Man those were some ugly fat pants.
Ah well, I didn’t care, you could’ve told me that Nordstrom was giving away free Marc Jacobs bags to everyone with brown hair and I wouldn’t have even been dazed because all I was consumed with was meeting my little girl.That’s it. The first time I saw her, my beautiful beautiful Samantha. I can’t believe that was one year ago! My baby is a toddler today, (sniffle sniffle) no more ba-ba’s, (well, except at night, I still love the nighttime bottle routine) little tantrums are starting and lately she wants to be cuddled less and independent more. Sigh. BUT, she’s a heck of a lot funnier now! For example…
We let her have her birthday presents from mommy & daddy today even though her party isn’t until Saturday. (eek! I still have SO much to do!!) One of my, I mean, her favorites is her new bike seat and helmet. Now she can help mommy get buns of steel! Although today we took the bike to go get quesadillas…shhhh…
Daddy got her a push car that she LOVES and I made her this stuffed kitty for her to cuddle with at night. She didn’t quite appreciate it yet, she wouldn’t even pose with it, but I’m sure once the excitement of lights and sounds on very fun push cars wear off the sentimental value of a hand-sewn stuffed animal will mean the world to her. Yeah, right. (;
*UPDATE* This morning she had a new love for her stuffed kitty and agreed to a few photos…
LOL!!! I don’t even know what caption to put for this one, hahahaha, oh man, so many things I could say…tell you what, if you have a good one for what Sam is saying in this pic leave it in the comments, I’d love to see what you guys come up with!
Happy Birthday to Sam!!! She's adorable. I can't wait to see pictures from the party!
Happy Birthday Samster! I loved this post Natasha!
Happy birthday sam!!!!!
You are such good parents. Enjoy it all! It goes by so fast! Mine are already driving and one is getting ready to start college! Can't wait to see photos of Samster in her party dress. Happy Birthday Sam!!! 🙂
"Mom I really wanna pick my nose but I know the minute I let you capture that on film I will be regretting forever, especially in the dating years!"