I have to say, selfishly, I’m really glad I became good friends with Susan before she became famous for this idea…before she became a bazillionaire. I’ll be able to say I knew her back when & maybe, if need be, hit her up for some cash.
Basically the idea is this, you place these adorable little vinyl clothes stickers on your child’s drawers so they learn where to put their clothes away. Now with my kids it’s a battle to get them to clean up their toys much less put clothes away so the stickers are more for Sam to know where to find her clothes when she wants to change them. (Which is about 3x day, she puts on fashion shows, the adorableness outweighs the annoyance. Slightly.) Another major bonus? When Grandma comes to visit she easily knows where the clothes belong when she so lovingly volunteers to do laundry. LOVE that.So cute right? I love the little underroos sticker, cracks me up. I have to admit too that in my mom-haze these have actually saved me a few seconds here & there when I try to remember, “which drawer do socks go in again?” And let me tell you, anything that makes my life a smidge easier these days is well worth it.
They come in your choice of girl or boy sets & there are plenty of lovely colors to choose from. For $5 it’s an absolute steal. Pick yourself up a pair asap & tell her that her very nice friend Natasha sent you. Want to make sure my name stays fresh in her mind…you know, for when she needs someone to help her mod-podge stuff in twenty dollar bills.
You’re posting from the future! It’s Saturday 3/10. 🙂
Ha! I know right? Usually I dont get around to ‘Sunday Love’ until Monday so to have it done ahead of time is just downright shocking!
Um… not only are these good for the kids. It’s good for husbands when you yell from the basement that you need new shorts….dont have to yell what drawer they are in! Love it!
I was just going to say the same thing that Stephanie said…I could totally use these for my hubs when he puts away clothes!
So cute, I will have to pick me up a set!
Just ordered a set in red for my 1 year old son. Now maybe my husband will know where the baby’s pajames are instead of putting regular outfits on him at bedtime!