Remember that little issue I was having with tinkling? Throw in some brutal abdominal pain & that’s why I haven’t blogged since last Wednesday. UGH! I hate that I haven’t been on here for an entire week!
I feel like a dog terd. A big brown one that’s been sitting in the sun for a few days & is crusty on the edges with a few flies buzzing around it. (you’re welcome for that visual)
Basically I’ve been to the ER twice & spent 3 days last week in the hospital. I’ve been told I had appendicitis twice & then had the surgery canceled twice. At this point I’m betting that it’s something with a girly part & am hoping my OB/GYN will have a magic answer for me when I see her on Friday.
There’s so much I desperately want to do but right now it all needs to be put on hold until I can get back on my feet. Trust me, I hate saying that. I want to paint Sam’s room, photograph my furniture makeover & start running again. Stupid bladder. Or whatever the heck it is.
I’ll fill you in when I know something…
Oh no! I really hope you feel better soon! I love reading the blog and listening to your husband on 99.5! I would love to babysit 🙂
I hope you feel better soon!
Feel better soon, lady! I’m sending good thoughts your way! Nothing is worse than feeling awful and NO ONE being able to tell you why. By the way, GREAT description on EXACTLY how you feel lol… very visual. 😛
Sorry to hear…miss reading your updates!!
Hope you feel better real soon!!
Kinda sounds like what I went through the first time with kidney stones. They failed to show up on the scans the first several times I went to the ER, but FINALLY a urologist found them and said “I wouldn’t normally look at a scan and call these stones, but those teeny, tiny things are there.” I was BEGGING to go back to class at that point, so he knew I was serious and had looked hard for them. The weird thing is that I would be fine for a few days and then BAM, back down. We figured out I was in pain when the area got inflamed or they moved, but they weren’t too bothersome without those two things. I’m not a doctor, but I hope sharing my story can at least get you asking some other questions or rule it out!
I agree with another poster (Ashley) I had kidney stones as well and it sounds like your systems as well as hers. Hit me in the middle of the night and the pain was so excruciating I went to the ER and they did an MRI (i think) and found tiny ones. They gave me pain meds and told me to drink lots of water because some kidney stones pass themselves when they are small enough (like mine) and water will help but others can cause blockage if too big and may also cause bleeding (bcuz as they try to pass they scrape) and require surgery to remove. I’m no doctor either but I can relate to your pain. I hope you feel better soon!
OH!! My 4 yr old daughter and I made the Cookie Monster cupcakes, her classroom loved them as well .. and she had to call me to the bathroom after she poohed and she said the “blue poopoo was weird” 🙂 🙂
I am sorry that you are not feeling well. Hope your gyn figures out what is going on,so you can get back to blogging,and being one of the most creative mom’s !
Maybe there’s a bun in the oven?
Oh dear! Can I suggest that you head to an urologist and a gynocologist? It’s been my experience that unless your eye is hanging out of the socket, the ER doesn’t do much for you. Hope you get the proper diagnosis and treatment soon!!
Geez, I’ve had a bad day and didn’t read your post very well, apparently. Sorry. Looks like you’re going to the GYN this week. Good luck!!
I hope you figure out what is up. I have been experiencing left sided pain since the beginning of the year. They still can’t pinpoint what is causing the pain. I have had mutliple CAT scans; MRI’s; Ultra Sounds; exploritory surgery and a Colonoscopy and nothing. Well, I say nothing, but they found other things…spots on my liver that they are not sure what they are and I am scheduled for a hysterectomy on 9/26. All unrelated to my left sided pain. UGH! I hope you feel better soon.
Oh man. I hope you feel better soon and that you get some answers. Can this be related to the lyme disease?
Glad you are taking time for you. That is what is most important for your and your family. Hope they can nip it int he bud soon so that you can go back to feeling good and doing what you like to do
I second the kidney stone suggestions! When I had my kidney stone, it just started out as an incredible urge to pee, all the time, that wasn’t relieved by urinating……dreadful. Dr. thought it was UTI. As the days passed, the pain moved up & got much more intense. I was actually preggo at the time so no lithotripsy (or whatever that is called). Just did a day surgery to remove it……all better! Hang in there! Hope you are well soon…..we will be here when you return 🙂
Feel better soon, Natasha! We miss you! Although, it was funny hearing your hubby ask randomly on air last week, “Did you poop?!” Turns out he was talking to Sophie when he was working from home! Too funny!
Rest up and hopefully you find out what’s wrong soon!
I can totally sympathize with you! I had symptoms of a uti – not really pain but frequency to go all the time. And it was worse at night. One night I almost went to er after not being able to go. But finally did. Anyways I at first saw my primary dr who said uti test was normal but still put me on 3 days of antibiotics. Then when that didn’t help went to gyn. She said to go to urologist after another nagative test. Then I went to urologist ran some tests and uti test was also neg. but she named a few things it could be but then said she was confident it was an infection that wasnt showing up in urine. So she put me on 10 days of a strong antibiotic. After 3 days I noticed a big change. I’m on day 7 now and feel normal finally. Hope your doctors figure out what you have!!! Get some R&R. Will pray for you to get well!!!
So sorry! Praying it turns out to be an easy fix and that your pain will go away fast!
Ugh, I feel for you. I have had a couple of horrible UTI’s and they are just the worst thing ever.
Being stuck on the London Tube between stops, then having to climb about 200 stairs just to find a toilet was not one of my favourite UK memories.
I’m sure you’ve already been told to drink heaps of water and take Cranberry tablets (or pure cranberry juice), if not, get on it lovely. It will help.
aw i hope u get better soon 🙁
Maybe I’m reading too much into this but…
Please don’t feel bad for not blogging. Of course, we all enjoy reading/looking at your posts. I check the site every day but, it’s seriously okay…I mean, one visit to the ER should at least get you a few weeks off to rest and relax…two in one week deserves you to have as long as you need to get better and feeling great.
So…..Don’t feel bad. Feel better soon! You are loved. <3
I second this. Please don’t feel bad for not blogging. What is most important is your health. Focus on that first, your readers will be here when you are ready. Godspeed in your diagnosis and recovery!
Oh. My. Goodness. Sounds like you going through a really rough patch. I hope your doc is more helpful than it sounds like others have been. Truly hope you feel much better soon!
Feel better soon! We miss you on here 🙂
good luck to you and hope it’s not lymes acting up =/ not fun.
Hope you are feeling better and you are getting answers! Thinking about one of my favorite bloggers, and sending wishes your way!
Get well soon!!!!!! I’ll pray. My best wishes!
Fell better! I am having issues my self and get to see a urologist today!