Bored children? UPS deliveries blocking your front door? Introducing at least one hour of entertainment… KITTY CONDO! Even if you don’t have a small animal to take advantage of your child’s mad architect skills there’s always Barbie… I had two rectangle boxes that were the exact same size. One box seemed a bit small for […]
Spider Tutu Wreath: A Halloween Kid Friendly Craft
I was informed that I had to wait until October 1st to put up Halloween decorations. Guess what husband, Time’s Up! This wreath uses the same concept as my 10 minute tutu, the only difference is we’re wrapping shorter strands of tulle around a wreath form instead of an elastic. Here’s what you’ll need (I […]
DIY Princess Aurora Glitter Shoes
Ok, so I know they’re my kids & there’s a smidge of bias but these girls CRACK ME UP in this video! Click on the video tutorial below to see how Sam, with a bit of help from me, turns some plain ballet flats into a pair of very special pink glitter Sleeping Beauty shoes. […]
“Please go back to bed” clock
Lately Sam has been waking up earlier & earlier. I remember the days when she would quietly play in her room or watch a tv show in my bed until a decent waking hour but those are no more. When she’s up…everyone’s up. I’ll glance at the clock, see it starts with a “6” ,or […]
Thumbprints Heart Charm (Mother’s Day Gift)
This morning I went in to Sam’s class to make these polymer clay charms for the kid’s to give their mom’s on Mother’s Day. It wouldn’t be a bad idea for Grandma gifts either & it’s a relatively quick craft. I gave each child about a 3/4″ square of polymer clay & showed them how […]
Making Children’s Modern Art
Awhile ago I read this post on Lil Blue Boo where Ashley gave a guide on how to get your pre-schooler to create some fabulous art. Not only were her tips great but she really inspired me to not be intimidated by the possible/probable mess of paint & just let Sam go for it! As […]