That’s what I’m deeming today since it’s 2:48pm and I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.I suppose that’s life with a sick kid, everything else (including personal hygiene) goes out the window. Samster is doing much better today, the Tylenol is keeping the fever away and although she’s still a grump I can tell she’s better than yesterday. Last night however was like having a newborn again except instead of waking up every 4 hours to eat she was waking up every 4 hours when the Tylenol wore off. I’m utterly exhausted today and have given myself a pass for full day pajama pants and Chinese takeout for dinner.
Long live Pajama Mondays for all moms!
I sometimes have pajama Monday or tuesday or Friday…(you get the point) even when my daughter is not sick. It just feels good sometimes. I hope Sam is feeling better soon. I just went through a week of the same thing with my daughter Makayla. She was back to her old self in no time.
I hope that your baby starts feeling better soon! And enjoy the pajama days when you can!! Enjoy time just bummin around in your jammies, snuggling your baby, and maybe do something crafty or fun for you too!