My kid has some nasty ass funk. Not like a B.O. funk, like a horrible virus that will NEVER. GO. AWAY. funk.
I think I’ve mentioned it on here & I know I’ve talked about it so much on my Facebook…
Sam has had the worst cough for 4 weeks now. We’ve been to the Dr. four times & she had been on amoxicillan for 9 days when yesterday around 11a she all of sudden spiked a 102.3 fever. Long story short the Dr. finally sent her for chest x-rays at the hospital & she has pneumonia. They changed her antibiotic to z-pack & I started her on it last night. So far she’s had a 103 fever last night & then again this morning. It goes down pretty well with Advil but my goodness, isn’t it just the worst helpless feeling in the world when your baby is all red-cheeked, clammy, watery eyed & miserable? I hate it so much.
She’s been coughing even worse today but I was told to expect that. The worry is the worst. I try not to let her know I’m worried (she’s a bit of a drama queen & will totally buy into it if she knows I suspect something is wrong…she gets it from me) but really I’m listening to every coughing spell intently. Peering to see if her lips are still pink. Are her ribs pulling? Is her breathing labored? Twenty four hours a day I’m the one who’s responsible for keeping this kid alive. It’s exhausting.
I just snapped this pic of her in bed next to me while I type…Such a little angel.
She’s moved into our bed since this all began because she wakes up at least 3 times a night coughing, needing water & soothing.
Today I fear Sophie monster might be showing the first signs of getting it too. No coughing but she’s had a runny nose & starting today, a low-grade fever.
The real tell tale sign Soph is sick however is that she actually sits still.As you can tell we’ve been spending a lot of time in my bed.
I am so running on fumes at this point guys I don’t even know how I would get it together to go through this whole thing again with Sophie. I know I would, I have to, but my goodness the thought just kills.
Obviously blogging has taken a backseat, as it should. I’ve read your peek-a-boob comments & I’m just dying to comment back because there are so many that I could not have said better myself. They are EXACTLY how I feel! I love you guys, you’re totally my BFFs.
I had a ton of great posts planned for LPM & the Kaneshow blog this week but I have to just let it roll off my back that they’re going to have to wait. Writing is my second job, right now my first job needs 100% of my attention AND THAT’S OK.
I’ve got to find a way to rally.
Do you ever feel like as a mom you spend your whole day thinking of everyone else’s needs, especially with a sick kid(s), you go-go-go until bedtime & then you keep going tending to them all night long only to get up bright & early and start the whole process over. But you feel like no one notices…because it’s my job maybe they don’t feel the need to say “hey, you sure look like you’re working your butt off, how are you holding up?” Sometimes I think it would take my body completely giving up on me & passing out on the floor before someone noticed that I haven’t had 2 seconds to eat or haven’t slept through the night in a month. I want to be selfless & all strong mommy who can handle it but the truth is I’m running out of steam…fast.
My husband is usually absolutely amazing at helping me out. We have no family locally & although we have some awesome babysitters it’s really just he & I 95% of the time. This week however he’s been so overwhelmed at work. He gets up early, works late & just like me, starts the whole day over without anyone offering to help him. Basically he couldn’t help me anymore if he tried. That well is off limits right now. Man is stretched to max capacity & it will do no good to either one of us to have him fall apart on me.
I think I’m babbling. I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Just typing, & tired, with a beautiful little brunette snoring on my arm. I think that’s how I’ll make it through tomorrow & the next day & the next…how can I not, these two beautiful creatures need me. And I need to take care of them. I’m mommy.
Oh no, so sorry to hear Sam has pneumonia. We haven’t hit that point yet, but someone in this house has had some sort of illness since early/mid December. It’s exhausting for sure. When K had croup in Dec. I was freaked out, watching the breathing, etc. I hope Sam’s meds work quickly so she can start to feel better and so you can rest a bit easier (literally and figuratively). And here’s hoping Sophie doesn’t get it too. Hang in there!
Keep a close eye on Kendall, is she still coughing? Did you know SIX kids in their class have had this ‘coughing’ sickness & it’s turned into pneumonia??! SIX! That’s just crazy.
Holy moly, 6?! We ran into Jane at the pediatrician’s office when we took K in after day 4 of fevers close to 103. They said her lungs were clear. She is still coughing though. I will keep listening and watching. So far it’s not nearly as bad as when she had croup…mostly kicks in if she tries to run around too much. Poor kid is so bored.
Aww, poor little babies and parents too! I hope all is back to “normal” soon π
I know how you are feeling. My son now is almost 17, but starting from about 10mos he would get so sick. The coughing, the high fevers (104+), walking phnemonia……. He was diagnosed with asthma and allergies. Things get better as you recognize the signs and the triggers. What I can tell you is that AMOXICILLIN never worked. I got to the point I would tell the Dr. Right off the bat no I don’t want amoxicillin. Also, no matter what the Dr said about it being viral or bacterial (they say antibiotics don’t work on viral infections) I insisted on antibiotics because the experience was that no matter what he had he would end up with antibiotics. I just was sick of going for days with him being sick before they would prescribe antibioticsn(good ones, not amoxicillin). Another thing was the nebulizer. This helped him a lot!! He is almost and now he rarely needs his inhaler and things are much better. So just keep at it!! You are doing a great job!!!
You’re absolutely right. And it’s funny you say that about amox. my girlfriend was just telling me the exact same thing…with her daughter amox is a complete waste of time. I wonder if it’s too weak or they’ve built up an immunity to it…
I totally see myself in your post! My life revolves around taking care of my four kids and my sick husband. “Me” time does not exist. That’s what I signed up for, though. They are my greatest blessings. Glad to know that I’m not the only one in this boat. I hope your babies get better soon!
I’m so glad to know I’m not alone in the boat either. (:
Aw, I am sorry. I have been there. We also have no local family, and when our daughter gets sick, it borders on traumatic trying to balance it all. She went through all this, too… Colds that triggered asthma that triggered bronchitis that turned into pneumonia. The good news is she seemed to grow out of it… She just had one winter that it truly seemed like she was always sick, and then her immune system seemed to kick in… Stay strong, Momma.
“Twenty four hours a day Iβm the one whoβs responsible for keeping this kid alive. Itβs exhausting.”
That was an incredibly powerful statement. I am not a mother nor do I want to be one soon, and that sentence scared the crap out of me. It also made me very tired for you at the same time. Good luck! I hope those beautiful babies feel better soon.
Don’t be too scared. It is pretty heavy, you’ll feel overwhelmed with it when you leave the hospital for the first time with that little swaddled bundle but don’t worry…the incredible love you have will give you the strength to get through it. Sometimes you’ll just need to vent like I did. (;
I hope everyone gets better soon!! I know its hard but you are not alone every mother goes through the same feelings. When I was reading I thought”ummm couldn’t have said it better myself she’s in my head!” Lol we are everything to our babes and we will do everything for them…its a thankless job at times but the results/rewards are soooooo worth it! Sending prayers to you and the fam!
Hey you! I had to let out a huge ‘whew’ reading your post. I know a lot of us have been there and done that at one point or another with our munchkins! Only if the kids came with an instructional manual or an ‘idiot guide to raising kids while not completely losing YOU!’. But the truth of the matter is they don’t… It’s takes so much effort and heartache to take care of a sick one:( you are absolutely allowed to vent out to your readers! I will keep your Fam in my prayers! Hang in there!!!! Whhhoooossshhhaaa!
Oh my…. I am so very sorry. I have been in your position a lot lately, husband traveling for work, sick kids, it’s beyond exhausting. You are doing great and prioritizing…. I hope the long weekend lets you all heal. I know– so many kids in one class with pneumonia?! Something is going on! It’s so scary.
You are doing a great job, crossing my fingers that Soph stays well!
Hang in there Mommy. WE (other moms notice). We appreciate
you taking care of your little people and not just
sending them to school feeling like crap so you can press on
with “your life.”. Spray the little one with Lysol (pixie dust we call it at my house lol) so she won’t get the full bug π Pulling for you Super Mom! Hang in there.
Thanks (: I’ll have to remember the “pixie dust”…love that.
Oh my goodness. I am so sorry for poor Sam! I hope you are getting some rest and that you don’t come down with something because of your intense fatigue. You’re a great mom, loving and caring. I’m glad she got a diagnosis and some antibiotics that work. That sounds so frustrating. I hope Sophie bounces back in no time. here’s to all your health!
Poor girl(s)!! I only have one and that kicks my ass. I salute you, in all honesty. Hope everyone starts to feel better soon!
Hi Natasha,
I felt like you were describing my life completely.
My oldest daughter was hospitalized with pneumonia in November. She was in the hospital for 3 days then was able to come home. It was the scariest thing of my motherhood. She’s doing really really well now.
Then after Christmas all four of my children got sick (AT THE SAME TIME) with the same sounding virus that your little lamb has. This was around 3 weeks ago now. We live in Baltimore so maybe it was the same weird thing going around our area?? This thing was nasty and everyone’s all turned into ear infections. fun stuff. NOW, finally everyone is okay but there was a moment there during all of that I totally lost it and called my mom in pieces. I don’t even remember what I said I just sobbed.
Yes, so being a mom can be such an overwhelming and non-stop thing especially when they are sick.
We’re lucky to have someone like YOU put our collective angst into words. It helps the emotions to vent. And then we can go back to being good mommies to our sweet little things after we get it all out!
sending a hug to you!!
Omgosh Caroline, I can’t even begin to imagine FOUR kids being sick at once. I not only would call my mom sobbing, I’d have to move in with her!
Thanks for the comment though, makes me feel so much better to know other moms feel the same way. (:
I almost DID go and stay with her!! My husband is just like you describe yours–working hard and work and doing all he can on that front and we also have NO family here (my family is in SC and my husband’s fam is in Venezuela) So yes, I almost did go and stay with her for awhile. Then slowly everyone got better. Now I’m just thankful. Seriously, though, when your life gets back to a little bit of normal–one of these days down the road we should do a blogger lunch/coffee shop something since we live near one another. Maybe two artsy/crafty bloggers who have kids and no family around would have something in common! π Hang in there, friend and know you are not alone.
Ugh, pnuemonia is the worst! (Did I spell that right?) Al 3 of my kids had ear infections this time last yr at the same time. It was a first for me! Then the younger 2 did not respond to the Amoxicillan so they were put on something else–like Cephdanir? It worked on my youngest’s ears, but my son (who was 4 then) developed pnuemonia. I know wxactly how you feel. It is the worst feeling to see your kid getting worse and you are trying EVERYTHING under the sun and moon to make them better. The funny part was he was fine during the day, then his fever would spike at night. It was weird, but after the x-rays it was all downhill from there. I am so happy to hear that Sam is on the mend…..hopefully Soph will not get it! Hang in there Natasha! Maybe when the kids are 100% you and the hubby can arrange for a night out alone?
This is def going on my Top 10 fav Natasha posts. I dont really have any encouraging words or tips that you haven’t already mentioned but just want to let you know, we are all right here with ya sister! π Im a single mom of a fifteen year old living inside a two yr old body, working full time, no help from the dad and all of my immediate family is at minimum 4 hours away! I often read your blog and think wow she’s supermom and I wish I can find somewhere to fit your crafty ways in my daily duties. While, I sneak to check your blog everyday and live vicariously through you, I just had an epiphany! We are all the same! We are all Mommy’s, who put our own needs aside to tackle the mission of “Operation: Dont raise a Serial Killer”! We are trying to produce upstanding little women (and men) and we are putting our blood, sweat and tears into it (LITERALLY!). So, I guess “misery loves company” and I just wanted to let you know we are all here for you as you are for us in this crazy Mommy Experience! Its “a different frame but the same picture”. [insert family photo] π
‘don’t raise a serial killer’…I’m so going to quote you on that. Sometimes with Sophie we say, well {shrug} she’s either going to be President or a serial killer.
Im sorry about your sick kiddies π Theyre adorable! I also love you nail polish! What color is it?