Tonight I was once again unwinding by looking through different blogs I read and on one of them I noticed that she posted about her friend’s new blog, the title seemed to be quite interesting to me since it’s a term I coined on my blog (or at least I thought I did!) and I’m torn as to whether or not to post it and give this lady the wrath or my wonderful mommy friends or should I just ignore her & let karma kick her idea stealing hiney? There is of course always the chance that I’m wrong and this lady just happened to think of the idea I had but she just started her blog a couple of months ago and based it all on my catchphrase…could that really be just a coincidence??
I’m pretty pissed about this, not quite sure I can do anything though. Or SHOULD do anything is probably more like it.
I suppose I can sleep on it. Although I do have some good blogs, tutorials & recipes for you this week, I was going to go ahead and write out some of them tonight but now I’m too mad. Not to mention they might get stolen! Ok, I’ll stop. I think I’ll just watch Entourage and sneak Saltines into bed. The little suckers are so loud I have to let them melt in my mouth for a minute otherwise the crunching wakes P up. That’s love I tell ya.
I love your blog! I am so sorry someone stole some of your ideas! You have some of the cutiest ideas. Hopefully you will keep posting!
I love your blog! I am so sorry someone stole some of your ideas! You have some of the cutiest ideas. Hopefully you will keep posting!
Hmmm…So you never did a follow up post on this. I've been wondering who it was and while going through my craft blogs today I think I found it…
Does it have something to do with like maybe doing something while your baby is asleep?????