As I’ve voiced (quite loudly too) I’m not a big fan of letting babies cry. I think they’re too young to really learn any lessons from it and more important than learning to deal on their own they need to be reassured that a parent will be there for them. Today I got an email from on “What every baby needs to thrive” and look what the first thing said…
“SHOW YOUR LOVE- …How do you show your love? Hug, touch, smile, encourage, listen to, and play with your little one whenever you can. It’s also important to answer his cries immediately, especially in the first six months or so, when experts say it’s impossible to spoil a child. In fact, responding to your baby when he’s upset (as well as when he’s happy) helps you build trust and a strong emotional bond, according to Zero to Three, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of infants, toddlers, and families.”
It put a smile on my face and encouraged me to keep tending to her cries even when I so desperately want to roll over and keep sleeping or want her to keep playing for 5 more minutes so I can spellcheck my blog before posting. (: Point is, I need to remember that she’s only going to be a baby a short while longer and I need to relish in the time that she wants to just have me hold her and cuddle. Before I know it she’ll be refusing to hold my hold or give me kisses because the world is far more interesting. Not to mention I KNOW there’s a crazy strong independent streak in this kid that’s just dying to come out. Hope that encourages you moms out there too, it can be exhausting sometimes (most of the time) so any little pep talk can help! Alright, off to shower while she naps, maybe even blowdry my hair…eh, who am I kidding, a girl can dream though right?
Hope to see everyone local at the charity basketball game tonight with Flo Rida, details are at
I absolutely agree with you! We have been having trouble getting our 6 month old son to sleep in his crib, and people keep telling us to just let him cry. But there’s no way. I can’t stand the thought of him thinking that he’s alone in there, scared, wondering where his mommy is and why she left him in there. Ugh. But anyway, it’s nice to read about someone who believes the same thing! 🙂
Totally random…but I remembered that when you first found out you were pregnant w/ Sam you made a card to give to your parents and I remember most of it, but I can’t remember all of it? Could you post it? My husband and I just found our we’re pregnant and I’d love to make a card to tell my parents too! Thanks!