(Yeah right. Does she come with superpower sweatpants?)
Can someone PLEASE tell me how the heck we’re supposed to feel sexy at the end of a day of mommy insanity? P and I are supposed to have a romantic date night tonight and already I’ve had a temper tantrum 1 yr old throw all of her breakfast to our Sheltie and our other dog roll in crap in the backyard while I wasn’t looking. And it’s only 8:23am. When the majority of your day involves cleaning other’s crap how do you leave that behind and remember that hot 21 yr old who could work a bar armed only with a martini and skinny jeans? I feel like the girl he married is just someone I used to know but can’t even remember what she looked like anymore.
Got too much of a chuckle from this mornings post…… When you find sexy, let me know where you hid it, perhaps mine is there as well? Have a great night with P! Remember- you're only as hot and young as you think you are!
My advice – have the sitter come 20 minutes early. Hop in the shower, get all dressed…and the only thing your daughter can expect from you after that is a peck on the cheek as you breeze out the door!
Have fun on your date, Mama. 😉
When I posed a similar question to my husband, his reply made me cry. (which wasn't unusual, I was very hormonal at the time) He said "You aren't the same woman I met, you are the mother of my child. When I come home and you're wearing a t-shirt, lounging on the couch, playing with our kid, and the house smells like whatever great thing you made for dinner, that's sexier than anything I ever saw you where to the club." Sexy changes. Don't worry about making yourself sexy for date night, once you're out, just relax. Don't think about today or yesterday or Sam's results. (difficult, I know. this is advice I give, but is hard for me to do.) A relaxed wife is probably sexier to our husbands than anything.
HA! I know how you feel. We are also the first of our friends to be married and have kids. It makes it infinitely harder to hang out with my skinny, young single friends wanting to go to clubs. Especially now that I'm blossoming once again with baby #2. Where was that hot young thing unafraid to shake some tail? She has been replaced by someone who always has food on her clothes, misses her baby when she's gone and wears sweats to bed instead of lingerie 😛
I agree with Angela. I have 3 kids of my own and went through that stage of not feeling sexy. Years later my husband hurt his back and was out of work for a year and he cared for the kids (whom were all self efficient by this time). He could send them out to play, they could make their own lunches, wipe themselves, heck! you get the point. He commented to my neighbor that he didn't know how I stayed home and did this stuff for as long as I did. That made me feel great! Especially since when I was home they were all in diapers and needed more assistance. They are 18, 17 and 15 now. I think you are a beautiful, intelligent woman and I sm sure P would agree! Hang in there and enjoy your evening 🙂