Tomorrow is Pincik’s last day.
Since I’ve used Picnik for every single image and graphic on my blog I thought I’d better go through and use it one last time to scribble down all of my font names…I took a screenshot of my homepage, uploaded it to Picnik and then added the font names next to the corresponding text.
I’m sure I have these along with all of my colors, dimensions & other boring website details scribbled down in a document somewhere but I thought this would be a good quick visual aid for when I need to make a graphic that I want to coordinate. I’m terrible with remembering font names. Especially stupid names like ‘Sabonete’ or ‘Geosanslight’…who the heck comes up with these? I wonder if it’s people that couldn’t quite make it as nail polish color namers.
I’m still working hard at learning Photoshop Elements but let me tell you, there is definitely a learning curve. I’m told it will be worth it. We’ll see, right now I’m just frustrated. In the meantime I’m going to use picmonkey, it’s basically the exact same thing as Picnik except without the collage function. (they say that’s ‘coming soon’ however)
Thanks for making my pictures look amazing for the least few years Picnik, have fun selling your soul to google! Kisses!
LMAO-I was literaly JUST on PicMonkey testing it out for my next post since it’s what Picnik had referred. And you’re right- it’s exactly the same! Except they havent added the Collage’s yet :\. I need to do my instagram mural soonzies – meh!
🙂 I am on the Picmonkey bandwagon too…. I will miss picnik.
But WHEN is “coming soon???” Come ON picmonkey!
Oh thank goodness. I was worried I’d actually have to learn photoshop…..I literally starting freaking the moment I heard Picnik was closing.
I’m totally saddened by Picnik! I’ve been using them for years, and I just did my “takeout” last night…I’m trying to get used to Picmonkey but I miss collages!
I use that darn collage function CONSTANTLY, I don’t know what I’m going to do without it!
I do remember using Picasa’s before Picnik…maybe I’ll try it again. I know there was something I didn’t like about it though…
am with ^^ Sarah…..been scrambling trying to figure out what I was going to do!! Thanks for sharing this, I have already saved the site to use in the future!
You can still use almost all Picnik features in the “creative kit” on google plus. Google bought them out so now all their features are run through Google +. Good luck! Trying to teach myself Photoshop Elements now!
I’m SO bummed too. I primarily used picnik to watermark for my blog. and picmonkey doesn’t offer geosanslight.
I’m thinking of writing up a tutorial on how to download the font, make a watermark png file with transparent background (in MS powerpoint!), and use to add your watermark image to a photo. (fotoflexer doesn’t have geosanslight either)
Would anyone find that helpful??
PS – because I don’t have photoshop
My tutorial is up! Please let me know if it helps or not!
I’ ve has PSE for three years and I just don’t get it. I open it up, get frustrated, and then end up on Picnic. I sure hope PicMonkey comes out with collages soon. I use that a lot.
So glad you blogged on this. I drafted a similar post and never got around to publishing it. Then I freaked out when picnik actually closed and planned on emailing you directly. I had heard you rave about picnik previously, but I got on the bandwagon late. Picnik was AWESOME! Why did I wait until late last year to start using it?! I don’t need anything that PSE does. I just need collages and the ability to overlay some text. Picmonkey needs collages ASAP! We’re having a blog crisis here without picnik.
PS. Smart thinking on documenting your formatting on the blog.