Whew, we’re finally back & ready to rock! I love when I come back from vacation with a renewed drive to hit the ground running! Verses when I come back with cranky kids, to a messy house & jump right back in to a schedule so busy that the suitcase sits on the floor unpacked for a good week. Ok, I’ll be honest, even on the good returns the suitcase since on the floor unpacked for a good week. Whatever.
So as I was saying, this trip to Florida really gave me a chance to come up with all sorts of ideas for summer projects, recipes & conversations to have here on the ol’ blog. Inspiration also hit when we were flying home. As we started to descend I looked at my two sweet girls & realized something. That trip wasn’t too bad. In fact, it wasn’t bad at all. I realized that traveling with my kids by myself had finally become something that was totally doable. I thought that perhaps there are a few of you who like me, have DREADED traveling with your kids & maybe wouldn’t mind some tips of what I’ve learned over my countless trips on planes, trains & automobiles.
Here it is, my ultimate travel secret, grab a pen…
Seriously, it’s all about planning the packing.
I first started flying when Sam was 8 weeks old. I believe I packed her entire nursery into my massive carry on bag. It’s a common newbie mistake, you don’t want to be caught unprepared so you bring EVERYTHING. Here’s the problem with that, if you pack every single item you might possibly need, you might think you’re avoiding being caught unprepared but in reality you’re just going to end up being annoyed. Annoyed that you can’t find anything when you need it, (why do the pacis always disappear in the bottom of the bag when your kid is screaming their head off?) not to mention how frustrating it is to schlep a giant bag around while toting a kid. I always feel bad for moms or dads when I see that tell tale red mark between their head & shoulder from a massively overpacked diaper bag.
So here’s what I do every time I travel with the girls. I pack 3 bags. (aside from luggage that contains your clothes, we’re just talking about what you need to have constant access to) By having all my necessary items split into three areas I always know where to find something right when I need it! Also since there are 3 of us the bags fit easily under each persons seat when we fly.
#1 The Entertainment Bag
This is the bag that holds all the goodies. It’s your go to arsenal for solving boredom, the number one leading cause of receiving whine induced stares from other passengers.
I usually stock up on things like coloring books & stickers a week or so before the trip when I make my Target run. If you’re flying you don’t want to solely depend on electronic devices since you’re going to have at least 30 minutes during the trip where you have to turn them off. Think of what your kid likes to do that doesn’t require a ton of pieces or an overly complicated work space. For example I’ve learned that legos & airplanes do not mix, there’s no wiggle room to be digging around for tiny fallen pieces. Same goes for markers with caps, I’ll let Sam use them on the plane but Sophie gets crayons because she never puts the cap back on.
My go to items are this Melissa & Doug Sticker by Number Puzzle (Sam will spend a good hour on one of those, I LOVE them!), this Color Wonder Mini Coloring Pad
, & these Reusable Sticker Pads
. (those are all very girl specific but they all make boy versions as well) I also give each girl their own pouch that contains their coloring items, stickers & maybe a little surprise treat. You want to avoid conflicts at all costs. Your kids not having to share a pack of crayons & possibly get in a fight over who has the pink crayon & heaven forbid if one breaks the other ones favorite color, is TOTALLY worth the extra $2! On that note I also highly recommend buying the exact same of everything for your kids. I know it can be tempting to buy one the Dora coloring book & the other My Little Pony but unless you’re absolutely positive they won’t fight over what the other has just buy the exact same thing for each child.
Possibly the most invaluable item in my bags are the ipads. Ohhh thank you Lord for giving us ipads!
(Yes my 2 almost 3 year old has a pacifier. If you’d like to know more about that please click here)
For a long time both of our kids shared the ipad. One would get the ipad & the other would use the portable DVD player. It worked out ok until Sophie started liking her own kind of apps & movies on the ipad. After about the third sobfest over ‘it’s not fair she’s had it longer than me why don’t I get the ipad when is it my turrrnnnnnn” I decided it was worth every penny to buy a second ipad. In fact, we bought an older one that had been refurbished from Mac & it wasn’t too expensive. Of course you can’t have an electronic device on public transportation without….HEADPHONES. Let me tell you, I’ve been through about a dozen headphones over the years. The buds, while cute, do not stay in their tiny ears & anything with a foam cover over the speakers (imagine your bright yellow 90’s walkman) is just asking for a kid to yank it off. I finally found these & they couldn’t be better. Great fit, great sound & durable. Mommy likes. Oh, and before we end the ipad conversation let me say if you want an ipad cover that will protect your ipad but will also be like traveling with a small tank you can get an OtterBox. They are literally indestructible. We used them for awhile because Sophie inevitably drops her ipad every time she gets her little paws on it but I just couldn’t stand the extra weight & bulk for traveling. Now I use this ipad case
, while they aren’t that protective they get the job done & also make a great stand for the ipad to sit on the plane’s tray table.
As for the snack bag I usually stuff a gallon baggie with individual servings of goldfish, crackers, apple slices, cereal bars & fruit snacks. Just remember no liquids if you’re flying! Speaking of, I always pack two empty sippies as well. I use ones that don’t have a valve because they tend to leak with the change in air pressure during the flight. Simple flip top lids are the best. After I get through security I pick up a big bottle of water & fill the cups & save the rest for me.
I use this tote for items that I don’t want the kids to have access to. It includes my diaper & wipes case, (make your own with this tutorial, mine is going on 5 years & is still strong!) blankets for the girls, (anything to get them comfy enough to nap!) my magazines & laptop.
I can get how this one could seem dumb. I mean, why wouldn’t you just combine bags #2 & #3 into a huge totebag? Well, for me I found that once we got to our destination I hated not having a regular sized purse to use. I would pack a bunch of cute outfits for different fun outings on our vacation & would be stuck with a giant diaper bag for my purse. I also survive by my purse in my regular non-vacation life. It’s usually pretty well organized with everything I need. I want to have that same set up when I travel as well. Of course you could just put your purse in the suitcase but I like to keep mine on me. I’ve found it just works.
And that’s it my friend! I hope this helps take some of the anxiety out of traveling with your little ones. Take it from someone who’s been there, while I can’t guarantee your kid won’t embarrass you by screaming their head off I can tell you that by taking my advice you’ll at least be smartly prepared for it. And don’t worry, there’s always bar nearby somewhere.
You, my friend, have made my trip to a graduation and a beach vacation following later this month, a little more easier. Thank you! The suitcase of entertainment is GENIUS! This is why I look for blog postings daily from you because you post the BEST logical, useful, everyday tips! Thanks for always being down to earth and SO EASY to relate to. Absolutely love your blog and btw, congrats on the new gig! {KaneShow leaked the news :-)}
Oh wow, best comment EVER!! Thank you so much Jess (:
OMG, you are a godsend. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I feel so much more prepared. My daughter is 20 months old and we’ve been feeling grounded because we’re afraid to take a flight these days.
Aw, you are so so welcome! I’m so happy to hear it was helpful for somebody, makes it totally worth it! Goodluck on your trip, it won’t be as bad as you think (:
This is sooooo funny! I just got back from a trip and I swear, I took the exact same pic of my daughter with her “entertainment bag”!!! They are too cute lugging those things around. I just got one for my son too, in the shape of Lightning McQueen! How awesome is that??? Wish I would have found your headphone rec before! I took ear buds, and those were a flop! Blah! She’s normally okay with them, but not for a 5+ hour flight. Next time! 🙂
Oh how funny! How are you by the way?? I totally miss the mom’s group!
Hey Natasha,
OMGeeeeee! I am suppose to be traveling to Florida this Christmas with my little nephew. Just like Jess said you are so down to earth and are willing to pour your heart out no matter the circumstances. It so funny that you would post this about traveling because I have never traveled with a kid before and wasn’t sure if my nephew needed a passport as identification. What do you use for your girls as I.D.’s if any? Congrats, on everything you have going on!
LOL, I’m so glad you like it! I don’t use anything for my girls identification, check with your local airline for details but I don’t have to show anything when I fly with my girls. When they were lap baby’s however I had to show their birth certificates. I would definitely call and ask first! Have fun spending Christmas in Florida!!
Oh my gosh, this post couldn’t have come at a better time, thank you for all the great ideas! I’m traveling with my 2 year old in about a month and I was trying to think of ways to make it easier. You have just done all my thinking for me, now all I need to do is buy all the neat stuff you link (love the headphones cute and genius).
OH and to add I am in love with that skirt
Hey Nat what are on the girls laps in the pic (pink on Sam’s lap and blue on Sophie’s…), are they little pillows? Where did you pack those?
Oh I forgot to mention those! They’re little neck travel pillows I picked up at the airport. I put them in the stroller when we’re walking & the girls carry them on to the plane. Good eyes!
Ok last question—did you find them useful on the plane? In theory it is great to have a little pillow, but I wondered if they used them (or was it not worth the added bulk?)
Planning for their CA trip…I’ll be packing their bags to make it as comfortable as possible for them when they go with their daddy…
Honestly for me yes, the girls need them to get comfy while they watch TV & most of the time doze off. Also you can find some that have a little snap on them so they can snap onto the luggage handles or with mine I stuck them in the stroller. And no worries, P will be totally fine!
I looooove the owl roller. I don’t know if I could get away with it myself, but it’s totally cute.
Not a packing tip but a trip thought nonetheless: leave your house as perfect as possible. Coming back to fresh bed sheets, a perfectly made bed, no last minute things sprawled across the room from packing, no dish unwashed, etc. is one of the best things you can do. It will allow you to ease back into normal life after a pampered vacation. Plus, unpacking won’t be so bad if all you have to take care of is the contents of the suitcase and nothing else around the house.
Oh that is SO SO true! Such good advice, not always the easiest to do but well worth it, I agree!
For me, the secret to traveling with my little girl is to always pack an extra pair of leggings in my carry on. That way if she spills something on her pants, or gets cold, it’s easy for her to slip them on. Plus, they pack really small! My daughter’s favorite brand is http://www.twirlygirlshop.com/girls-capri-leggings but obviously there are lots of places to get them.