The pregnancy insomnia is starting to kick in. It hasn’t left much energy for crafting (or honestly much of anything, you should see my dirty clothes pile, it could swallow up a small child) but I did snap some pics at the mall awhile back of items that I want to do tutorials for, thought you might like to see them…maybe they’ll inspire you too. (:
Also does anyone know of a natural way to help with “crazy legs”? I’ve written about having restless legs before but it was a long time ago so I thought I’d throw it out there again. They’re absolutely terrible during pregnancy for me & wake me up all night. Bad legs.
I’m thinking this will be pretty darn simple. A rectangle tube for the lining, several rows of the sparkly fabric sewed one underneath the other, one longer than the prior so it’s nice & full, then an elastic waistband. I ogle over this sparkly fabric all the time at JoAnn’s and just never know what to do with it, now I know!
I’ve actually been holding onto this one from Anthropologie for awhile, I knew I could do it but I just wasn’t sure how. With all the fabric flower tutorials going around lately however I feel a bit more confident. Kind of like this pillow I did a month ago…hmmm, it really would be cute.
At first I had Sam in mind for this one but now that I’m looking at it again I really want it (:
This one I was half-tempted to not post because I didn’t want anyone to steal the idea before I did it but then I thought, eh, that’s silly. And I probably wouldn’t be the 1st to do it anyway. But aren’t they adorable?! It’s a nice alternative to the tie onesie that everyone (myself included) has done over & over. Also I get so excited when a good boy craft comes my way because I never get to do anything for the little men!
I’m so sleepy but after going through all these pics I really want to go in my craft room & get cracking! I hate when my body doesn’t cooperate with my mind. ):
you have to rest!!
the bad legs, i think it's a signal of lack of magnesium, it's good to eat bananas.
Love the skirt! The only thing that helped my rls was tylenol simply sleep and my husband rubbing my feet (of course it stopped working when he stopped rubbing. . . . ) Good luck; it's no fun.
"I hate when my body doesn't cooperate with my mind. ):"
It's even more frustrating when someone else's body is not cooperating with your craftiness! My new baby seems to know just when the sewing machine flicks on & apparently does not like it! Gotta grow an extra arm . . . Enjoy the pregnancy. Love the anticipation and wonder of a new life.
Potassium, calcium-magnesium, and make sure you are getting enough salt in your diet, for the RLS.
Mine were/are potassium caused. I would pop a potassium pill with dinner just about every evening. (just looked & they're 99mg each) It helped considerably during both pregnancies. If you need calcium, a wintergreen Tums or two was just the ticket. It/they eased a bit of nausea & tasted yummy.
I will follow what the rest of what everyone else said and say potassium as well. Crazy legs and the rash I got at the end made me want to go crazy, but my OB and nurse brother in law confirmed that I needed more potassium.
Love the suspenders one. I'm thinking of trying it but don't worry I won't be stealing it from you I'm such a procrastinator that by the time I make them it'll be for my GRAND son and you'll have gotten your tutorial up and then some by then! Heck that's even if the internet is still around by then!
Does the boy craft mean that you are having a boy or are you waiting to find out? I have been blog stalking for a while but have not seen anything about Chum-Chum's gender!
Omg! I love that belt. Please make me one!! Lol
For my RLS during pregnancy, my doctor said that she had patients who had success using Dramamine – at least for helping with sleep at nite. I tried it and it worked for me! Good luck – restless legs are the worst!
I had bad legs too during pregnancy… before I went to bed I would do some runners stretches ( I know terrible mental picture but I did) and that really seemed to help. Good luck! I feel your pain!
I know how you feel! I went through a time where I didn't even want to THINK about going in my craft room for anything other than checking email. Hope you get some energy back!
Cute ideas! I can't wait to see them.
Drink half a cup of tonic water before you go to bed- it helps with crazy legs!
The tonic water also works for my mom, she mixes half tonic water and half, crystal light or diet mt dew. Just gotta figure out what taste best. Good luck!
JCrew has the cutest rose belts too, I have a pic on my phn…funnee to know other people do that too.
Okay, I'm not a follower, but a friend posted a link regarding the tutorials and I found myself most interested in your leg problem. I had my baby last year and my doctor had me taking some Mama Calm ( ) to help and it was so great. I would be lying in bed, restless legs, go take my Mama Calm and it would be gone in SECONDS! Not kidding. The Mama Calm is specific for expectant mothers, but there are kinds for all ages. It's really amazing what a little magnesium can do for you! Good luck!
I LOVE the suspenders! That is so cute, I wish I was having a boy now! To get myself motivated I am going to have to browse through your girl crafts and set to work on something.
For your legs–potassium (sp?) has always worked for me. You should ask your doctor or midwife though, because each person and pregnancy are different. I hope that you are able to get some sleep soon! 🙂
Some really cute things you found!! I LOVE reading your blog…you are amazing, and samster is precious!
As for your legs, I know putting a bar of ivory soap at the foot of your bed(under your fitted sheet) helps with restless leg syndrome…not sure if it will help but it's a cheap solution to try!
I heard and old wives tale that you should sleep with a bar of soap in the bed. Doesn't matter where but people swear by it! Can't hurt to try!
I had really bad restless legs while preggo, they had to give me iron supplements for it. and i lived in the tub every night before bed to help too. LOVE the small paul onesie… can't wait to see the tutorial, have a little nephew on the way and need to shift from girlie stuff too!!!
Love your crafts!! I have had restless leg off and on for awhile! thanks for throwing the question out there.. these answers are going to help me out a lot too!
I have restless leg so bad…I am 31wks now. I tried everything finally my doctor suggested benadryl..It works!
I love finding inspiration when I'm out shopping! I love those suspenders on the onesie! Would love to see a tute on that. That belt was EXACTLY what I had been looking for to finish off my first shirt dress, so don't be mad but I tried my hand at it. (=
I'm so excited I finally got my settings fixed and now I post a comment! I love your blog and I have been following for some time but could not post. For those of you having the same problem change your cookies to accept 4rd parties.
I just couldn't wait I had to try the suspenders. If you want to take a peak at my version at
I've never had "crazy legs" as both of my kids are adopted. I was however talking with a girlfriend last week and she swears by this little trick. I have no idea where she heard it or how it works but it might be worth a shot. She puts a bar of soap (Ivory, Dove etc) in her sheets down near her feet. Like I said I have no idea where or why but it works for her. Let me know if it works for you.
I just found your blog today and I love it! I too had jumpy legs during both of my pregnancies. Ditto on the Mama Calm! Also, I would rub BioFreeze on my legs towards the end. It's active ingredient is "Natural Menthol". You smell a little tooth paste-y but it helped me. My "natural people" and my o.b. both agreed it was completely fine to use.