A few of you have emailed or commented asking how I either find time to blog & keep a house running or have expressed your concern that I’m going to totally burn out by taking on a 2nd blog. (truth be told, I’m scared too, I’ve certainly been overwhelmed before)
Truth is I haven’t quite figured it out yet. The best thing in my corner is I have a really supportive husband & some really amazing babysitters. Someone commented yesterday that I seem like I have it all together & what an inspiration I am to them. To that I have two things to say…
2- I have help.
I wanted to tell you what my schedule is like for blogging so you don’t think I’m such sort of magician, or worse, that you must be doing something wrong. I hate when other blogs make me feel bad about myself. I know I’ve thought, goodness, I haven’t even brushed my teeth & she’s already sewn 3 coordinating dresses, done a freezer paper tutorial & made homemade play-doh for her kids. Whatever.
So here’s how I have time, between you & I…
Monday, Wednesday & Friday Sam goes to a half-day of school. Also every Monday I have a sitter come over & watch Sophie while Sam is at school so I can have a good 3 hours of focused work time. (although sometimes that sadly turns into laundry or grocery time) Sophie take a 1 & 1/2 to 2 hour nap every afternoon. During that time I set Sam up with some Barbies, a craft or maybe a tv show so I can blog. This includes making the craft, writing the posts, editing the photos or doing social media. I’m really lucky that I have a very self sufficient 3 year old. At 5pm P gets done with work & takes the kids so I can cook dinner, after that he bathes them & gets them ready for bed while I do my daily chores. Cleaning, laundry, pay bills, that type of stuff. We each put one kid to bed & then he & I both sit on our laptops & finish our work, bouncing ideas off eachother. I don’t really read, watch too much tv or other things people might do to unwind in the evening. And that’s about it my friend. Starting in March Sophie is going to go to school with Sam two morning a week so I’ll have a good 8 hours a week of uninterrupted work time.
In the meantime I’m taking it day by day. For instance I knew I had a lot of writing to get done during Sophie’s nap today so while I was at Target this morning I picked up a makeup kit for Sam to play with while I worked. So far it’s been 2 hours & she & all of her dolls look like mini-prostitutes. But hey, she’s happy & I’ve gotten two posts done. It works.
I’m fully aware of how lucky I am to have such an incredibly supportive husband & also the income to spend on sitters. I’m blessed, I know. I’m the daughter of a single mother & almost every day I think of her at some point & wonder, how the heck did she do this by herself?
So there you go, just thought I’d put it all out there.
Also speaking of underage makeup, today over at the Kaneshow blog I’m writing about my opinion on 14 year olds who are being offered makeup classes in their school. I kind of lose it. Check it out & tell me what you think…
I can’t comment on that article, but I read it.
Are they honestly spending an entire semester on make-up?
I see the point that they are trying to make – it’s better to show them how to do it well than have them look ridiculous in the real world. My mother knew nothing about make-up or hair and almost everything I learned was on my own, and I still as an adult know very little about things like lipstick or tricky things like liquid eye liner. When I asked her for help crimping my hair, she replied that she had no idea because she’d never done it in her life.
Sure, teach them how to apply make-up for a day or two. At the same time you can teach the guys how to trim their beards (oh wait, they don’t have any yet) and tie their ties (my hubby can’t tie a tie and he’s 35 years old). You can shove it into that useless “career and life management” class where we cut out pictures from magazines to make murals of what we wanted our life to be like and where they tried to tell me I would make a good artist because of my personality profile when I’d already been accepted to engineering school.
I think it’s great that you find time to blog and do stuff that makes you happy. I think that’s part of what makes you a great mom! And, yaknow what – your daughter is probably thrilled to be in the same room with you working on her makeup while you do your thing. Just spending time together is great! So go you!
Now about that article on the Kane show………..WHAT IN THE WORLD?! lol I commented over there…consider my mind blown.
lol to your prostitute comment!
Your always willing to hang things out there, and show what a real, busy, family is like. Thats so awesome. I’m lucky enough to be involved in my kids daily routines, and while I struggle to deal with explinations about WHY you don’t use finger nail polish to paint your feet, it always feels good to be constantly involved.
Thanks for taking the time to keep us present in your life – it’s refreshing.
your prostitute comment was hilarious lol. and your house looks beautiful from what I can tell in your pictures and the segment on News4 with Kane and Lucy lol.
Your kid is so sweet…
I am new to your blog, but I LOVE it!! Your posts are very true-to-life, and I can certainly relate!