I have to admit, I kind of love being the go-to craft girl for my friends & family. I get that same puffed chest sense of pride that P gets when I ask him to change a car headlight bulb. When our sitter Kim asked me if I could help her replicate this pin for a friend’s wedding I quickly grabbed my toolbelt, pulled the back of my pants up & said “C’mon little lady, you’ve come to the right place.” To which she then considered leaving.
The idea is you create this lovely handmade wedding gift that creatively displays the lyrics to the couple’s first dance song. Awwww…
I had Kim purchase 6 small square canvases at Michael’s before heading over. (I believe they were 6×6) She then dug through my scrapbook stash & chose a nice textured lavendar paper for the fronts of the canvas. (you only need one 12×12 sheet but it’s not a bad idea to buy 2 in case you screw up) Based on that paper we decided a moody stormy grey would be the perfect color for the sides of the canvases, a small bottle of acrylic paint was more than enough.
Using a paper cutter I sliced the 12×12 scrapbook paper into 6 4×4 squares & had Kim mod podge them onto the fronts of the canvases.
While those dried for a day I got to work figuring out the lyrics…
The original pin designed each canvas layout on their computer, then printed the pages & mod podged them to the canvases. My brain can’t even begin to visualize how the heck to lay something out in a file so that when six of them are next to one another the words on each would line up. Baaahck, makes my brain hurt. What does make sense to me is to use my Silhouette to print out the lyrics on a 12 x 12 sheet of vinyl, slice the vinyl sheet into 6 4×4 squares (I cut right through the words) & then apply them to the front of each canvas.I sure hope the bride liked them! That is if Kim didn’t decide to keep them & hang them in her room. She was very proud of her handiwork. I suppose that would be awkward decor for a single gal though, imagine a guy reading that above the bed the first time he comes over!
Kind of weird . . . because today’s my 13th anniversary and I just got finished watching the short version of my wedding, which the hubs made synced to our wedding song. Like, 30 minutes ago.
Super cute. I like your version better than the pin version. Those “Life love laugh” fonts are getting old. Yours is vintage-y and cool.
I LOVE them! Kim did an awesome job and this was BY FAR my favorite wedding gift :). Thank you!!
Yayyy!!! I’m SO glad to hear you liked them! Kim worked really hard, I was proud of my little crafting protege (:
Not sure if you have seen this but it is HILARIOUS… goes along with your pinbusters….
Thought I’d share!! =)
Whoops forgot the page… lol
I love this! I ventured into my first canvas, mod podge photo collage yesterday. Did you back the paper up to the edge of the front, or did you wrap it around the back? I had a few pesky edges, as my paper fit my canvas exactly..well sorta:I (Come on Michael’s, I need larger scrapbook pages)! Your edge painting idea is sounding pretty appealing right now! I planned to frame it with ribbon- – Hot glue guns..? Urrrnmm..Not so much!