posts!) Enjoy the holidays with your family, & the kids. They are only little once. =) (& totally cute btw).
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!
ps. reading this post really made me miss our german shepard, Lucy. She passed over the summer and she was my go to gal. I miss our chats. Enjoy yours with your Lucy 😉
Aww, Emily I’m so sorry you lost your Lucy. ):
Thank you for your sweet words though, I totally go back & read old posts with blogs I love too & that’s such a great compliment to know you feel that way about mine. (:
Haha, you’re not mad – as a Hispanic female you’re naturally ‘crazy’ – at least that’s what I’m told about myself. Take a break and take it easy, its the Holiday season tis’ the season to relax and enjoy the little moments. This is why I blog once a week, its less stressful and very manageable for a mom that works full time with two boys that have an addiction to video games. 🙂 Take care and hope you’re feeling better Natasha! -Iva
You seriously just wrote a post that I was thinking but didn’t post! I also have had a lot going in this year (nothing serious just big changes) and now I’m pregnant with #3 and I feel like blogging is a chore. Maybe it’s the hormones talking or maybe the first trimester sleepies… But it’s just too hard haha! I’m giving myself permission to do nothing and I feel ok with it! I think it’s so smart for you to take a break! Your body is trying to tell you to just relax 🙂 hope you and your fam have a great holiday!!
Thanks Taylor, it’s good to know another blogger feels the same! You can only do so many jobs before one (or more) starts to suffer & I think it makes you a good mom to focus on that for awhile. We’ll be back though, I’m sure of it!
I love this. Time for oneself is so important. You take it.
Totally understand, but have to say that I miss you! Love hearing what’s new (even if not much) with you, P, and the girls. 🙂 Have a wonderful, RELAXING holiday, and hope to hear from you soon!