Here’s where I was this week when I wasn’t here…
(also look for a valentine’s sweatshirt post later this afternoon!)
On the Kaneshow Blog: Superbowl goodies, “Tell me about her” (a post on flirtatious women in my man’s office), The Dread (sometimes it’s worst than the act), Trendspotter: Neon Lips
On Pinterest I put together a new board on Superbowl party recipes that really are good to keep in your back pocket for any get together you might have.
Other than that P & I have been trying not to walk into any walls. We’re so tired. Poor Sam has had the most bizarre virus. If you follow my FB than you saw the awful picture of her as ‘pinkilicious’, the rash lasted for a couple of days & then came the nighttime cough. For 6 nights she’s been up the whole night coughing like crazy. We’ve done the humidifier, motrin, benedryl, nothing works. Until today she’s been pretty happy during the day & hasn’t had any fever so I haven’t been too worried but today she finally has a fever. Guess we’ll be heading back to the pediatrician’s office. I wonder if they’ve given me my own parking spot yet?
I feel so bad for you guys. Hope y’all get some relief soon.
I know this sounds crazy – But I swear it works! Cut up a red onion and stuff it in an old sock. Hang it by the bed (I hang mine on my daughter’s metal headboard) and it stops them coughing in the nighttime. Weird but true! I had clean flrgotten aboutthis until last night when my girly was coughing until she vomited (tmi sorry 😉 ) but we then hung the “onion sock” by her bed and she was asleep within minutes andno coughing until 6am this morning.
But be warned – it does NOT smell good in the morning! lol but and open window clears it out in no time. Try it! It’s weird but it will buy you some sleep! xxx