I bet you were probably starting to wonder if I was ever going to post again…
Honestly, I thought of posting several times but I just didn’t know what to say. What was said hurt…a lot…but in spite of all of the emotions I’ve been going through I knew one thing right away, I didn’t want to act out of emotions & say something which I knew I’d regret. I tried to write several times but after the words were on the screen something felt wrong & kept me from posting, I took that hesitation to be that little voice we all have deep down which sometimes can be hard to hear, especially when you’re going through a major heartbreak where the feelings can be downright overwhelming. In hindsight now I can see why, I needed a little time to get over the awful pain of what had been said about me, and the best way to heal I’ve found has been, & continues to be spending time focusing on my girls. Sam just turned 7 although I’d swear she’s 17, that beautiful child is so mature for her age, sometimes I just watch her and am in awe. And then there’s Soph, that little biscuit just turned 5 & I thank God that He made me her mother. No matter what has happened, in the craziest, darkest moments of my life, I always at some point, during each & every day, smile because of her. She is the sweetest, funniest little munchkin you’ve ever met. I have a huge smile just typing this, thinking of her antics…the newest one being shutting every door with her bootie. I’m mean really, I can’t make this stuff up!
The truth is it has been an incredibly heartbreaking time for me and my girls over the past few weeks. And I will say I donโt wish this pain upon anyone. I am blessed though, with the support of my readers, friends, my amazing family, and with the love of my daughters it has kept me strong through it all. Even those days we’ve talked about with the tears on the bathroom floor…if you’ve been around LPM you know what I mean. We all go through it somehow, at some point. Through it all I’ve, no we’ve, survived…one day at a time my friend, one day at a time.
I also know that many of you want me to address all the of things youโve heard, it’s just the harsh truth, some people want the juicy dirt. All I will say is that all of the untruths and distortions of the facts have been very painful to hear, but I have decided for the sake of my girls and family that no good can come out of a public back and forth, no matter how much I want to vindicate myself. My girls come first.
Does this mean I’m done blogging? Absolutely not! I am going to survive this. Our little trio is going to survive this. Somehow we will grow from it & one day will be able to bless others with what we’ve learned. I may not know exactly what our lives will look like a year from now, but I do know this: I am loved & I will be ok. As for the rest, we’ll just have to wait and see. But I promise you this … I am going to be stronger, and if you stick around youโll see there is a lot more to me than anyone (myself included) ever knew.
So incredibly proud of you. Thank you for walking in class and grace. You will be blessed! Looking forward to tons more tutorials and a run down of the girls’ birthday parties!!!
I’m so happy to hear things are going well for you 3 beautiful girls. My heart breaks for you but you’re strong and you will get through this. You have to do what’s best for you and your girls. May God Bless you!
I commend you on your thoughtful insights as to what you must do for you and your girls! My parents went through a nasty divorce and it wasn’t until my dad passed on that I found out that my mother did not tell the whole truth. You need to think about you and the girls at all times and be strong! The truth will come out in the end and you will shine through with your strength and love for your family. People need to mind their own business as it is yours and your families pain and heartbreak to deal with. I will keep you in my prayers and may God bless all of you.
Thank you so much Julie, I’ve wondered about that…what happens when they’re older & they ask? How much do you tell them verse protect them? Hopefully I’ll have a few years before Ill need to have that one figured out!
Natasha, my parents had an awful divorce. My mother told me everything, I was just a little older than your girls. I hated my father and honestly for good reason…. However when I got older I realized that my mother took away my father and our relationship. I would have figured out he was a dirt bag as I got older on my own. Allow the girls to have a normal relationship with both parents, as they get older they will figure out the truth on their own.
I’ve been divorced for holiday 14 years, my daughter turns 18 in two months. I have never talked about why I divorced her father, I’ve simply said sometimes relationships just don’t work. She sees her father for who he is based on her experience with him. Children see more than we think and your girls will see and learn from you. Always take the high road, they will see that overtime.
Just be positive with them and when they are old enough to know the whole truth tell them then, but for now just be positive and say you are having some difficulties that you both need to work out. But the most important thing is to love them and not say anything bad about him to them or around them and he needs to do the same. Kids are smart (and yours definitely are) they will be able to know truth from non-truth. I love your blog and hope you will continue on in the future. I hold you and your kids in my prayers daily.
I went through a final divorce almost 2 years ago now and my boys are 4 and 7. The most important thing that I reiterate along with my ex is that we love them unconditional and the reasons for our not being together is not because of them but the difference we have as adults. Be cordial with Pete even though it may be tough, you both are in a lot of pain right now, it will pass…. Just make sure that the girls know that they are loved by both of you.. Don’t ever talk bad about him in front of them and refer to him as dad to them. Regardless of the situation he will always be their father.
If there is one thing you take away from this, love your girls and love yourself..
Happiness is so important, and without it your girls will suffer.
I wish you the very best and I miss your postings.
Wise words and I will totally take them with me. Thanks, and hugs right back!
Nothing but love. I think of you and the girls daily and am glad to hear you are staying strong.
I have been a loyal blog reader for several years and even though I don’t know you personally, your heartbreaking situation has been on my mind. I am so proud of you for staying strong through everything, I can only imagine how hard things have been. Try to forget the haters and remember that there are a lot of people out there pulling for you! Some of us are smart enough to not believe everything we hear on the radio. I truly, truly wish you all the best and hope that you find your happiness. I can’t wait to read more about the girl’s birthday parties!! Lots of love and prayers! <3
Oh Kaitlin your one comment means more to me than you could possibly know…those are the people I want on here anyway, the ones who knew something wasn’t right… thank you for taking the time to post. <3
Nat, simply put, you are an amazing person. You and your girls will be better than okay, remember that God will never give you more than you can handle. The trolls will slowly but surely disappear, as they didn’t belong here in the first place, and I can’t wait to see new LPM posts. I’m sure you have some great DIY projects up your sleeve!
Thank you Ali, trolls suck don’t they? But truthfully if I were a troll I suppose I’d be pretty angry too. (; Thank you for the love, hugs back at ya
^That comment was funny, I’m so gonna use that. Be strong Nat, we all got your back ๐
Just watched this and thought of you!
Your strength and grace are pillars for your girls to look to through the years. That is what they will remember when they look back on this time. Well done, Momma, well done.
So happy to see you blog again! Your little trio is so gorgeous and I’ve always been in your corner. I can’t wait to see you come out stronger and happier than ever. And I’m proud of you for taking the high road and not airing the details of what really & truly happened. Some people will think you have something to hide, but don’t ever let that break you down. Lots of love to your family.
Oh you sweet thing…..first and foremost I offer hugs! Secondly it is not the end of the world. You need to be happy. I am happily divorced. ๐ I just couldn’t do it anymore. I can say I have found my soul mate, and I am happy how things turned out. Your babies will admire you more knowing you pushed through. Keep your head up beautiful! Xoxoxo
I have loved following your blog and watching your girls grow. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you three as I know it will be great. Remember you have a lot of supporters out here! Xoxo!
I think you are a wonderful mother. The girls have such a great role model. I’m sorry for your pain and even though I don’t know you personally, I wish I could take it away. I know things will start to look up soon. Praying for you and your family.
My verse from Proverbs that has been carrying me through my own divorce: “She crowns herself with strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future.”
When I get overwhelmed, that is the verse I meditate on. If you need a “friend” to bounce anything off of, you can always shoot me an email. I’m now two months into single patenting… The best advice I can give you is, as hard as it can be, take the high road and keep things as low-conflict as possible. That’s what’s best for your girls.
While I have always been a supporter of you two, there is always a reason why people make decisions and I think people fail to realize there is always more than meets the eye. I am sure there is no way your decision came lightly. I pray for your peace and comfort during this time. You are super strong and I admire you for putting your girls first through it all. I wish you all the best.
Thank you for your support Jenn, thank you for believing in me. (:
There’s three sides to everyone story. His, yours and the truth. No one should be publicly shamed for anything that happens in their private life. I was as single mom at one point and went through the same thing, granted it wasn’t put on radio. I ignored the haters and focused on making me a better and stronger person and making sure my son grew up to know that everyone deserves respect in a relationship. As long as you stay positive and keep positivity in the girls lives you will beat this. The tears will turn to laughter and you will be happier than you could ever imagine. I have three kids and the most wonderful husband in the world. If I let people’s words and negativity drag me down, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wish you nothing but joy, happiness and the will to forgive. To all the haters that want to hate on you, just tell them bye Felicia!
Meredith, your comment put a big smile on my face. Thank you so very much for sharing your story. No matter how sure I am about my decisions for my girls its still impossible not to question yourself & hearing stories like yours, of people who have come out the other side…well, it puts a smile on my face. Thank you.
I have been a loyal reader of your blog since forever, lol. I usually don’t comment, but being that my sister just went through a nasty divorce I had to just say you’re amazing. There is nothing anyone can ever do or say about you that matters because there are two little girls that will always see you as their strong and beautiful mother and their opinions are the ONLY ones that matter. I’m glad you’re back to blogging! We missed you! ,
Love you proud of you and all that jazz. Can you help me find your tutu tutorial? And if you don’t mind a few crazy chics, you are officially invited to happy hour at El Centro!
Hahah! Crazy chicks are the best kind of chicks! This is the easy no sew tutu tutorial…hope that’s what you were looking for, and thanks for the sweet words. (: http://www.littlepinkmonsters.com/2009/11/10/10-minute-tu-tu/
As a mother and a woman; I am so incredibly proud of your decisions and listening to that little voice that can be so hard to listen to. Your girls and you will be thankful later. Do not worry about other people, their opinions are just that. You live and do whatever is right for you and your beautiful angels. I know is hard and tears come but time heals all wounds and God doesn’t give us what we can not handle. I don’t know you in person but I can honestly tell you that I love you and your girls and look forward to more blogs and tutorials.
Reading this from the other side of the storm. You can and will come through this stronger and better for both yourself and the girls!
Oh, and how’d that dress come out for Sophie’s birthday party? I’m sure it was nothing but amazing.
Oh Natasha, I am so happy to hear from you and congratulations on the brave challenges you have taken recently. By you not talking about the issue, it makes you more graceful and it makes you respectful of your private life and your family. Remember the saying, “shallow brooks are noisy.” You do not have to engage or defend yourself, i think some of the people reading your blog know that what has been said has been said out of defensiveness, perhaps retaliation of some sort and with a selfish mind. I wish you the best, the first steps are the hardest but with good support and love and living an honest life, I think you will feel better. It sounds like you are on your way to take good care of yourself and your girls. I wish you the very best and cannot wait to hear you blog about motherhood, crafts, school, birthday parties, costumes, etc. You are a great example of what motherhood is and should be- although sometimes tired and insecure, making decisions that affect your girls and your overall health. Good for you! We don’t need to hear anything else- the truth seems apparent to all who visit your site ๐ i wish you much luck and love!
Yay! You’re back ๐ Welcome home, Natasha <3 We've been waiting for you. Thank you for being such an inspiration as you have been handling all this with nothing but class.
I have to confess; after this all went down I just felt compelled to spend a good 3 hours clicking on and reporting each and every troll on your insta. I've met you once but I feel like I've known you forever. Nothing but love towards our dear Nat ๐
I continue to pray for you and your girls. Can't wait to hear about the girls' parties and am looking forward to your Halloween costume DIY's (gotta big one planned for my boys this year that I'm starting next week, eek!)
Big big big computer hugs!
LOL, I so love you for that, it’s good to have people that genuinely have my back. Gosh it puts a big fat smile on my face!
“Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace”
Good for you taking the high road. Not only does it take a strong person yo do so, but also an amazing mom.
My parents divorced when I was young, and my dad would bad mouth my mother to anyone who would listen. But no matter what he said, she would never speak one bad word about him. She knew, no matter what happened between the two of them, he would always be our dad. I’m now 31 with a 3 year old little girl, and I commend my mom for her strength at what was probably the worst period in her life.
No matter what, those two beautiful girls are number one priority. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Keep up the good work momma.
Never doubt yourself nor give those who try to hurt you the time of day. Be that wonderful mom you and your girls know you are and the rest will fall place! Blessings your way!
I don’t know you and I’ve never commented before but I’ve been a follower for a while. I have a chronic illness, so I relate to that. I don’t have children because of my chronic illness so I can’t relate to you in that sense but I can relate to you in this: you’re fierce, and strong, and you’re full of integrity and grace. This is probably going to be the hardest time of your life but when you walk through the fire and out the other side, you’re going to be so amazed at all the beauty in your life. Hugs.
Natasha over the years reading your blogs while there would be plenty of funny humorous post I always felt sadness . I pray that you and your beautiful girls have more happiness in the future and it continues to overflow .
Thanks for sharing. The truth will come out in the end..it always does. God bless you and the girls.
We are so glad to have you back. You are an inspiration. I love your honest outlook at life.
Natasha, I’ve been a long (long…long…through your old blogspot blog) time reader and…fan? Friend? I’m not sure the best word. But I’m a slack commenter.
I just wanted to say hello, and send you a little comment-hug. Can we make that a thing? I always look forward to your posts and have prayerfully and eagerly – if quietly – followed your journey with chronic illness and marriage stuff over the past few years. I only would see new posts when they come through on my blogger dashboard, and I’m not following on any other social media, but after reading this post and the comments, I think I can put two and two together…
I’m so sorry you’re going through such a rough time. There just aren’t any other words to put in this box. Just know that you have readers – friends – who love you and are praying for you, and would come give you big hugs and take your girls out for ice cream while you took a long hot bath if we could. God is stronger and bigger than the mess and brokenness of this world, and God in you can make you stronger and bigger than the battles you face. And He will fight for you, you need only to be still.
I still look forward to your forthcoming posts, whatever you may choose to blog (or not). Big hugs, deep breath, chin up. xoxo
Thank you for your sweet words Lauren, and yes, please do make it “a thing” that you pop in and say Hi (:
I’ve been a follower of your blog for quite awhile and while I rarely comment I feel the need to commend you for taking the high road and making your children your first priority. It’s so easy to get caught up in the social media backlash of wanting to explain yourself but really it’s your life and your business and no one else’s. Stay strong and keep on blogging!
I have been a blog reader for YEARS! I was in shock by what I heard on the radio and right away knew that something wasn’t right. I knew you wouldn’t post on here for a while and I knew that when you did it would be with perfect GRACE! Well done my friend! I don’t know you personally but feel like I do. I really hate the place that you are in and am sure you are in a lot of pain. BUT, you will come out of this stronger and you will be happier than you ever thought you could be when you find your new “normal”. There was a blog that you wrote about one of your friends saying that you kept telling her there was someone out there ready to scoop her up as soon as SHE was ready. Take your own advice! You are amazing with the most perfect, precious little girls. Always remember how blessed you are each time you look into one of their smiling faces! I have two girls as well and live in the area – maybe our paths will cross in person some time. Until then, stay the strong, beautiful, graceful woman/mommy that you are! HUGS!
Hi, I’m sorry I have been a listener to the Kane show and a loyal reader of this blog, but I think I missed something, something very important, what happened what was aid on the radio? I must of missed the show that day, I had NO idea they were divorcing?!?!? I was wondering why I haven’t heard Kane mention “My wife” or call her on the show recently what was said on the radio? I just cant see kane saying something mean or rude? But idk maybe he did, this makes me sad all the way around I loved them 2 as a couple n parents. please fill me in. thank you. n My thought n Prayer’s are with you Natasha n girls at this sad stressful n scared change in your lives.
Your post was made with absolute grace and care. I’ve been following LMP for sometime now, and if there’s one thing that I have learned about you, it’s that you’re a fighter. A fighter in the most humble and graceful way possible. It’s easy to see how much you care about those precious little girls, and they will look up to you as someone who fights for what they care about. Much love and luck to you, mama! I look forward to the posts, tutorials, and words of wisdom to come. Xoxo
I’m glad you took time before addressing any of this, but you do not owe anyone an explanation. Your business is your business and what you choose to share with us in your blog we are grateful. I’m glad you are staying strong throughout this and remember one side of the story does not make it truth. Looking forward to reading all your funny posts.
Divorce is terrible & sad enough within a private home and only becomes more painful when you happen to be in the public eye. I applaud you for taking the high road! Thoughts & prayers for you! Continue to have the courage to do the right thing for you & your kids. Hang in there. Things will get better.
Like everyone else, I welcome you back! I don’t know you and you don’t know me but I wanted to pass along words of support. I only found out about what was said through social media because I no longer listen to the show. First, I can’t understand why anything was said at all; a simple “we’ve split up and for our family’s sake I won’t say anything more” was the most that was needed. Second, I commend you for waiting and not speaking in the heat of the moment. My parents have been divorced for nearly 30 years and, to this day, my dad won’t say a bad word about my mom; he separates who she was when they split from who she was when they fell in love. Your girls will thank you for taking the high road. Lots of love and peaceful thoughts headed your way ๐
Good for you for taking the high road with such class and grace <3!! It is so easy to speak out of hurt and anger but as you know once you do that, you cannot take back those words. There is a silver lining in all of this and God will see you through this tough time. God bless you and your beautiful girls.
I apparently missed some “news” but I gather you are separated from your husband and I just want to say I’m sorry. I’ve been a follower for years and I admire your honesty. You will be strong and do great for your girls. Yes, many days will be rough and you want to cry…a lot., but in the end the girls will remember you being there for them! I wish you the best and I really hope you get back to your blogging and creative days! Hugs to you!!
So classy. I had a feeling something was going on since you hadn’t posted in months. Call it pesky women’s intuition. Love your blog and hope god grants you some serenity in your heart. Your girls are very lucky to have you.
Man, I SO believe in women’s intuition! At least now it’s out and done with so we can just keep on going, right? (: Thanks for the sweet words too!
Hi Nat Just Want You To Know No Matter What’s Happen You Are A Nice And Sweet Person And A Beautiful Mother To Your Daughters Just Stay Strong And Keep The Faith Don’t Play Intro The Stupid People Of The World Just Stay Forces One U And Your Girl’s Ps. i Know It’s Not About Sides But If It Was I Am On Your Side
It’s so great that you’re back to blogging. It was nice to read what you had to say on the matter and taking the high road. Don’t worry, as my kids were growing up (now 13 & 14- I started super young) they would ask me why, and what happened; all I could say was the truth that they could understand without confusing them. As they’ve gotten older they’ve been able to understand a lot more and are happy with the fact that I’m happy and found someone who loves me and makes me happy. The questions aren’t easy and some days you will ask yourself if what you did was the right thing for them, for you, or for everyone, but trust and believe that the choices you made were and are in the best interest of yourself and your girls and regardless of the situations that lie ahead, you will only come out stronger and happier. Hope my post made some kind of sense. ๐ Wishing you the best and God Bless ๐
Also- hope your body is doing well from one spoonie to another ๐
Oh Lo, (and yes, that does rhyme which cracks me up to say in my head as I type) I’m dreading the day they ask more questions about “Why?” or even when it dawns on them that this isn’t temporary? Do they assume that already? Those thoughts just break my heart. So I guess we’ll go through them one at a time as they come…and LOTS of hugs and kisses.
Natasha – To say I could not be prouder of you is an understatement. What you have written is absolutely perfect but I am not surprised! You have always been smart, strong, and independent and what you are going through now will never change that. You have shown such class and dignity with all of the garbage that has been thrown your way by not stooping to the low level of others and the girls will benefit from your example. You know the truth and God knows the truth so what else matters?? I love you,Tia
ps that photo could not be more beautiful!!
Thank you Tia, I love you too (:
As someone who grew up with parents who divorced when I was in the third grade, I know first hand how sucky and heartbreaking divorce can be, especially on a child. But, I can also say that it would be even more sucky and heartbreaking for children to witness their parents stay together when their relationship has run its course.
It’s obvious to anyone that Sam and Sophie are nothing but loved and happy, even during this hard time. What a testament to how great of a mother and father you and Peter are! Sam and Sophie are very lucky. It was so comforting that my parents still continued to show us how much we were loved even after they were no longer together…it meant the world to me, and I’m sure it means the world to Sam and Sophie too. And it’ll mean even more when they are older.
I wish you and your family nothing but peace, happiness, laughter, and love. (And the ability to tune out all of the trolls!)
Thank you Rosalie, I think probably the hardest part of divorce (right up there with losing your best friend) is that I grew up in a ‘broken home’ (what a horrible term, huh? who the heck came up with that?!) and I know how much I wished my family looked like my friends. Of course I would change it now if I could because it made me who I am, and also I was never not surrounded with love. But man, having grown up knowing what the sad moments can feel like without my Dad in our home, that can just send some mommy guilt to red hot levels…
So, glad you’re back! I’ve been a follower of you for years now. I actually reached out to you when you first moved here vie email, (I grew up on Clearwater, FL.) I think you’re one of the strongest women I, “know.” I have three daughters myself, 5, 2.5, and 16 months and like you, I would do anything for them. I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeves in DIY department! Take care and we are here for you!
Thank you Laura, for sticking around back then and now too…it’s amazing on so many different levels how I never could have guessed back then what life would be like now, both bad & good. I guess that just means who knows what could be around the corner too, right?? (:
YES! I love your outlook ๐
Not a mother, usual reader or even woman, but a former long time listener of ‘the show’. I cant imagine what you have been going through. I understand pain, hurt, and life choices, but not how this came out in public. I commend you for resisting to retaliate and taking a step back. Its honestly inspiring to see that for once is todays current instant anger-to-thought-to-Twitter trend, that someone has sense and thinks about potential consequences. Your girls are the priority for all parties and its never in their interest to turn them or others against a parent (especially in such a public manner). Total support NatCat, will be listening to another yet…familiar show from now on. I honestly hope this all works out for you and your girls
Thank you for your kind words Ray, they mean a lot. (:
I’m going through a different situation, but have had my world suddenly fall apart. I woke on Valentine’s Day morning and found my husband of over 20 yrs hung himself in our cellar,leaving me and our 5 kids, ages 6 to 23. There were no signs. He had kissed me goodnight and talked to our 16 yr old daughter about getting me flowers the next day and where he was taking me for a Valentine’s Day dinner. When we woke at 6:30, he was gone,and I am left with a horrific image that will always haunt me. He was my world since I was just a kid, now 42 with the world on my shoulders. As I struggled with the shock and devastation, shortly after, my mother was diagnosed with terminal stage 4 cancer and is now close to death. I have 5 kids to get through this grief. I am barely standing, but somehow I am still standing. When needed,somehow we find a strength. I don’t know if I ever will be ok again,but I will get these kids through this. The best advice I got was just day by day, and when needed, just take moment by moment. Sometimes that is all you can do.
Oh my goodness, Betsy. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I’m thinking of you and your family.
Hey Natasha, I just want to say that i am very proud of you. I cant imagine what you are going through, but i knew i first liked you when you called in with your opinion about young girls using making (not sure if u remember, but i Used to be a long time kane show fan), but you were against it. you are a great woman, and based on the feedback on here i hope you realize that some of us fully support you, because we can see how awesome u are as a mom, just based on following u on on this blog before what he said what he did(just as a fan im just shocked so I cant imagine how u r taking it). Im just surprised about the people who are backing him up, we know one person is already up there so there is no hope him for but the other two. God will make a make when there seems to be no way and this too shall pass. Just continue being a great mom to your girls and this too shall pass.
Thank you for believing in my Jessica, you have no idea how much it means. Truly.
Just catching up on what happened and the comments on this post are so postitive and supportive it is heartwarming to read. Good luck making it through.
Not that itโs necessarily true in your case, but I wonder why things get so turned around? A person can behave terribly and instead of being held accountable, itโs those who did the calling out who get scolded โ told they are jealous, bitter, petty, (and worse) and should be the bigger person.
I landed here by googling your situation. After getting hints of something going on today after not listening to the show for a while, I got nosy (sorry). I’m not going to offer my opinion on anything because I don’t have either side of the story really. But, from hearing you on air, to hearing him talk about you and the girls, I’m sure you wouldn’t make such a life altering decision without making sure it was best for you and the girls. I’ll probably catch a lot of flack for being a guy posting this, but I’m divorced as well, and sometimes, it really is the best thing for everyone in the long run. I’m glad to see that you haven’t posted a bunch of nasty stuff. After all, he’s still their dad and they need to love and respect him outside of your relationship. As a side note, whatever hurtful, mean things he may or may not have said, they were just that, said out of hurt. Listening to the show regularly, everyone, or at least I, got the sense of what a sweet, beautiful person you are. Continue to focus on you and your girls’ happiness, and everything will work itself out as it should. I wish you continued strength and love.
Andre, your comment means more to me than you know. Thank you for seeing through things & not assuming the worst. Thank you.
Dear Natasha,
I haven’t read many of your blogs but do listen to the Kane show and read what happened online. While staying up late, I began reading and came across your post and the comments. I have been divorced and am re-married now. In my previous marriage I was a stay at home mom and now I am the primary breadwinner. Having experienced so much, and both sides of it all, I want to say it will get better. I know the fear, the guilt, the loneliness, the sadness, the shame, the anger…..After reading what you’ve been going through, I felt compelled to say that you will be stronger and you will be happier again one day. The key is to focus on the girls and your personal mental and physical health, which you clearly are doing. Many of us have been there and understand, please don’t let the negative people’s comments get to you. No one is perfect!
Callie, thank you so much for taking the time to not only ready what I’ve posted but moreso to share your personal journey with me. “Hard” seems like an understatement for this time in my life but it truly is helpful to hear from people like you who have made it out the other side. Thanks again. (:
Hi Natasha.
I venture onto your blog on and off, I like browsing the things you do that you put on here, especially with your girls, although it feels like you’re all sisters rather than mother and daughters, lol. I swear you look so young!
I’ve been experiencing certain feelings of my spouse and I often find myself thinking of you and your situation. I’m scared to talk to anyone about myself as I feel that they’d judge me. But somehow I think you’d understand. When I read your blog I feel like me in a way. I’m sorry you have had to go through such a rough time, especially with children in the mix, I have two myself, but at least you have lots of people who support you.
Love Seher.
Seher, you are so kind to take the time to share your personal journey with me. It’s nice to know I’m not alone either. (:
Hi Natasha,
I’m so sorry to hear what you and your girls are going through. After reading your “Unconditional Love” post awhile back, I’ve contemplated on leaving a comment because I too can understand what it means to have a partner who deals with real OCD and the severe anxiety and controlling that goes with it. When I was first with my significant other, I thought I was crazy and I thought it was me who was triggering him to behave that way, but after
much research online on my own, I realized he was suffering from an OCD personality. I know there were (and still are) many days where I felt like losing my mind and it really takes so much willpower in me to stay grounded and not let his OCD affect me.
I know this must have been an extremely difficult decision for you, especially because you guys have kids. But regardless of what nasty lies other people like to spread, stay strong and know you are not alone.
Thank you Jo, it’s comforting to know others out there know what some of this is like… thank you so much for sharing.
Dear Natasha,
First, I am so sorry to read of your struggle. I’ve been down this road, too, but this is one trip where you don’t want the souvenir t-shirt. You are strong and courageous and though the road may be rough, you will always keep your girls best interests in the front of your decisions on what to tell them. As they grow, they will make their own observations as well. The bond my twelve year old daughter and I now have after seven years traveling this path has grown stronger likely than it would have had we not walked through the fire. Keep your head up and when you are at your weakest, your love will carry you through.
Thank you so much Jenny, I hope my girls and I will walk out of this bonded & stronger as well. (:
Natasha –
How are you? How is your health? I have been wondering for some time if your health has improved since your huge leap of faith and the removal (of what I saw) to be the source of anxiety/depression.
I hope your days are now filled with more joy.