Half-way there…
I’m 20 wks tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s already half- way over. I really can’t believe there’s still 20 weeks to go. Sigh.
I did find out some exciting news today though, I was chatting with some of the labor & delivery nurses at the hospital & it turns out that midwife practices not only deliver VBAC’s at my hospital but they have better success rate than many Dr’s offices. I’m interviewing 2 new Dr’s this next week & I’m going to see if I can get an appointment with the midwife group as well. Hopefully between the 3 of them I’ll be able to walk away feeling like I’ve found the right one. I hate not having my Dr. settled yet, I feel like a little pregnant orphan.
(If you’re new to the blog you can read more about baby’s chum chum’s delivery situation here)
And I promise I’ll show you that Easter Magnolia Wreath tutorial tomorrow! Promise!
Can't wait to meet chum chum!! And for you to experience the chaos of two little divas 😉
Yay, I've been hoping for a pregnancy update! Are you going to find out/share what you're having? I'm guessing boy, because your belly is all out in front…
Sorry Shangrlala, I know he blew the secret by totally putting me on the spot but I kind of wanted it to be a surprise. Sorry I had to delete your comment!
What a perfect bump you have!!! Good luck with finding the right doctor for you and I really hope you get the VBAC you want.
I hope you find a doc/midwife that you are comfortable with- it makes such a difference when it comes time to have the baby.
It can be scary to go against medical advice- I did with my first child and it can be gut wrenching. But you have to follow your instincts and do what you feel comfortable with.
Good luck!
you look great!
Love the baby bump picture! So cute. Good luck with everything.
If you find info on a good midwife can you let me know? You can email if that's more confidential for you. I am switching OBs (I've heard Capitol Women's Care is wonderful from many people) but am thinking midwife for the next babay to come along. You look great!
Such a cute pregnant lady!! Congrats to you!
Oh I just got goosebumps reading that you're considering a VBAC. Good for you, GO MAMA! I hope it works out for you.
I know you dont know me, I've only commented once before, but you should know you've got one more friendly supporters of your right to VBAC.
I've been through it myself and it was..tough, but very worth it.
You are so very lucky to be in a position to have a vbac. I wish I would have had that option. Jami
I had to switch my doc with only 4 weeks to go because my doc up and retired without informing ANYONE!! Scary…. so I know about feeling like a preggo orphan! 🙂 Hope you find the right doctor soon – I'm sure you will. Good luck with everything!
such a cute belly! has sam noticed your belly?
I have 5 kids, the first 3 were c-sections, the 4th was natural, yup, no drugs. The birth went really well. The last was still vaginal, but the placenta had torn, so they induced me. I tried to go natural for a while, but ended up with sweet drugs. Great birth experience. I did interview dr's for the last 2 births and went with a lady dr who said no one in her practice had heard of doing a vag birth after 3 c-sections.
You can do it, your dr will just give you a trail labor and see how it goes. Good luck, I thought my last 2 were a lot easier on my body, and I was over 35.
Wow you look amazing, so can you feel kicking yet?
You look great! I love the preggo updates!
You look great with just that little basketball look! I am kind of jealous, because I have gained all around. 🙂 Glad that you are finally up to the halfway point. And I know that it is a little intimidating to think that you still have 20 weeks to go. I am finally nearing 6 months! (but oddly I am still about 4 months from my actual due date) How is that possible???
I have not posted any recent pics of me at all, but I think you inspired me to do so. Maybe by later today…..
Good luck. And BTW- are you going to share what gender the baby is, or keep us all in suspense?
I am gonna guess girl, just because you look like you are carrying high. 🙂
Didn't P post the sex on fb? Is that the secret you don't want out yet?
both of my babies were delivered by a midwife, I love my midwife group also, I def. recommend midwives 🙂
P actually said it on air.
That's great and I hope you find a doctor/midwife you love! You look beautiful!
Good luck!
I wanted to tell you that Dr. Oz posted a thing about breastfeeding and its great benefits on FB today, he had over 1000 comments, many people were upset because they can't/won't do it and didn't leave a nice comment for him…so I hope that makes you feel better! The truth is, its YOUR blog and its up to you but people will always post their comments…for some reason there are lots of haters on FB and on blogs… 🙂 Keep up your good work and enjoy that baby! You look fantastic!
Natasha-no worries, I totally understand! Sorry to put you on the spot.
You look fabulous!!!
I definitely heard your husband spill the beans on the radio this morning, congrats!!!
Looking gorgeous!!!!!!
looks like is gonna be a BOY!!
good luck 🙂