I REALLY wanted to show you the scene of the crime so you could understand the shock and horror we’ve experienced but then I decided I couldn’t do that to you. You’re a nice person and you don’t deserve that.
When we first brought Samster home from the hospital Lucy had some jealousy issues, we noticed some chewed up diapers & pacis whenever we’d come home but over time & extra belly rubs that eventually went away. Or so we thought…
Monday was one of those long hard days when you find yourself counting down the hours until bedtime even though it’s only 2pm. I had pushed Sam to run 3 errands with me instead of adhering to her usual 2 errand limit and was quickly regretting it as she squawked at unnaturally high octaves down the aisles of Target. We finally got home and I was so relieved to be carrying her upstairs for naptime, but when I turned the corner to go into her nursery I saw something on the floor, it was something white and fuzzy, almost like a cotton ball. Then I saw another one, and that lead me to a trail of white fuzz right into my bedroom, then the fuzzballs started turning into strips of white with tinges of brown, and then I noticed one of them had Winnie the Pooh on it. Then there it was…
It was EVERYWHERE! Poo and Pooh both shredded & ground into the floor, ughhhhhhhhhh.
Stupid dog. Stupid stupid stupid dog!
Do you ever walk into a situation like this and quickly assess that you can’t handle it at the moment so you calmly turn around and completely ignore it? That’s what I had to do. I left the room, shut the door and didn’t go back in until hours later when P got home and I heard him walk in and shout some choice expletives from upstairs.
Does anyone else have a dog that does this? Lucy isn’t a big fan of Sam but I can’t imagine her ever hurting her. On the other hand our other dog Parker LOVES Sam, he follows her everywhere, lets her pull on his ears and is constantly giving her kisses. (although kissing Sam could constitute as a meal by all the crumbs in her neck)
I don’t know what to do about it, we scrubbed the carpet and then gave it a good coat of Lysol. Other than that I guess I’ll just be better about where I leave diapers. I know I should spend more time with Lu but that’s probably the hardest thing you could ask me for…my time.
First of all, I think it's HILARIOUS that your labels for this post are "diaper eating dog" and "jealous dog" TOO FUNNY!
Okay, so we don't have dirty diapers at my house – we're currently baby free – but my chocolate lab I SWEAR will eat anything! Right now she's into used kleenexes. She'll dig those sweet treats out of the bathroom trash can and much away, leaving flecks of tissue all over the place, and giving herself some strange stringy poop. Yeah… gross.
She's also the worst counter surfer in the world! If I turn my back for five mins and there is ANYTHING edible on the kitchen counter it's gone in a flash!
Sigh… you are not alone! 🙂
First I have to say your golden is adorable, but I know that doesn't make up for it. We have the opposite where it's the cat who's lacking the attention and has started to pee on my husband's things (he never liked him to begin with…LOL!)Our dog still gets the same amount of attention and special time with just us. Luckily, she is not a chewer and it super gentle with our son and we really didn't teach her that, natural instinct. If you keep all the diapers in Sam's room then close the door at all times, hopefully that will keep her way.
Good luck!
My dog, Knox, eats his own poo. It's so disgusting, but I love him. Yuck!!!
Our dogs eat poo diapers too (when they can find them that is). We have forgotten one or two and come home to just such a scene. I am not so sure that it is pure jealousy though some dogs just like to eat poo. Those are the only ones my dogs search out. So I would just try your hardest to put them in a place where the dog can't get them behind closed doors.