I think it was really good for P and I to reconnect without Samster, when you have a baby it’s easy to get completely captivated with her schedule and who’s meeting which needs that you never REALLY listen to each other. We kind of rediscovered what we liked about each other. It was nice. I’m a lucky girl.
Unfortunately I got so wrapped up in my big weekend out that I made one dreadful mistake. I didn’t pick up a refill on my Zoloft before we left. I didn’t think it’d be too big a deal because I had enough to get me through yesterday and a half a pill to take this morning. (When I first started the meds it was by halfs and then a whole one) I figured we’d get into town today and stop by CVS on our way home & I’d take the other half with dinner, should work out right? Somehow I left out the small detail that our CVS pharmacy to which my Dr. called in my refill yesterday was not open on Sundays. Ugh.
I’d say around 3p today I started feeling funky. I’ve been nauseous a lot lately, headaches & pretty tired all day but this afternoon all of those were exaggerated times 10. No joke, I haven’t been able to eat more than saltines without feeling like my insides are going to come out and I’m so exhausted it’s literally an effort to type on the keyboard. Seriously. P even was sweet enough to offer to feed and put down Samster so I could have some time in my craft room to destress (so sweet, right?) but I couldn’t do it. I walked in, was too tired to even look through fabric, and went and lay down in our bed and watched All My Children. That’s when I started to connect some dots…hmmm, fatigue, nausea, headaches…ACK! THAT WAS MY 1ST TRIMESTER WITH SAMS! ACK! ACK! P tried to talk me off of my “oh *$#@ I’m not ready to have another baby my life is over” ledge and reminded me that a.) I’m on birth control and b.) it would require us having sex more than once in a “she’s taking a long nap and I actually have energy” blue moon to make a fetus. Despite his completely logical argument I was sure of it and whipped out the spare First Response from under the sink. By the way, does anyone else keep pregnancy tests under their sink when they’re NOT trying to have a baby because they often are neurotic enough to swear they’re preggers if they’re one day late or the slightest bit queasy? No? Ok, good to know.
Anyway, I squeezed out the last bit of pee and waited for my sentencing…
Of course.
So why did I feel SO bad?? That’s when I corrected some other dots…could I actually be having withdrawal symptoms this quickly from the Zoloft??? A quick google search said YES, Zoloft and other SSRI anti-depressants have some brutal side effects that can start as soon as you decrease your dose. This article actually described my symptoms TO A TEE! And as to why I’ve been having milder symptoms for a week or so? Apparently stopping Effexor (the first med I tried) can have withdrawal symptoms for up to 8 WEEKS!!! Man! So what’s a girl to do? The medicine pretty much saved my life from PPD but that’s pretty darn scary stuff! Not to mention I wasn’t planning on taking it long-term, so what? I’m going to have awful withdrawal symptoms to look forward to when I decide to stop?
Some articles even say that the longer you take the drug the worse the withdrawal will be! I’m so torn, I TOTALLY believe it was the right thing to do to get on anti-depressants. PPD is nothing to play around with and it seemed the longer I waited to do something the worse it got BUT on the other hand the older I get the more I’m of the mindset that I want to do things more naturally…to have withdrawal symptoms already that are so debilitating is very scary as to how this is affecting my body. Does anyone else struggle with this? What’s someone supposed to do?!
Hi Natasha, I read your blog on a regular basis and I love how open you are with us readers. I was on zoloft for about 2 years a few years ago. When I decided to quit taking it I weaned myself very slowly by cutting the pills into smaller doses and decreasing the dose size once a week for over a month. I had the exact symptoms you described for about a month after I completely quit taking the pills. It was HORRIBLE! I thought I was pregnant at first too but then I did the google thing and read up on the withdrawal symptoms and I knew that's what it was. Since then I've become very anti-medicine and I'm doing really well with it. I also have a 15 month old daughter and I've had mild bouts of ppd as well.
Everytime I read your blog I feel like I could've been the one writing the words. There's a lot to being a new mom that no one EVER talks about and it's what we all need to hear. So thank you for being one of those moms who tell it like it is.
Hey Natasha,
I stopped my meds b/c of the withdrawal symptoms and began to do more behaviorial therapy, natural meds, and a lot of meditating. Those alternatives helped me MUCH more than the pills…
I couldn't help to think that I would never learn to live life w/out the help of a pill… so I didn't.
But honestly, you must do what's right for YOU. Everyone is different, so the meds you are on maybe the best choice for you.
Good luck <3
Hi there. I too have been taking different anti depressants but for the past few years. I'm not sure which ones you have tried so far but I think that Wellbutrin is a "milder" one that doesn't have side effects (at least none that I noticed). But for sure there are some that are worse than others. Cymbalta is one that worked really well but tapering off it was HORRIBLE! It gave me dizziness and I just could not function for 3 days. Could you ask your doctor about which medicines you have tried and what options you still have that don't have withdrawl issues?
What ever you do I hope you have great luck with it!