This is one of those posts where my friends who have kids might go,
“Oh, that’s funny, so & so did that…“
but my friends who have not had children will say,
“EW.” “Wow.” “Hmm, I wonder if I can go ahead & refill my birth control prescription…“
Samster keeps pooping in her sleep. I’m sure when she’s a teenager if she ever finds this post there will be some major slamming of doors & the end of life as she knows it but I just have to see if anyone’s else kid does this. Almost everyday for the better part of last week Samster woke up early from her nap because she crapped herself. I haven’t changed her diet or eating times. She used to just poop in the morning but now, now it’s during naptime, & it’s FOUL.
I’ve decided to send a memo to her digestive tract in hopes of reaching a resolution.
Dear Samster’s Bowels,
It has been my recent experience that you’ve changed your work schedule. Although I wish to respect your independence as a functioning member of Samster’s body I have to let you know that this change is greatly effecting my naptime productivity levels. Not to mention the stank that comes from Samster’s bedroom is downright wrong & is becoming a bit of a workplace environmental issue. If there is something that has caused you to make this change that I can assist you in please let me know. Perhaps you no longer like peas with your chicken nuggets? Or you’d prefer water instead of apple juice with lunch? I’m here to work WITH you, not against you, but I can’t help you if you don’t communicate with me.
Thank you for your time & hard work, I look forward to resolving this in a timely & effective manner that will make us both happy.
My son did that for a while – it's pretty frustrating when their entire day gets disrupted from a single poo.
I think we started shifting when we gave him certain things – like giving him apple juice with breakfast so he'd have plenty of time to "clean house" before naptime. Once we got his daily poo-time shifted, we didn't have any more problems with naps.
Good luck!! 🙂
I had to laugh because my daughter (who will be 20 months this week) did the same thing for a while, and still does sometimes. It totally messes up nap time for Momma! The joys of mommyhood, huh? 🙂
Mine has been doing it for weeks. I just want to scream "but you have an HOUR of nap to go!" It has made for very ugly evenings, since she is tired an hour too early. Glad to hear I'm not the only one!
My son used to wake up with poo in his diaper which was so nasty mixed in with all night pee! Just be glad that she is only going once a day…mine goes like 4 times! It's definitely time to start potty training! 🙂
Also, I made a sticker book! Check it out! 🙂 (At the very bottom of the post)
And freezer paper stenciled shirts for my boys!
I linked to you in both of these so I thought you might want to check them out! 🙂
HAHAHAH. Oh, yea! I was afraid Siu Jeun was the ONLY one who did that. 😉 Every morning…it's like an alarm clock. LOL
So funny! Great letter
Oh naptime, how I miss naptime!! My kids are too old for naps now, but when they slept for that 2 hours in the middle of the day, it was like a little piece of quiet heaven. I hope your little pooper stops pooping at naptime soon!
Yeah my three year old, who is potty trained, has recently decided that naptime it is okay to poop in her pants pretty much within 15 minutes of her nap starting. Darn you poop you are totally throwing off my day.
My 15 month old does it, too. She has been for about 6 months now! 🙂
I'm concerned about when she gets old enough to potty train. How will she ever learn to go poopy in the potty when she poops while she is sleeping??? I hope her habits change before that time comes.
Too funny! I've been there! I couldn't help but laugh out loud over your memo :).
My daughter does that now. It sucks–her naps are so short now! Hopefully they'll grow out of it soon!
That is hilarious, and what my life has to come for me in the future I imagine!
I feel for ya, Sistah. My 7 month old is having a sleep crisis (entirely of my making), and when she totally freaks out right before bed, she cries so hard that she poops. It's awe inspiring. Since we started solid foods last month, each poop is like an adventure in new sights, smells and textures… a poopy, nasty adventure… Wow. Motherhood is a LOT different than just old-lady-married-life 🙂
Thanks for the good laugh! All of my kids have gone through this stage. It seems to correct itself after a little while. I know it is frustrating, but it probably won't last forever. 🙂
oh, my dear, you are not alone. both of my daughters had the same naptime pooping routine. this too shall pass! hehe!
Hahahaha! That made my day. You crack me up!
try pushing nap time back a little or lunch time up I ajusted until things worked again
That's funny. For a few days there last week, Cady was messing up our whole day's routine by pooping 3 or 4 hours earlier than we usually wake up and interrupting all of our sleep.
Be happy she's not like my 4 month old. My baby girl only poops about once every week. So when she does… OMG. Nasty. It actually makes me gag. And breastfeed baby's poop isn't supposed to smell bad. My son's didn't. Last time she did it while in her jumperoo. And some how missed her diaper, clothes, and jumperoo just making it (all weeks worth) on the floor. It's about time again, my lucky day. -Jami
Oh yes this was a common thing at my house for a while. Very frustrating! This too shall pass (no pun intended).
LOL THis is like a page out of my life story.
Yes! My little girl would refuse to nap because she would poop just before falling asleep. I would be waiting for her to fall asleep and she would be up there singing and fighting her nap. Finally I would go in and tell her to quiet down and go to sleep and walk in and the smell would knock me over. I would ask her why didn't you just tell me you were poopy. Love your post! Hilarious!