So I figured that with the food I’ll just have to give Lucy and Parker a certain amount of time to eat and then put their food away but what about the water bowl?? Surely parents have had babies and dogs coexist in the same house before but for the life of me I can’t figure out how!
I have to leave water out, does that mean Sam has her own personal indoor pool? And what about the toys? You don’t know how many times I’ve looked over and seen Sam making a beeline for a dirty, slobbery chew toy. EW. I must admit, there has even been a time (or three) when she already had the toy in her mouth. I can’t take away the toys though, Lucy our golden is like having a preschooler in the house, without her toys she’d freak and start eating something else like my favorite ballet flats. And then we’d have to stuff her like the dog on Scrubs and I don’t think we have a local taxidermist anyway.
So if anyone has any suggestions or miracle cures for mixing dogs and crawling babies I’d be SO appreciative. Because right now my kid’s just building up one heck of an immune system.
My Phoenix got caught eating the dog food a few weeks ago! Two handfuls of food and food in his mouth! I’m thinking of trying a gate, but then Charlotte (our golden) won’t be able to get in the kitchen. So sorry no tips, but you are not alone here LOL!
Do you have a room (like a mud room) where you could place their food and then put a doggie door on that door for the dogs to get out to their food and Samy wouldn’t be able to get in??
All babies just love to get into the dog food and water bowl. When my son did this months ago we just gave him a stern “no” and kept pulling his hand away every time. He finally got the message when we say no, we mean no. He doesn’t go for it anymore. It will take some time, but be consistent. And be really careful b/c if Sam gets a piece in her mouth, it doesn’t really disolve, she could definitely choke on it.
My first thought was a baby gate too, but the dog can’t get through that. How about putting down the dog’s food and water at certain times of the day, and keeping the baby out of there for a half hour or so. Naptime would be an excellent time to feed the dog! 🙂