P’s allergies were out of control this weekend so he spent most (all) of it laid up with swollen bloodshot eyes & a nasty case of the pity parties. This of course meant I was on duty most (all) of the time which meant no crafting & minimal blogging. Sadness. Such is real life. Do you think they make nannies for husbands? You know when they get sick it’s like having an extra kid…I wonder if I could book a sitter to wait on him. Hmmm, might be onto to something here. I’ll call them ‘hannies’, husband-nannies.
*Please refrain from leaving any “omgosh do you know how lucky you are to have him? you should totally be willing to take care of him…bleh, bleh, bleh comments. You can look up my reasoning behind the ‘hanny’ suggestion here if you need a better understanding.
What I did get done this week…
My little honey badger (and the shirt that says so) & here
A round of the best apps for toddlers & kids (by real life moms!) here
& finally the Sunshine & Ruffles post I mentioned earlier in the week here.
Anyone else feel like their face was going to burst from all the crazy pollen in the air this weekend? Although I think it snowed in Arizona. That’s crazy.
I TOTALLY agree with husbands being a second child when they are sick.
Yesterday I was sick. I still got up and did stuff and let him go out with a friend while I took care of three kids.
Today he’s sick and he’s been laying on the couch whining and complaining all day. lol
Also I know how it feels when people make comments like “you are so lucky to have him, be nice to him, blah blah.” I get that all the time.
Definitely sign me up for a hannie! Love it!
I don’t know what you are talking about. Sick husbands are WORSE than sick kids. First off, they don’t go to the doctor right away. Put if off. Put if off. And then finally he goes to the DR and its pneumonia instead of a simple sinus infection. (This has happened TWICE in the last TWO years.) If it was my kid, she’d be back in preschool after day three of antibiotics. Next, sick kid. Put her on the floor with a blanket, a book, a toy, a movie, and a freezie pop. I could have a good 20 minutes to shower/cook/sew. Sick husband? I can cater to all his needs and have to stick around to all the caterwauling and complaining about what he should be doing instead of laying in bed resting. If he can’t be productive, neither can I!
I love the man but I still keep him full of antihistamines and vitamin C just to avoid sick husband time.
OMGOSH THAT IS THE TRUTH JENNY! I’ve been telling him for WEEKS to start taking his allergy medicine, you need to take it, have you taken it? I even went out and bought it for him and he STILL didn’t take it until he was already miserable. Makes me livid. LOVE the man but makes me FURIOUS
Sick husbands are the worst of the worst! I hate it when my kids get sick, mostly cause I know my husband will catch it. [he always does.] Its all men though, one of their many genetic gifts. All I can say is thank goodness its us females that carry and deliver the babies. Can you even imagine if your husband was pregnant? I’d be tempted to punch mine in the face. every day.
“Genetic Gifts” …love that.
I am jealous that pretty much most of the country is enjoying really warm almost summer like temps. Here in Oregon it snowed this morning, just a trace. And it is going to snow again tomorrow–well mixed snow and rain, but REALLY cold. BTW–that honey badger shirt is really cute!
Ugh! I can’t even IMAGINE snow right now, I sent the girls to school this morning in short sleeve dresses. Guess I’ll take the allergies, poor you!
I can totally understand. I have been non stop sneezing, rubbing my eyes, etc. I literally feel like I need to take my eyeballs out scratch them and then pop them back in. Graphic? Yes, but thats how bad it feels. Does P get an allergy shot? I am scheduled to get mine later this week so it will be a combo of claritin and allergy shots until the pollen goes away.
P.S. My BF is the same way and becomes a big kid when he gets sick or has any little symptom. He is 100% worse then my two kids. Lol.
Oh. My. Gosh! My friend and I talk about popping out our eyeballs and washing them all the time and our husbands and other friends think we are certifiable that a) we have that thought b) there are TWO of us who feel that way. I’m so glad to see someone else say that!!
PS. . .TOTALLY behind the “hanny” business! Husbands are TERRIBLE sick and/or injured people!
Omgosh Lana, I feel that way right now…like I just want to stick them in the garden hose. You’re so not alone!
I would totally hire a “hanny” for my husband when he is sick! You nailed it – they are definitely like having another child.
Near the Alberta/Saskatchewan border there was a blizzard so bad that kids had a reverse snow day… they had to sleep at the school!!! In just the next province, Winnipeg, Manitoba was 27C (about 80F).
Can’t wait to try color on my hair (*ahem) I mean MY daughter’s hair! I love how you linked sarcasm! Hysterical! Between that and your drive thru post, you’ve kept me laughing all week so far! 🙂
Ha! I’m completely with you on the hannies. I would just love someone to come around and pick up after my husband when he’s sick. He leaves a trail of crumpled up tissues, banana peels, empty cracker boxes, soup bowls, etc. It’s like he gets so weak that he can’t bring himself to carry something as heavy as a tissue anymore, it just drops out of his hand wherever he is in the house (usually somewhere in between the couch, the bed, and the bathroom), and it lays there until I gather them. Ridiculous.