I can hardly believe it, I actually have a reason to get dressed up this week! And not just dressed up, I have a reason to go all out TRENDY!
There’s a hole in my heart where fashion used to be. Driving a munchkin to school & doing the Target run once a week as your big outings will suck the life out of your closet QUICK. But not this week my friend. This Thursday I’m not mom, I’m a rockstar. At least until the babysitter leaves. One of the benefits of having a husband who works in radio is every once in awhile we get to go to something swanky & cool. This Thursday my hub’s morning show is putting on a Thanksgiving concert & I’m super psyched!! But not for the concert, that’ll be good & all, but I’m so excited for my outfit!!
Coincidence & Chance Revel Dress $79, Half-Moon Necklace $24, Inesa Necklace $192, Oversize Chubby Coat $69 (similar to my coat & 1/2 off!), Xhilaration tights $5, Moreen Heels $198 ($99 in Coach store!)
I found the dress at Urban Outfitter’s but chose it in Cobalt Blue. In the same mall trip I saw the amazing sexy Moreen booties in the Coach Store window. I was sure they were way out of my budget but some fashion angel must have took pity on me & beckoned me to turn the shoe over. Majorly on sale!! From $198 down to $99! I can totally splurge on that. Especially for such a hot shoe. (the shoe isn’t on Coach’s website, I found mine last week at the Coach store in International Plaza in Tampa) I’m going to hem the dress a bit so it’s a true mini & wear opaque black tights underneath since it is, you know, 40 something degrees out. Speaking of, I have a Miss Sixty leopard fur coat (from the kid’s dept, size 16, shhhhh!) that I snagged at Nordstrom Rack 5 years ago that will go perfectly. The only thing I need still is a nice chunky, collar style necklace. I think something thick & edgy to balance out the sweetness of the lace would be perfect. Hopefully I can raid Forever 21 sometime this week.
Do you ever get dressed up? I’m dying to know, what the last outfit you wore that made you feel like superstar??
Great outfit! The best way to get your big girl panties on (just read your last post) is to dress it up with a mini and some killer heels! I am still feeling rough and can’t wait to feel better. The doctors think I’ve had a mini stroke! I hoped would be this labyrinthitus ( inner ear infection that disrupts balance) so I’ve had to have loads more tests.but thing look fine. Anyway I’ve booked to have a night out at the end of the month and will be digging out my heels too! Perhaps I should treat myself to a cute new dress!
HAVE FUN mama!!! You deserve it 🙂 Post pictures, that outfit is amazing!
First and foremost your outfit will look amazing. Second after having my son i haven’t really had a reason or time to actually dress up except Christmas, and his first birthday which i really didnt get to enjoy cause i was busy catering around. But for this Thanksgiving I took a bit of money from my check ran to forever21 and bought my self a dress that would go perfect. Im so excited and I got my son a nice outfit as well ( can forget about the little one). I hope you have fun at the Butter Ball ( yes besides being your faithful reader I am the same with the Kane show). HAVE FUN!!!!
Can’t wait to see pics! Have fun.
YAY for you! take LOTS of pics and have a great time! You deserve it SuperMommy! 🙂
Do they make dresses you can nurse in? I feel like I committed social suicide these past few months. Maybe I will find my big girl panties over the holidays and go to a fun Christmas party or something.
Love the outfit! Have so much fun at the Ball!
They totally do! (but most are pretty horrendous, its sad)
Have fun! And your outfit sounds so cute 😀 And those shoes are really pretty! 🙂
Ugh. I never get dressed up, but I have my eye on a super expensive pair of Hudson jeans that will make me feel like a super star while driving the kids around! My sister made me try them on and it was all heavens singing from above kind of love. I totally did not buy them. I told her I will Ebay some things and then buy them with a little less guilt. She just rolled her eyes. She doesn’t have kids so her expendable budget goes to buying totally cool clothes/shoes.
p.s. awesome job on the shoes! I love a good deal.
LOVE this outfit you must post pictures!!
Also read the big girl panties post, and i think almost all of us have such unrealistic expectations of ourselves as moms, that when it comes to light we can’t do everything it kinda sucker punches us. You just have to do what you can when you can. Don’t worry your readers never left you 🙂
Hope things are better for you now that you are home 🙂
Glad to hear the excitement in your voice. I hope you have an enjoyable time being a rock star for the afternoon.
You have to send me pics. Have fun!
Hope you have fun Natasha! I myself get the chance to dress up almost every Sunday for church. I love being able to rotate through my jewelry and dresses and skirts. Well, ok the skirts. I have yet to fully wean Asha. But I am counting the days because I have a really great gray sweater dress that is calling my name. Thanks for sharing the outfit. I am looking forward to winter so I can have a grea excuse to buy some more cold weather clothes!
great look you put together – hope you had fun!!
i’m hosting a giveaway for a free dress or skirt – would love for you to enter!
shabby apple giveaway
Natasha, you are so adorable!!! You look like you had so much fun at Butterball (I looked at the pics!) and the outfit was FABULOUS! and you so deserve the kid-free time spent with Kane! 🙂 I listen to his show every morning and love when he calls you for your input on subjects and love this blog! I’m a mom and love your ideas for kids!!! Thanks for all you do and I will keep reading! 🙂 Hang in there!!!