So turns out I have Lyme Disease. My primary care Dr. didn’t feel like my bloodwork indicated that a thyroid issue could be causing all my symptoms so he tested me for Lyme. He called last Wednesday to say it was positive. Sucks. Then we left Thursday for Los Angeles for my sister-in-law’s wedding. We just got back late last night. It was the most loving, beautiful wedding I’ve ever been to. Downside however is now I have two jet-lagged children & a house full of luggage to unpack.
But back to the Lyme…I wasn’t planning on really saying anything. It makes me uncomfortable to bring up. Like “Hey, this chicken is amazing, oh & did you know I have Lyme Disease? Yeah, you know, that sickness you get from a tick? Isn’t that AWESOME?”
In fact, I haven’t even told a lot of my friends & family because of that reason but this trip combined with my first week of antibiotics my a$$ is officially kicked. I need to take a week off the blog. I can’t even tell you how much I HATE (HATE!!) to say those words. This blog is my passion & the thought of sticking it on the back burner makes me sick (well, I guess that’s not quite accurate). But reality is I’m struggling. Lyme Disease is an evil little bugger because the symptons range from joint pain, to extreme fatigue to memory loss & confusion. I’m really dealing with the neurological effects this week.
Obviously my girls are my first job so everything after that has to get dropped for a bit so I can rest. Things are really starting to take off for LPM, this is coming at an awful time but if I keep pushing myself I’m not going to get better & everything/everyone will suffer. I need to do what’s best for my family & that’s get better. GRR! STUPID STUPID TICK!
So yeah, I really didn’t want to say anything but since you won’t see any posts for the rest of the week I thought it was best to fess up before your imginations started running away with you.
Speaking of let’s see if I can answer some of the questions about Lyme that you might have…
It’s a tick-borne illness (deer tick) & since I’m not much of an outdoorsmen I think it’s safe to assume it came from my dogs. They usually have Frontline but honestly, I don’t remember to put it on them exactly every 30 days. I’m not even sure if it protects against deer ticks anyway. 85% of people with Lyme Disease figure it because of a red, bullseye rash you get at the infection site. I never had a rash or any clue whatsoever that something had bit me. Because of my Dr’s diligence however we caught it early & after 3-4 weeks of antibiotics most people make a full recovery without any reoccurences. I just started my antibiotics 5 days ago & so far only feel worse. But then again I’m sure the ridiculously full plate we’ve had over the last week hasn’t helped.
So that’s that. Please no fussing, it’s probably not a big deal. Unfortunetely right now however it feels like a huge deal so I’m going to take a little break. I just keep telling myself it’s like using sick days. Yeah, that’s it, sick days…
Get some rest – it will hep you get back on your feet. Take care, and feel better. I love your blog and I’ll keep checking back. I’m sure others will too! Best <3
Poor thing. I’m so sorry to hear that news. I’m glad your doctor was able to catch it quickly and that you are on the road to getting better. You most definitely have to do what’s best for you and your family so you need to put your blog on the back burner until you feel up to it. Don’t worry your followers will always be here. We aren’t going anywhere.
Sheena from In The Little Red House ( documents her struggle with Lyme, too. It sounds awful. Maybe you two can be an encouragement to each other? (At her suggestion, I watched “Under Our Skin” about the disease. Yikes, Natasha!) I hope your antibiotics kick in, kick Lyme’s proverbial ass, and that you are good as new in no time.
Hi Natasha. I frequent your blog quite a bit, but after reading this I definitely have to chime in. A few years back I also had Lyme, and it definitely was no picnic. Luckily I caught it early like you did, but I have to say it was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. I had the classic bullseye rash on my arm, severe joint pain and headache, and extreme fatigue. After a round of antibiotics, I felt as good as new, so just hang in there. Take a break and focus on getting better. Hope you start feeling better very soon! 🙂
Ugh, that totally sucks. You’re doing the right thing. Take the time off and rest – can you get help with the girls so that you can really rest? Best wishes. 🙂
So sorry, my father-in-law had it and felt yucky too. He also said that the antibiotics he took made him feel pretty yucky. It took him a while to get over it, but he was in his 80s. My sister was just diagnosed too, but they think she has had it a while before she was diagnosed. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
We will still be here when you get back! I know a few people who have lyme disease. Early diagnosis is very important! Take some time to get better. Take care!
I’m sorry about your Lyme disease. Stupid bugs anyways! Thank you for sharing with us though, you never know…maybe your sharing will help someone else! I love your blog and subscribe so whenever you get feeling better and get back to posting we’ll all be waiting. In the meantime take care of those cutie pie girls of yours (hubby too!) and get feeling better!
I hope you feel better, Natasha! We, as regular followers of the blog, all hope for your speedy recovery and hope that you’ll be back soon enough! Lyme disease seems to be big this year. My coworker told me that there’s kind of an outbreak this year. Good luck with everything and rest up <3
Natasha, Big bummer about Lyme Disease… but it is a big deal so take care of yourself! 🙂 A week will come and go before you know it an we will all be here when you get back! I am so glad that you and your Dr figured this out before it got REALLY bad! Scary! You and your family will be in my prayers! now rest rest rest and here is to hoping that all these sweet comments make the recovery faster!
Your readers are not going to abandon you because you’re sick. PLEASE take some time to restore your strength- guilt free! I am so very sorry you have to deal with this at any time but especially now. Take care, we’ll still be here!
Natasha- Get some R&R! I had Lyme Disease in my jr year of high school in 1998. It’s actually really prominent in DC metro area. My dr told me that only 50% of cases see a rash. You may have just got it from your backyard. Scary thought I know. Luckily they caught it quick enough. Mine was diagnosed two months after I showed symptoms. I had a few false negatives. I entered stage 2 where the heart palpations and it was hard for me to concentrate. Thankfully I had a great infectious disease dr that put me on Iv antibiotics and bc I was late detected, I did have to go thru some cardio therapy to get energy back. I did have Rhuemotoid arthritis in my knee for a year after. But since then no symptoms. I am an active healthy 30 yr old now. Please don’t let me scare you. But I’m happy they caught it. 🙂 Keep well & get rest!!! We’ll miss your blog but your health is more important! Thank God I have the Kane Show! He better be spoiling you rotten!!!!!! Hugs!!!
Hope you feel better soon!
My husband told me that his mom had Lyme’s disease when he was younger. He and his dad went on a week hiking/backpacking trip, she went to pick them up and got bit by a tick, but neither of them were bitten. Figures. I hope you feel better!! I’m sure everyone understands. Thanks for keeping us in the loop! It can seem like we are “just your readers” and “don’t really know you”. But with the chance of sounding like a creeper, I really do feel like I know you. I feel like your just another girlfriend, and I care about things going on with you. I’m sure you are aware of everything going on with Ashley with lil blue boo and I think by sharing something she could very well chose not to share, she has built herself a huge network of people (myself included) praying for her. Anyways. I hope you feel better! Get some rest!
Im a long time reader, first time commenter. I just wanted to wish you all the best and say your health and family are the most important thing now, and always.
I love the following quote:
‘Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least’ – Goethe
Your blog matters to you and your readers- but we and the blog will wait for as long as it takes for you to feel well again.
All the best. I’d highly recommend a lot of ‘crappy TV’ watching.
Cheers, Claire (Australia)
Hope you get better soon!! =D
Hey Natasha,
Get BETTER reall soon! Check the blog everyday for updates! Because you are not well I guess I will have anythng to look forward to for the rest of the week and next. Sad, but want you to get better!!
I wish you a speedy recovery. Please take all the time you need to rest and we will be here when you return.
Awwww, your health is always more important. One thing us superwomen never do is take enough time for ourselves. Get some rest and hope you feel better soon. I just found your site recently and have plenty of past blogs to read and catch up on. Love what you are doing and your style!! Hear from you soon.
Awww…that’s crappy news. I have the biggest fear of getting bit by a tick! I hate those little buggers. Rest and take care of yourself. I hope you start feeling better very soon.
That totally STINKS!! Take as much time as you need. We will still be here when ya’ get back 🙂 Take care of those girlies and yourself!!
Natasha, so sorry to hear what you are going through. I sure hope you start feeling better soon. We will all miss you.
I have heard about Lyme Disease but never knew much about it. So, I used this opportunity to look it up and get some information about it.
Thanks for sharing with us.
That’s terible! Get lots of rest and feel better soon!!!
So happy you got a diagnosis early– Lyme is such a horrible thing that doesn’t come up in tests a lot of times, especially if you don’t catch it early. There is a documentary on Lyme on hulu called under our skin you should check out if you have time. Get better soon, and kick that nasty bug in the butt!
Rest and take it easy and don’t worry about the blog, it will be here when you get back!
Get well soon!
certainly take all the time you need to rest and get better – your readers will be here for you when you get back (even the subscribed lurkers like me 🙂 our babysitter was recently diagnosed with lyme disease, and while her recovery was tough, just knowing what was wrong put a light at the end off her tunnel to recovery. like you, she had no rash, and thinks she may have gotten it via a pet. hopefully you’re back on your feet soon – all the best wishes.
We’re all rootin for you sunshine! Get well soon.
Hey Natasha,
I’m shocked!! I never would have guessed after having just seen you. I realize how hard that trip must have been on you, but honestly, I’m so happy for the memories that you, P and the girls are such a big part of. I’m glad you caught it early, and I’ve got my fingers crossed that you start feeling better ASAP.
We’re sending you lots of love and good energy!!
Thanks for sharing with us. I hope you feel better super soon!
I’d rather you be gone for a week (or even two!) to take care of yourself than run the risk of losing this blog altogether. Even though we’re all fans from afar, you as a person is more important than my daily LPM fixes. Best wishes to you and your family, as I’m sure it’s hard on them too.
A good friend of ours is just getting over Lyme Disease and like you he had no clue how he got it nor did he have the tell tale rash. Just so you know a week off may not be enough! He was in the hospital for two weeks and then off work for at least another month. Take care and take time. Oh and take the antibiotics!
we’ll still be here! And by sharing, you’re spreading awareness…
Hope you’re feeling much better real soon! You were so cute on the radio this morning! 🙂 We will all miss you, but know that you’ll come back to us as soon as you can!
Oh girl, take care of yourself and your babies, that is what is most important! All us fans will be here when you get back, even if it is longer than a week. There is a lot of other commentators here that understand the disease or have been through it as well, so that is encouraging I am sure! Take your meds, rest and get better.
Even though I don’t craft and don’t have children yet, I enjoy living vicariously through you and all your crafty mommy-ness! I rarely comment but this time I had to chime in.
My brother and mother were both diagnosed with Lymes Disease within the last month! My mother caught it early thank goodness because she had that classic bulls eye rash. But my brother showed symptoms for almost one YEAR and saw 8 different doctors all over MD and DC who thought he was “fine”. His wife told him to keep seeing doc’s because something wasn’t right. It wasn’t until my mom got the diagnosis that he realized he had all the symptoms of Lymes.
I’ve heard that Maryland has one of the highest number of Lymes cases in the US. Definitely take the time you need to rest up and take care of yourself!
I am glad that your doctor caught it early. I have had it before. Luckily, I had the bulls eye which prompted me to call the doctor and get on medicine before it went to my blood stream. I have actually been experiencing terrible joint pain and terrible fatigue. I think I will be calling my doctor. That disease is as bad as Fifth’s Disease. Fifth’s is alot like Lymes, but you can only get Fifth’s once. It was terrible. My son and I had it. Anyway, please take care of yourself and we will all be here when you return. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Hugs 😉
So sorry! My friend had this, it was caught very late but she still made a full recovery. Rest, rest, rest and enjoy your family! We will look forward to your return.
Get some rest! Don’t worry about us; worry about feeling better! 🙂 Hope those antibiotics don’t kick you too bad either. 🙂
Feel better! Lyme sucks — I’ve had it twice. But it’s good you caught it now. Here’s to a healthy and quick recovery!
Gosh! I really hope that you make a speedy recovery and that your getting the rest you need. Your blog is like your work and everyone is entitled to sick days so don’t feel guilty. Your readers will still be here for you!
Take care x
That sucks. Good thing your doctor caught it quickly. A few years ago my husband got a tick bite which he found still attached to his person and had to remove the thing. Ewwwwww. He went to the doctor right away and was prescribed antibiotics. It turned into a bulls eye so we are pretty glad he actually went to the doctor.
Hope you feel better soon.
Don’t feel bad and be happy you got it figured out. My sister in law went a long time with incorrect diagnosis ( due to an inaccurate Lyme test done in Canada). Check out the symptoms she had in the end…So happy you caught it NOW and that you had a Dr. would recognized it. This is her letter to the editor which tells a little about her story!–lyme-disease-patients-at-risk-in-ontario
As you already know, catching it early was SUCH a blessing. You may feel like crud now but once you get through some courses of antibiotics you should be good to go. The only time it causes lasting neurological issues is when it goes undiagnosed for years at a time. I do cognitive testing and have worked with some Lyme patients in the past, so I know you’ll be just great soon.
And I applaud your ability to recognize the need to take some time off and take care of yourself. It is so critical to ensure a quick recovery. Feel better soon, I’m thinking of you!
I hope you feel much better, very soon.
Hope you feel better soon!!!
I had the exact same thing happen to me.. No red circle, but I tested positive.. I felt like death also but after my 90 days on antibiotics I was good as new!! Just try to rest as much as you can!!! Hope you feel better quickly 🙂
A couple of summers ago I got Lyme’s from a mosquito!!! Rare, but it can happen. I didn’t think anything of the bright red rash, since I’m allergic to mosquitoes and they always look funny anyway, but when I started feeling sick, I went to the doctor. I said all that to say that the antibiotics do help and I was feeling better in a couple of weeks. Hope you feel better soon – love your blog!