Hey, just wanted to send you a quick little note letting you know I’m sick & am going to take the weekend to rest so no posts until Sunday. I’ve had this cough sticking around for a few weeks & then yesterday I felt like I’d been run over by a truck. Turns out I have ‘walking pneumonia’. Is it called ‘walking’ pneumonia because you’re still able to mobilize yourself? If so than I guess I’m lucky not to have regular ol’ pneumonia. Then again, maybe immobilized would be a nice break… (please don’t send me a comment saying that you cannot walk & I should really appreciate my ability to do so BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE CAN’T & I’M NOT BEING VERY SENSITIVE) Sorry, I get SHOUTY when I don’t feel well. And yes, you can complain comment because I should exude a little more sensitivity now & then.
As for the buns it turns out Slick Tim is still here & the one bunny I hadn’t named yet is the one that escaped that last time. He hasn’t come back, that I know of, so best of luck to you bun, I really hope you didn’t leave because I hadn’t named you & you felt unloved.
Slick Tim, Leila (my favorite, she actually climbs in my hand & let’s me pet her) & Bambi (the runt who I originally was calling ‘Rudy’ but Sam insisted he be ‘Bambi’…so Sam has said it, so it is done.) are doing well. I swapped their cage out for a hamster cage with less width between the bars & that seems to have resolved the break-out issue. Last night we had a crazy monsoon-ish rainstorm come through & poor P had to go bring the bunnies in at midnight, in the POURING rain & crazy lightning because I have pneumonia so obviously I get a pass on that one. It’s a good thing he did too, they had a good 1″ of standing water in their cage (and that was under an umbrella!) & I’m sure would not have fared so well sitting in that much water all night. It’s still raining today so they’re currently residing in our home office. Rose keeps pacing back & forth outside the glass doors to the office, stalking them much like the weird tiger does when small children come by his enclosure at the National Zoo. I hate that tiger. Pending no more freak rainshowers tonight I think they can go back out on the deck tomorrow…
Have a good weekend my friend, cough syrup cheers to you!
ugh I’ve had walking pneumonia twice and it’s not fun! You have my sympathies – I hope you feel better soon! Best of luck with the bunnies!
Feel better!
Was wondering where that remodel post was, but I’ll let it slide since I’ve had walking pneumonia and it is awful!! I hope you get plenty of rest and don’t miss out on too much bun cuteness.
Lol, gee thanks (;
Hang in there and Feel better! Can’t wait to read the next adventures about the buns!
Get well soon!
The reason why you are one of my favourite bloggers is because you don’t exude sensitivity 🙂 I love that you don’t feel you have to completely sensor yourself and that you have to please everyone. Makes us non pleasers feel a lot better 🙂
Hope you recover well and that P and the girls take care of you.
(: I’m glad you like it, gets me in trouble more times than not…
Pain is relative, and complaining about it helps. Anyone who would begrudge you that is a tool. And yes, paraplegics can be tools, too. (Just don’t go whining at an amputee convention.).
LOL, oh that made me laugh…
Hope you feel better soon!
Make sure you don’t have symptoms of tularemia. It comes from a bacteria that is normally found in wild rabbits called fransicella tularensis. Hope you feel better soon! Being sick with kids is no fun! I also get very shouty when I’m sick, so it’s nice to know that someone is like me.
You crack me up! Even sassier when you are sick! Hope you feel better!
“sassy” is a nice word for it. (;