I can’t believe you guys guessed it on the VERY 1ST COMMENT! Yep, Laci got it, it’s a paci holder for the bed rail!Since moving Samster into her terror bed, I mean, toddler bed (the transition hasn’t been easy to say the least, we’ve been having lots of 4am conversations, but more about that later…) one thing I hadn’t counted on was that there was no longer a bumper to keep her pacis in the crib. That’s when I came up with this little holder to keep her paci collection.
I was going to put up a tutorial in this post but after all the incredible comments/ideas you guys left you really got me thinking…and thinking…and thinking. Like, every night I’ve gone to sleep dreaming of materials, structure & design changes. Ways to make this not just a paci holder but also a stroller cup holder, coffee cup shopping cart holder, (LOVE that one btw!) basically…an everything holder!
So do me a favor, give me today to run to the craft store and pick up a few supplies. I have a sitter this morning (since technically I’m supposed to be going to work but I have a terrible cold & don’t think working with newborns would be the best idea) so I’ll have some time to lock myself in my sewing room with a cup of lemon tea and get to work. Perhaps the great ideas in my head will get so big that they’ll no longer be room for the massive amounts of snot that are currently residing.
***Laci, congrats! Email me at samstermommy@gmail.com so we can talk about what color you want your paci holder to be!
****On another note, I’ve already filed for a patent so if anyone snarky is reading this & is thinking of yanking my idea then don’t bother. Besides, cheaters never prosper. Didn’t your mommy teach you that?
Thank you very much!:)
Very clever. We are always losing these things. Can't wait to see what else you come up with.
Such a cute idea!
I just bought something similar at Target for my car, for my sunglasses, inkpens, etc. This baby has a myriad of uses! I promise to get one for my Sunday grocery store vanilla latte, so get 'em in the etsy shoppe quick. I want mine in black & white or brown and white (heehee). Thanks Samster Mommy!
Very smart woman! This is cute, and I cannot wait til this baby is born so I can find lots of new uses for it! I will be watching your Etsy shop. Are you going to be offering lots of different colors?
ahhh so cute, well im sure it makes a great cup holder too!!! 😉
Are you still working on becoming a LC? How's that going?
Sorry to hear the toddler bed isn't going so well. We actually tranisition my 16 month old to a similar bed in January, and he was suprisingly receptive. Can't say I love him jumping and screaming on it… but at least he sleeps in it when he should. Good luck:)
ooh im gna have to get us one, my baby is always knocking her dodies out of her cot cos i dont have a bumper on it, her cot is next to my bed and i like to be able to see in but that means all the dodies are under the cot 😛 i have to send my OH downstairs in the middle of the night, pretty much every night to bring us a new one haha, this will make him very happy i think 😀
I think you will also find this useful when she wants to have cups in the middle of the night. I just had to buy a little night stand so I can put ninnies and sippy cups on it for my 20 month old. You are brilliant for coming up with this solution!
Good idea!
LOVE your blog, practically pulled an all nighter last night going through all your entries! I laughed so hard I cried at 'poopsplosion'! keep the fantastic posts coming! =]
noooo just throw the pacis away!
I made one of those for my daughter but I made it from the same fabric as I made her sheets! It was great for the middle of the night and she lost her other paci or in our house nene
This is such a cute idea. I always stuff extra binkies in the pillow case, but this is much cuter (and much easier for littler babies to understand).