12oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 cu butter, melted
3 cu powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Mix all ingredients until creamy. Lick spoon, bowl & any spillage.
Also do you love my cute little animated Samster? I always assumed when I saw these little animated montages that they were extremely difficult & must require a large, complicated knowledge of HTML & internet savvy. Nope. It just requires you to go to a website & copy a code. Duh.
I used this site. Hmm, I wonder what else I could take sequential pictures of??
This week I want to:
*Cook a homemade pizza. I’ve never tried it & am craving melted cheese.
*Sew something “mermaid”-ish for Samster. Lately the only way she’ll let us wash her hair is to pretend it’s her long, beautiful, Ariel hair. It makes bathtime MUCH easier, & I’m all about not battling her little 2yr old iron will lately so I think I want to encourage her mermaid phase. Maybe I can convince her Ariel poops on the potty. Hm. Do mermaids poop? I mean, it’s not like they wear underwear.
*Vacuum more often so Sophie stops wearing a fur suit.

Love it!! This is where I got my recipe for homemade pizza:
Its SO easy and delicious! I make it all the time!
I love your blog, it's always so much fun to read.
This week i plan to:
*Make 4 blankets
*Get some more cute ideas for a baby shower i am throwing Saturday night
*Get ALL laundry done & put away (playing catch up from a broken washer last week)
Take a picture of your homemade pizza & share it with us. 🙂
This week I have 2 goals
1. wash all the bedding
2. wash rugs
Oh my gosh! I made homemade pizza today–it was SO easy, I promise! It was so good too!
Your girly is a cutie pie!
Yum – they look so pretty!
This week I really, really, really want to:
1) get rid of whatever is causing the lymph nodes in my throat to be swollen.
2) START WALKING – the 10 pounds that I just finished putting on is killin' me!
3) eat something from my garden – maybe an eggplant will be ready!
Thanks for showing how you did the animation – I'll have to try that on my personal blog. Your little Sam reminds me of my little Cora, 2 1/2. Such a strong willed but adorable little girl – maybe I could try convincing her Dora (her favorite) poops on the potty? I searched You Tube for a Dora potty video, but no luck.
This week I want to sew something!
This week I have to start packing and deep cleaning. We're moving. Uggh. Cupcakes look so delicious, btw!
Hi Natasha, have you tried Elmo's potty time video? It worked really well for our daughter. Also, preschool helped a lot, when she saw other kids "going" in the potty.
Hope you accomplish your week's list!
I saw mermaid coconut shells at the dollar store last week. If she were wearing a "mermaid bikini" would she take a bath?
This week I am continuing my out-of-school to-do list by sewing baby towels, curtains for my living room and craft room, recovering my ironing board, and doing the weekend's vacation laundry.
i love your blog. you inspired my own blogging spirit and some sort of DIY awakening within myself. i look forward to all your entries (plus i listen to the kane show faithfully, and it's hilarious when he calls you)!! i'm sure you get everyone saying this but keep it up! you keep us moms sane 🙂
Hey Natasha! I discovered the raw pizza dough from Trader Joes is awesome, and it's only like $0.99 per dough ball!!! You can get it in the refrigerated section. Plus you don't have to spend an entire day waiting for the pizza dough to rise. It really does make amazing pizza. Add your own sauce and toppings then stick it in the oven. It's so easy!
I agree about the TJ dough — great and so easy!
This week I'm going to: finish planting my flowers, finish folding and putting away the laundry, and make a tutu (my first!).