I’ve never been very good at sending thank you notes.
Ok, that’s putting it generously. I SUCK at it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a very grateful person. Just not so good at picking up the phone, sending a thank you card or responding to kind emails/comments in a timely manner.
I have been so overwhelmed (in a completely awesome way) by the response from the last post on Unconditional Love. That was one of those posts where my finger hesitated over the ‘publish’ button for a good bit. It’s hard to put your heart out there, especially when you yourself don’t really understand what you’re saying! I turns out however that you have felt the same way too. And that, that my friends is a very very good feeling. Makes my heart all sorts of warm & fuzzy!
Things have been very up & down, as things usually are in life, albeit much more up than down which is very hopeful. There is still a lot to happen. More understanding of each other, more healing of wounds. They may never fully disappear but a scar that is just a reminder of the past verses the scabbed over sore spot that still makes you jump a bit when it gets bumped will be a welcome change.
When people are going through times of change or chaos it’s very interesting to see how they cope. For P, when he feels out of control in one part of his life he’ll sometimes throw himself into perfecting his work. For others maybe they’ll go crazy cleaning or organizing their physical space to make the inside space that’s in disarray feel a little less erratic. What do you do when the things that are out of your control become out of control? Can you recognize that you’re doing it? I’ve figured out one of mine…
It sounds a little silly but I nest when life feels out of control. You know when you’ve had an absolutely crazy day, perhaps you bustled around town, was held hostage by gridlock traffic or just had a day where the world felt like it was against you…but then you turn your key, walk into your home, plop down on your couch & let the warmth & coziness of your place envelop you. Well, I have been on a non-stop mission to do whatever it takes to make our new house become a place of refuge for all four of us. I have a good four rooms in the process of what could be some pretty great additions to the before/after files on LPM but this past weekend I officially finished one. And it’s kind of an ironic room considering we’ve been talking about life being so messy…it’s the Mud Room. A place meant to be a holding spot for all of the dirt, clutter & crazy that we bring in from the outside world everyday!
I only have one before picture of the space but for this room there really wasn’t a whole lot to show. The previous homeowners put up the great built-ins & also had a desk under the cabinets on the right hand side. It was a great kitchen work/homework station, super cute, but for now we’re running short on furniture so instead it’s serving as a great place to hide the giant water cooler. (On a side note, Deer Park delivery is the BEST money I spend on a service every month. We drink SO much more water now not to mention the hot water valve puts out teabag ready hot water instantly! (with a safety lock on it of course.)
Paint: ‘Indigo Batik’ by Sherwin Williams (West Elm Collection), Wall decal, Bear Pillow , Stars Decals
The “I love you to the moon and back” poster/re-positional decal that I found at Land of Nod served as the inspiration for the room. It reminded me of a book that I read to Sam a million times when she was a baby…it still makes me tear up! Damn hormones.
I can’t say enough about how much I love love love the wall color. I almost never choose dark paint colors, they’re kind of intimidating & just not what usually comes to mind when I’m putting together a room. This beautiful inky blue however, UGH! Can’t get enough. It gets compliments from almost everyone who walks in the room. Except for the Verizon guy who came to fix the router that’s tucked away in there. He didn’t seem impressed.
Nowadays it seems like every major decor company has their own line of paints. This one is ‘Indigo Batik’ from West Elm & is available through Sherwin Williams. I immediately ripped the picture below out of a West Elm catalog I was flipping through. One day I’m so going to do that exact pink & blue trim paint combo…one day when my husband seems to be in a generous and/or overly distracted disposition. I think he’d actually be more terrified of me painting the trim & doors a color than of the pink walls themselves. Baby steps though…baby steps.
So that’s what’s been up at my house. How about you? What’s your subconscious go to behavior that makes you feel a little less out of control when life is putting you on a road that’s more twisted than a twizzler?
OMG I love this room! First of all, the book inspiration is perfect, and the bear pillow and the stars and EVERYTHING!
i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT. i think it’s amazing you paid tribute to that book. we have two copies in our house. when life seems like it’s crazy, i read it to my sons and it just reminds me to stop listening to all the noise and enjoy my kids.
seeing a makeover project from you just lifted my morning. thank you
My go-to way to relax isn’t very relaxing at all… I like to re-paint the rooms in my house! Our kitchen has been repainted twice and our living room has several swatches awaiting a final decision. For some reason, painting is so relaxing to me. I throw on some netflix late at night when the kids are asleep and go to town. I’m pretty sure my husband thinks I’m crazy.
I LOVE that paint color though! I painted our son’s room navy and white about a year ago and while initially it scared the crap out of me, I have seriously grown to love it!
I LOVE the color!! My husband and I close on our first home this Thursday and I have been pinning and going thru catalogs like crazy for inspiration. How many coats did you have to do to get that color to look so great? I am so intimidated by painting walls, especially dark colors. But I am going to need to get over that in order to get our house just the way we want it. I am on a navy and gold kick right now so I am thinking of doing an accent wall in our family room in navy and make that wall a gallery wall as well. Any advice is appreciated!!
When my life feels out of control I completly shut down. Either sleep or binge watch TV to get my mind in another world. I WISH I did something productive when I felt like that!
Look foward to your before/ after posts! Love the new home! Many blessings to your family.
– Kayla
I LOVE it! Cute and functional!
It looks great! Love the wall color. My go-to when things get crazy is baking. There is not much a warm chocolate chip cookie and glass of milk can’t fix. And feeding my family warms my soul. Love your blog..keep the transformations coming!
I’m happy you’re blogging and sharing your creativity. I was waiting for posts like these. I mean when I first saw the pics of your new house, I thought, “Oh, this is going to be good” because I knew you were going to transform it with your own style. Which, by the way, I think is great. Yes, you really have great style.
Very cute! We have that bear pillow too. My husband’s nickname is Bear.
After reading this, I pretty much went straight to Amazon & bought “On the Night You Were Born” for my 9 month old and completely fell in love with it! I know the book wasn’t the main point of this post but I wanted to thank you for mentioning it! Reading it the first time along with my mom had as both in near tears at how sweet it was (then promptly bought another copy for my cousin’s wife who is due in June), It”s fast becoming a family favorite thanks to you!