Here’s a little snip-it as to what life is like with the 3 week old buns. I’m still bottle feeding them twice a day but it’s getting tougher. They do seem to really like the dandelion & clover I’ve been picking for them, I guess they’re weaning.
Buns are getting pretty big & somehow the fatter they get the wilder they become. They bite me whenever I put my hand the cage, even my sweet Leila. These are definitely wild animals & seeing their instincts kick in makes any sadness I had about setting them free disappear. I’m thinking next weekend I’ll put their cage in the backyard by the bushes & will leave the cage door open so they can come & go as they please. Mama’s little babies are gonna be all growns up.
“stay cool”… LOL i love it! Makes me want to get a bunny now! No, not really.
They’re so fast! You can tell they’re getting ready to leave their new mama
I feel for you so much through this ordeal! We had some mockingbirds build a nest, but three of the baby birds have fallen and are in a flower pot at the base of the tree, one left in the nest. As far as I can tell, they’re still being fed. Part of me wants to adopt them, but I know they’re better off with mom and dad.
Good job Nat-Kat! You did a great job!
Kane Show Fan
“you wouldn’t bite me if you loved me” *sips bottle* “yeah that’s what I thought” you are too cute Natasha! Love all the bunny posts, keep them coming! 🙂
Oh my gosh! The little bunnies have gotten so big! You must be a very proud momma! Way to go Natasha! That is so are doing great things for those bunnies! Congratulations on being a very successful bunny mom!
What’s the latest on the Bunny Ranch?