Gotta love Pinterest for giving me this idea. Sophie’s class of 2 year olds were certainly grateful. A baker I am not & let me say these were super easy. I used funfetti cake mix for the cupcakes, Wilton’s royal blue icing for the fur (3 tubes for 20 cupcakes) & white chocolate wafers with black gel frosting for the googly eyes. A lot of the Cookie Monster cupcake pins used a special tip & frosting bag for the fur. I started off trying that but it would’ve taken FOREVER. I found spreading the frosting with a knife & then patting it quickly with the side of the knife picked it up in a way that looked like fur. At least I think it looked furry.
The last tip I have is to draw the pupils (more like dab or dot them) on the wafers & then stick the tray in the fridge for a few minutes to chill before attaching them to the cupcakes with a bit of frosting. When they reach room temperature they tended to melt & drip down the eye. Which was scary.
I’d also recommend refrigerating the finished cupcakes until you’re ready to serve them. Oh, and if you make these for a classroom birthday party I suggest passing along the message to parents to expect some bright blue poop from their kids. That frosting dye is crazy & can be quite shocking!
I can’t believe my big crazy girl is two already. Happy birthday Sophie Monster! You are dearly loved little one!
i’m not much of a baker, and i’ve seen these around the internet, but you’ve convinced me to make them. they look delicious! plus i love that adorable picture of Sam with blue frosting all over her mouth 🙂
I can’t believe she is 2 already!!! I feel like you just had her!
Seriously, that girl just gets cuter and cuter!
Happy Birthday Soph! And not to draw the attention away from her but that means I’ve been following LPM for a year now! ( the first post I read was a very funny and sweet bday post to soph for her 1st)
I did the same for my older son’s 2nd birthday, but I got Safeway to spray-paint pre-made white cupcakes blue, then I added the eyes and cookie mouths. I couldn’t find white chocolate wafers, so I used white chocolate chips, which weren’t as effective. I’ll definitely do the wafers next year when my youngest turns 2.
LOVE these! Great job, especially in the details (not just putting in a cookie but also adding crumbs).
Your girls are so darling. Happy birthday Sophie! What a lucky little princess you are!
Seriously – you are the coolest mom ever, I can’t even imagine how long that must have taken. I’m in LOVE with all things cookie monster. Can’t believe she’s 2; they grow up so fast. Happy birthday Sophie!
aw love that first pic of her! and whoa, weird about the poop. the cupcakes turned out great! and no one wants a zombie cookie monster 🙁
Wow what a great & creative idea! They look so adorable!
Just LOLed at the blue poop! In first grade my mom brought undecorated cupcakes to school and my class got to decorate them. I went a little crazy with the red squeezy gel and had an allergic reaction and broke out in awful hives! I still remember bright red waste to this day! Yikes! ALSO major TMI.
PS How different schools are today…! As a teacher, I can’t imagine anyone in our admin to be okay with a parent coming in and letting a class spend an hour decorating cupcakes for one kids birthday. 🙁
Hey Natasha!! Just sending you well wishes. I heard on Kane Show that you are in the hospital. Rest well and take care of yourself!!
I, too, heard you might be having your appendix removed on the Kane Show this morning, and I hope everything goes smoothly and that you feel better soon!
Also, I definitely plan on making these cookie monster cupcakes. Thanks for the tips 🙂
OMG when did Sophie get so big?!?! I feel like she should barely be a year old.
My son is going to be 5 next month, im going to try this cup cake idea for him and his classmates. Thanks for the recipe! looks very easy. One question, where did you find white chocolate wafers in that shape ive been looking around but have had no luck =/ Thanks!
Yay!! Let me tell you, it will be a HUGE hit in class, the kids went bananas. I actually found the white chocolate wafers at Michaels, over in the cake decorating aisle. They’re perfect for giant googly eyes! Good luck, please send a pic along if you do make them, I’d love to see!