Can you believe she’s 1?!I know I’ve said this before but it bears repeating. I am NOT a baker. But I figured how particular could a 1 yr old’s palate be? To make it rainbow I just divided the cake batter (white cake in a box) into 4 bowls & added food coloring to each, then I layered the batter into a jumbo muffin tin, throw on some strawberry frosting & wah-lah! Rainbow smashcake. Amazing, I know.
Oh Sophie Quinn, what can I say…this year of having you in my life, having you become a part of our family has been surreal. Almost daily people tell me they’ve never met a baby that’s so happy. Even after you bonk your head for the 3rd time you still will laugh if I sing ‘six little ducks’. You’re my sunshine in a box.
And the crazy…goodness gracious, you’re a little nutcase! Or as your older, wiser, sister would say, “That’s one craaaaazy baby.”
I love that you’re such a daredevil. Love that you race up the stairs the second the gate comes down & you never look back. Except to give me a devilish smile…
How can someone have such a zest for life already?
Maybe that’s why you repeatedely keep pooping in the tub. You just can’t miss a moment! Or warm water relaxes you. Or you love to drive your straight & narrow sister batty. I’m pretty sure you get your kicks out of each of those.
We joke that you run on jet fuel. With you it’s go-go-go until you suddenly run out of gas & crash. It’s those moments I savor. I just can’t resist rocking you until those heavy eyelids close & I can get all the Sophie cuddles I want. You might be my last little baby so even though I’m sure you’ll want to do everything before the height requirement allows you’ll always be my little chum-chum.
Love you Soph. Happy birthday baby.
I’ve been following since before Sophster was born, it’s been so fun to see her grow up 🙂
you’ve described my youngest 14-month daughter exactly, right down to pooping in the bathtub:) she has an older sister that she drives nuts too. this post has made my day.
Aw, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Your comment made MY day (:
I love this post. It is so warm, it almost made my eyes watery. OKAY, fine, it did. But only because it screams love and I am a sucker for love. I can almost guarantee she will treasure this post (and the many more I am sure will come) forever and it does not matter where life takes her, she will always know she’s truly loved.
Happy Birthday Sophie!
♥Happy Birthday♥What a beautiful little girl.I have 3 daughters and 1 son.My youngest daughter is 4 years old.I remember very well this wonderful time.♥EVELYN♥
Aw, that was sweet. Hope you had a good birthday Sophie!
that is crazy–I’ve been following since before she was born. Time flies!! and such a sweet love letter for your daughter later in life too!
Happy Bday Soph!!! I’ve been a fan of your blog since Sam was a baby. Time sure flies! Congrats on both of your beautiful baby girls 🙂
Happy Birthday, Soph!
Natasha, she can’t possible be your last baby… you need at least one more! Gotto aim for that baby boy 🙂
What a sweet tribute! Happy birthday, Sophie!
Happy Birthday Sophie! Such a sweet post, and I loved seeing all the pictures of her. She’s beautiful. :0)
Ohhhh Happy Birthday Sophie! This blog made me go all teary eyed. My Aimee is 1 at the end of September and I think I will definately be trying out the rainbow smash cake. My older daughter is 3 on my birthday (best birthday present ever!) and that is in a week…so we will be having a special birthday cake of some sort…I love your blogs they are so inspirational and “doable” it’s the first place I stop once the girls have gone quiet in their beds. Hope the next year is just as spectacular as this one has been. xx M
she is suuper cute! I love to see pics of your little princesses and like your blog too 🙂
She is so adorable Natasha! I remember holding her when she was just a few months old. It’s been so fun watching her grow up. We hope to see more of her soon!!
awww happy belated birthday, sophie! natasha, she’s beautiful and absolutely adorable! <3
My little baby girl will be 1 on the 10th. i can’t belive how fast this year has flown. these little girls are growing up so fast. SLOW DOWN! Your mothers love you at this age! so genuine, so cuddly, so perfect.
Hi! I ’ve been following you since about the beginning of your pregnancy.
It´s nice to see how the girls grow up 🙂 it reminds me of my two girls that are at the similar age (3,5 years and 8 months). I´m a staying-home-mum, too and I get so much inspiration while reading your blog…..
Best wishes for your little one and kind regards from germany!
Happy bday, Soph! Guess the days of a blow dryer on the bathroom floor are long gone.
Sophie is Seriously. Cute. I think a lot of babies are not quite right with their smashed in heads and looking ingloriously like their fathers…. But know that my compliment is sincere. You make cute babies. And happy birthday to the little one. Love your blog.