Wow, where the heck has October gone? Is it just me or has it seriously flown by?
That’s actually my thought behind these pumpkins. While I love some creepy crawly Halloween decorations sometimes I just feel like I don’t get to enjoy them long enough. These pumpkins on the other hand are working double duty. Halloween straight on through Thanksgiving. My kind of craft.
Two of the three pumpkins are actually revivals from last year, joining the bunch this time is the monogrammed pumpkin. Shhhh, don’t tell chevron & glitter but I might have a new favorite… (Reason #532 that you know you need to book a sitter & get out, you start referring to pumpkins as if they’re your kids.)
Last week on my Let’s Talk Live segment Kelly & I got you started with the chevron & glitter ones but we chit chatted too long & ran out of time for ms. monogram.
This was one of those projects that I actually found the process to be very therapeutic. I guess there’s something about getting to poke perfectly lined little holes in styrofoam. Does that make me weird? Oh well, let your freak flag fly!
Super simple my friends, all you have to do is in a text file choose your font & play around with the size of the letter you want. It’s going to be pretty big, I think mine was around size 700. After you print your chosen letter simply cut away the negative space so you can fill in the space with your thumbtacks. While I’m at it I should clarify that these aren’t actual thumbtacks, they’re ‘brads’ from the scrapbooking aisle at Michaels.
The pack I chose came with a variety of gold, black, bronze & silver. I LOVE the way the variety came out in the finished product. I used a little less than 3 packs of brads for the letter “S”. While the styrofoam pumpkins are fairly easy to puncture I found that I was bending too many of the brads by trying to force them through, what worked really well was to use a sharp pair of scissors to make a few holes, then insert the brads, make a few more holes, fill in with brads…you get it. I started with the outline of the letter & then to get the nice lines I worked in vertical stripes to fill in the “S”.
That’s it! Can you believe Halloween is ONE week away?? This is the first year the girls won’t be going as some sort of duo costume. In fact, Soph is the only one who would let me make their costume. My little girls are getting big TOO DARN QUICK. Things are still crazy here but moving day is quickly approaching, I seriously cannot wait to have some order back in our lives! Well, let’s be honest, was there ever really order?
Awesome inspiration since we already carved our pumpkins this year and they have already turned mildewy and gross! These will last a lot longer! 🙂
You were doing Chevron before it was even in style. Love incorporating it into Halloween décor.
(: OHhh, that made me chuckle
What brand/type of top coat do you use on the glitter pumpkin? I know you said you can use a spray paint but you prefer to actual paint it onto the pumpkin.
Can’t wait to try some of these with my girls. 🙂
It’s made by Delta and is a gloss sealant, really any glossy clear topcoat will do but I’ve been using the Delta one for years on glitter projects and it works fabulously!
Love all three pumpkins! My sister-in-law and I were just talking about doing a girls night-in watching movies and pumpkin decorating =D
Sounds like my kind of girls night!
Between working and school, I haven’t had the time to decorate for fall like I usually do but I’m using these ideas to buy all of the materials when the fall stuff goes on sale! Then I’ll have the whole year to finish them and can keep them forever!! I especially love the monogrammed one!!