Lately we’ve been letting Sam stay up past her bedtime so we can chase fireflies in the yard. She loves it & we get all emotional & mushy about how special these summertime memories are with our little girls. I thought a little glow-in-the-dark firefly dress would be fun & a nice way to remember the moment…
Oh, & in case you’re wondering about the length…Sam’s new *thing* is to only wear dresses that are “down”. After many arguments about how her dress was already “down” I realized she meant she wanted it to be lonnnng. Aha. 3 yr old speak. And an “up” dress means short. Well of course it does honey. Duh.
The dress is made of recycled knits & the fireflies are drawn on with some 99 cent glow puffy paint, it also has a drawstring hem (just for fun) made from running a red grosgrain ribbon through the hem casing & cinching it with a cord stop.
Any other ideas for summertime traditions? What were your favorites as a kid?
I’m all about imprinting her little brain with joyous occasions.
I love it. I love the idea of capturing a moment.
This summer has been the best so far. Glad your is going well, too!
Oops! *yours*
I’m having a problem seeing most of the pictures – doesn’t seem to be loading right for me. Anyone else having issues?
same problem and refreshing doesn’t help. I’m using Firefox.
Try updating your firefox, I was using an outdated version and after I updated it I was able to see the photos…
One of my favorite summertime memories is eating ice cream with my sister and parents outside, and catching lighting bug’s in our PJ’s!!
I so wish i had the ability to just whip something like this out! I consider myself crafty but i have zero sewing skills. i should really learn because my girls would look so stinkin cute in some of your creations! I’m also so jealous that you have fireflies! there aren’t any where i live. Real life tragedy, i know.
I am having the same issues as MelindaB.
You totally lied to Kane yesterday. That shirt is total farmer!
Hahaha, I liked it!
I love this, what kind of stitch do you use on the arm and head trim. My daughter always ends up putting it on and breaking the stitches. 🙁
Yeah, that was one of my reasons for getting a serger. My knit seams kept ripping & after all the effort you put into a garment to have the seam come apart just plain SUCKS. The serger is amazing at that kind of stuff.
If you can’t splurge for a serger though my best advice would be a narrow zig-zag that way it would have some stretch.
i love this summer time memory because my girls do the same every nite 🙂
I cannot see most of the photos. I have tried ‘reloading’ the page a few times, but it still will not show up. 🙁
One thing my kids really love to do in the spring and summer is water anything and everything in the yard. It seems cheesy, but they love to watch the garden and plants grow.
My kids also love to make their own popsicles. (is that spelled right?) I have a few recipes that they love. I think I might be sharing that soon on a future post, now that the heat has finally come to OR.
I’m not sure what’s going on. ):
I actually couldn’t see the first two photos at one point but then I did a Firefox update & they worked after that. I wish I had better tech skillz!
Not a stalker, just a mommy fan and I have to say. Sam’s hair is growing so much! It looks so long in those little braids! Precious. Time is flying!
Growing up in super hot Texas summers my parents would always take all 6 of us kids to the snow cone booth. We would sit on old wooden benches and we would laugh and show each other the color of our tongues! It was wonderful, my mom still says Blue Coconut was the best flavor!