Samster has never liked the car. EVER. It was terrible when she was smaller but now that she’s facing forward it’s helped a lot. Every once in awhile however that constrainment hating terror baby will come out and I’ll find myself running wayyy too many yellow lights because I HAVE TO GET HOME! That’s when I usually put in her kids’ CD, blare it to get her attention and then slowly lose my mind listening to “Skip to my Lou” over and over and over. (Hey, pick your poison, baby screaming or terrible computer generated kid’s songs…)
Last week I on purpose, I MEAN, uh, accidentally left Samster’s ‘Baby Einstein’s Drive Adults Crazy Greatest Hits’ CD in the rental car. After a 45 min drive with a very angry baby I new I needed a replacement FAST. That’s when I found “Buzz Buzz”, Laurie Berkner is from Jack’s Big Music Show & after reading all the good reviews on Amazon I bought “Buzz Buzz” and actually REALLY like it! My favorites are “I Really Love to Dance” and “My Magic Box” (which P and I snicker at like giddy teens whenever we hear it)
I love Laurie Berkner's music!! In fact my boys were dancing to some of her songs earlier this afternoon! Their favorite is "We are the Dinosaurs" 🙂