Thanks for everyone’s comments, you all made me feel really confident that I need to get a second and maybe third opinion as to how to treat Sam’s Urinary Reflux. My dad is putting me in touch with a recommended pediatrician in Annapolis and I’m also doing some digging to find her a pediatric urologist, in the meantime however P and I both figured it was best to go ahead with the Dr’s recommendation to start the antibiotics.
When the Dr. and I discussed this route I told her one of my concerns was that Sam had previously gotten terrible tummy aches (and therefore terrible diapers) from antibiotics. She assured me that this was a therapeutic dose and wouldn’t be as harsh as a regular treatment dose, she also said this particular kind didn’t usually cause diarrea…SHOOT! I just realized we forgot to give Sam her nighttime dose! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! Ughhhh, wake her up and give it to her now or double up tomorrow??? Umm, yeah, better not double up for her tummy’s sake, hold on, be right back, gotta go wake the beast. (I must be crazy)
Ok, sorry ’bout that, that actually went much smoother than I thought, she was really tired tonight. Where was I? Oh yeah, the Dr assured me that this shouldn’t upset her tummy. Can you hear the foreshadowing music yet?
So this afternoon we’re in Whole Foods doing our weekly grocery trip, she’s being quite a bear. She’s pointing at things she wants and then when I hand them to her she throws them, lovely. We finally get to the checkout lane and as I’m loading the items from the back of the cart I notice there’s something wet and goopy on my diaper bag, I had let Sam chew on a peach while we shopped so I figured that must be it. But then as I kept unloading groceries I got a clear view of Sam’s backside in the grocery cart seat, I about died. COMPLETE UP THE BACK BLOWOUT! It had shot up and out of her diaper & into the back of the grocery cart!!! I was MORTIFIED! I wasn’t sure what to say, it was impossible to hide so I just asked the checkout girl (who was about 19 and looked so shocked that I think I scared her right into buying multiple kinds of birth control) for some paper towels. I tried my best to wipe up Sam’s back and mostly stuffed them into and over her pants so people wouldn’t have to look at my child’s excrement.
In a grocery store.
Gross doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Luckily for the groceries my diaper bag that was thrown in the cart seemed to have absorbed the majority of the impact. I paid and practically RAN out of there. When I got to the car I stripped Sam down in the front seat, pulled out the travel wipes and started scrubbing. The only thing worse than cleaning a poopsplosion is cleaning a poopsplosion anywhere outside of your house. It’s happened to me at Target, the airport and now the grocery store parking lot. Someone seriously needs to come up with a hazmat cleanup kit for this kind of situation. I did the best I could, put all of the clothes, diapers and hundreds of wipes into a baggie and brought a mostly naked baby home, cursing the antibiotics the entire way.
I called up the Dr and told her, in detail mind you, about what had happened. She said she wanted to keep Sam on the antibiotics at least until we get the urine culture back from her testing but in the meantime to cut out her milk and replace it with soy, feed her plenty of yogurt, start her on a probiotic supplement and start giving her Lotrimin at diaper changes since EVERY single time this kid goes on antibiotics she gets a yeast infection. Boy this blog has all sorts of fun topics today!
I’m so frustrated, I just keep thinking about how this could be our life for the next year. How can she possibly be on antibiotics that long, I just don’t see how it’s going to work but so far I haven’t found any other treatments.
On one good note as a way to relieve my stress this afternoon I sat Sam on the counter and we made lemon zucchini cookies together, I’ve been intrigued by these lately and when a recipe showed up in my Everyday Food magazine I figured it was a sign to try them out. I know a zucchini cookie may sound weird but TRUST ME these are DELICIOUS!!! They’re kind of sweet and savory, almost a cross between a cookie and a scone. They’re ridiculously easy & Samster loves them too and since they have a good bit of veggies I feel like they must be a somewhat healthy snack. Here’s the recipe I used:
Lemon Zucchini Cookies-1 cu confectioner’s sugar
1 cu all purpose flour
1 stick unsalted butter (1/2 cu)
1 tsp coarse salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon zest
1/2 cu cornmeal
1 med zucchini grated using small hole side of cheese grater
In a large bowl combine sugar with room temperature butter, combine using a wooden spoon until it becomes fluffy. Add salt, vanilla and zest. Mix in cornmeal and flour until mixture becomes crumbly, mix in grated zucchini until it becomes a thick dough. Spoon 1 tbs of mixture at a time, 2 in apart, onto 2 parchment paper lined cookie sheets. Bake at 325 degrees for 25-30 min, rotating trays 1/2way through, until edges of cookies begin to become golden brown.
OMG, I wouldnt have known where to start with a poopy explosion! I am glad you are getting a second or third opinion. Poor Sam! Hang in there!
Oh dear, I have absolutely nothing helpful to say, other than POOR YOU! One of my twins did a power-poop while in NICU – I was holding her feet up to clean her butt before a bath and she just squirted it out – it hit the end of the cot (crib) she was in and ran down the back of her medical chart and onto the floor. Our lovely nurse had to clean it up while I bathed her. Not even CLOSE to what happened to you though. Hang in there!
Just want to give you story so you don't feel as bad. Yesterday, I was at McDonald's and my 2 year old was playing in the play place. He went to follow another kid out of the area and when I went to catch him, I smelled something funky. I picked him, grabbed my bag, and headed for the bathroom. I felt something wet on my arm, but kept walking as fast as I could. When I got there, I realized he was covered in watery poo and so was I. I cleaned him up, got him out of his clothes (did what I could for mine), and changed him. As I was getting ready to leave the bathroom, I heard a woman saying they had closed off the playplace because it had poo all over it. Luckily, this McDonald's had a back way out. I ran as fast as I could to my car. I know it's not as bad as having to deal with the antibiotics issue, but at least you know you aren't the only mortified mother who has had to run from an establishment with a poop covered baby.
wow! I laughed out loud when I read this post, because I have been there. with throw up. all over me with no way to change and no choice but to drive home sitting on plastic bags. I guess it is just one of those things that go with mommyhood? just know that we have all been there and the only thing you can do is laugh about it!
Eeeks! You poor thing! When my son was a baby he'd always get poop up (and out) the back of his nappy. I started copying a trick my mother used – a cloth folded and tucked into the back of the nappy and up under the singlet. A lot of the times that was enough to catch it all and to save the clothes. Hope your DD improves soon.
Eek! I am current;y potty training and my daughter has peed in every single grocery store in my town. And never just a little, oh your pants are wet! The latest one was in one of those kiddie cars attached to the front of the cart and I only knew because her brother started shouting, shes peeing on me! Oh no she is flooding the car!
It happens to everyone it bonds us as parents. and hopefully you stopped one teen from getting pregnant 🙂
Man, antibiotics really blow! 😉
Hello, I'm new here (found you from one pretty thing). My DD is six and also has urinary tract problems, she was on the prophylactic antibiotics for about four months. Her tests came back negative for urinary reflux (still not sure what is going on, not a lot of help from the dumb doctors!) But I had one Dr. recommend the probiotic supplement. It helped my DD a lot, as long as I remembered it every day! I found some in powdered form in the health food section of our local megamart. You can dissolve it in most anything creamy. After about three days of giving her the recommended dose, her diarrhea cleared up and she didn't get any yeast infections. Hope this helps you too!
Thanks for sharing. Diapers always seem to fail at the worst times. But most parents have been there, done that, so no need to be embarrassed. I wish your little one a quick recovery, and I hope you were smiling as your posted this story.