Hm. That’s a good question.
Here’s where I’m at…
You know when you have a nagging feeling about something but you don’t want to admit it so you write it off & keep truckin’ along?
It keeps popping up however & you think about it for a minute but still don’t listen?
That’s how I’ve been feeling for several weeks about my blogging setup. It’s become increasingly clear that it’s just not the right path for me to keep doing the radio station blog in addition to LPM. I was doing 8-10 posts a week in my ‘free time’, which if you have kids you know what that consists of, & for weeks I’ve been wondering, is this the right path? Am I trying to do too much & the content is suffering? Maybe I’d be better off just doing one blog & be able to really dedicate myself to it?
Well, I kept ignoring that nagging feeling & thought if I could just persist through…but still, something didn’t feel right. It started to feel like I wasn’t doing any of my blogs justice & worst of all, I was getting so overwhelmed it was affecting my #1 job as Sam & Sophie’s mom.
At the same time, just like any blogger who’s honest with herself, I’ve always thought it’d be great to actually make some money blogging but until now I hadn’t found a way that didn’t feel like selling out. At least not for me. Until about a month ago when I was approached by a fantastic publishing group that focuses on crafters. But more about that in a minute…
Combine that paid opportunity with some other doors closing & that nagging little voice inside & it became crystal clear what was best for me & my family was to stick with solely blogging at Little Pink Monster. (not to say I won’t still do some freelance writing here & there but this will be my blog home)
I am I absolutely in love with blogging here. It’s why I’ve done it unpaid for the past 4 years. I do hope however that I can eventually grow my blogging into a career. My girls will be in school full time before I know it & I’d really like this to be how I ‘go back to work’. While we’re being completely honest I’ll put it out there & say it would make my dreams come true if I could do some TV work as the go-to-‘mommy/diy blogger’ in the DC area. That’s the dream. For now however I need to listen to what God has made very clear & be ok with taking a different path to get there. Faith, patience & trust. Not my most natural qualities but perhaps that’s the whole purpose of this life lesson I seem to be in the middle of learning.
“Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed so you could open one that leads you to your perfect road” -Katy Perry, Fireworks
It’s so hokey to quote song lyrics, much less a pop song, but I’m sorry, I belt that in my van AND IT MAKES ME FEEL BETTER. Screw you Russell!
So about those sponsored posts…
I can see you rolling your eyes now, “Oh no, another good blog bites the dust” but I promise you my friend, it won’t be like that. I’ll be different, I swear! I’m not like those other guys!
Seriously though, I’ve turned down many previous sponsorship offers because they just didn’t fit. I’m quite certain you have no interest in an entire post on the hot new sink faucet of 2012. To make $75 off of it but lose you as a reader isn’t worth it. They would be worthless commercials that just water down the good stuff. That’s however exactly what I think is so fantastic about this new publishing network…it’s all crafting companies! For example, in the next month you’re going to see a post about a tie-dye project I’m working on. That company is going to pay me a fee to review their product & come up with a project for them. It’s a sponsor that makes sense for LPM & the post I write for them isn’t just for the sake of making a buck, it’s actually good content. Something I would’ve written about anyway.
Makes a dent in my blogging costs while still being an entertaining post for you. Win, win.
Does that sound ok? I want you to be honest with me. I can’t begin to stress how valuable your readership is to me & I need you to know that I respect you & your time with the utmost sincerity. I hate when bloggers are obviously being paid but aren’t up front about it. I will always disclose when I’m being paid by a product, no shadiness. Promise.
Also these posts for now look they’ll be no more than 1 or 2 a month…
So that’s it. Whew. Glad I got it off my chest. I’ve been really stressing about it. I don’t know why though.
Oh well, regardless, I feel better.
Now if you’ll excuse me, my hot dog phone is ringing.
Haha! I love the hot dog phone 🙂 And, sponsor post away, as long as it’s not totally lame-o, we’ll all still be here. 😀
Honestly, I really don’t mind a blog with sponsors, you have to offset your blogging costs somehow, as long as it doesn’t become the blog of all sponsors and lose its cool, down-to-earth, normal people blog feel {I’m thinking of a couple craft blogs & an organizing blog that pull it off pretty well}. I find it interesting to read people’s thoughts and experiences with different products (promotions/paid, or not), since it might be something I was thinking about trying, or hadn’t thought about but now I know about it.
(Did she have more fun playing with the bun than she did eating the hot dog chunks?)
I usually just read your posts and don’t comment much but I had to say something this time. :-). I’m so glad to see you stay and blog here. I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now. The first post I stumbled upon was the baby cargo pants post way back in 2009 and I look forward to reading your posts.
Do what is best for you and your family. And if that means you have a ton of ‘sponsor posts’ that’s okay too. Thanks for always being honest and upfront.
I think it’s great that you are getting an opportunity to make some money with your blog. What disappoints me is when blogs become ALL sponsored content and links to other sites the blogger is posting on. Then they loose the originality and personal touch that initially got me interested.
I completely understand. Bringing in your own income is way more than the monetary value. It seems like you wouldn’t review some thing completely random just to make a buck. We know you better than that 🙂
I think that’s awesome, being a stay at home Mom while making an income is a dream. I have no problem whatsover, and I love it the content is relatable to the blog. I’ve never had any blog bug me with the sponsered posts….except one. I dont even remember the name anymore (it was a cooking blog) but she stopped blogging about real life stuff, and just started “reviewing” with “contests”. Every. Single. Post.
I’ve been reading LPM for at least 2 years (I think? I’m pretty sure our kids are similar in age, mine are 18 months and a lil over 3) and I really fell in love with your blog after the “Mommy pills” posts. At that time I had a new born and an under 2 year old and I was just looking forward to my nightly wine at that point. But you helped me feel like I was normal and it was ok to be stressed, so I’ve been coming back ever since 🙂
It is definitely a win, win situation. I started reading your blog a couple years ago because of our similarities (new mom, sewer of sweet little things) and I love the personal things you talk about that I can relate to, and especially the projects and tutorials you share. If it happens to be your dream job then go for it and good luck with it too…added bonus if your blog links to other craftiness that I can read about and keep up with! As long as your blog reflects the reason I started reading in the first place then I’ll always come back! Sounds like you’ve been handed a great offer, too good to pass up. There is no shame in earning your money, we all have bills to pay girl, sounds like an amazing deal for you and I’m happy for you.
You’re an awesome crafty/mommy-blogger and I say “Rock on!” that you’ve found a sponsor that’s a good fit. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
I for one am excited to see what kinds of projects you create and who cares if you get paid for it. I love reading your blog because it represents an honesty about the struggles everyone experiences, but manages to be practical and fun at the same time. I hope you’ll still post recipes too because I love those. Hey… maybe you should “test” new kitchen items too! I don’t think anyone will begrudge you making a living. We are Little Pink Monster Maniacs!
I think this is a great opportunity for you!
I have been reading since the 30 glitter project series (still waiiitiiinnggg 😉 ) and I have seen *you* really grow and evolve. Not as a writer, but as a person.
I have watched you struggle through so much and I have seen it pull you closer to God and to your family…I think this is the less painfull part of all of that. God has a plan for you…and *craft blog* may not seem like it’s changing the world…but for some, it just might be 🙂
I thinks it’s a great opportunity for you. I like your blog because you are so honest in your opinions and I know it will stay that way.
I think it is a great idea!! I’ve been reading your blog for about 3-4 years and I love how honest you are about everything. I think this is the perfect opportunity for you.
Yeah! I’m so happy you will be making this your primary home. You may remember a few months ago, I commented that your LPM posts were so much honest, richer and easy to relate to. That was my (probably not so) subtle way of saying, “Please ditch the Kane Show blog and just write here!!!”
As for sponsored posts, I have no problem with blogs that do it tastefully… It’s the ones that are entirely sponsored posts that get old. I think Amalah does it well, for example, when she does it (which is rare). You are missing out, though. You should have gotten a Sunbeam sponsorship for the hot dog bun phone… 😉
Ugh, I hate when I go back and look at something and realize it doesn’t make sense – should have read “so much more honest, richer and easy to relate to.”
Which is ironic, because I actually wanted to add one piece of advice, which I’m so afraid will be taken as a criticism, and I don’t mean it as one, at all… more just some constructive feedback. I hesitate to suggest this, but know that you truly seem to want honest, constructive feedback… and that you seem to be able to take it for what it’s meant to be, and that you don’t get defensive. So, here goes… if you really want to make a career out of writing, I would recommend maybe taking a writing class or two? I say this not because I think you’re a bad writer. At all. If I did, then I wouldn’t keep coming back. I am by no means a writing expert. (Believe me, with a sister who is an editor, who tore my Master’s thesis to shreds, I’m well aware of that.) But, if I could switch to a music metaphor… often, people are born with an innate gift in singing. They have naturally beautiful voices, and when they perform, it’s real and raw. But, to really rise in the music world, they need some professional training to perfect and refine the natural gift that they were given. I see your writing similarly… you have a natural gift in writing; you have a way of making your reader feel like they know you, and you can really connect with people through your writing. I think if you took that gift, and combined it with some professional writing classes, it would take your writing to another level…
Ugh, hopefully I haven’t completely offended you, because that was not my intention at all. I think you and your writing could really take off with the right arsenal of tools under your belt.
LOL, listen Wendy. It’s gonna take a lot more than that to offend me. I love having friends who are willing to tell me my butt looks big in those jeans.
I don’t take offense, I’m grateful. It’s a wonderful suggestion!
Sponsored posts don’t bother me as long as they’re not overwhelming and not relevant to your blog. i think you’re a great writer and you have the right to try and earn money for your writing. One suggestion though: i have a hard time reading your blog (literally reading it) because of the font color. the light grey against the white is hard for my eyes to pick up. maybe i’m the only one and i’m just old (hey 31 isn’t old!) but i just thought i’d mention it. i love your blog so normally i just highlight the font so it’s easier to read, but since i’m commenting, i figured i’d mention it!
You go girl! If this is where God is taking you, grab your stuff and go with it. I am happy for you to have found something that you feel comfortable with and that it is a win win combination. Good luck. I hope that you find more things such as this to help you to be able to stay at home and not have to work outside the home.
As long as you stay true to yourself you will have loyal readers here. And the whole point of this post is that this is true to yourself and what you need. I certainly don’t mind seeing sponsored posts now and then, especially related to crafting!
I say go for it. I have no doubt that you’d keep everything very relaxed. I think we all know how much you love blogging just by reading your posts — I’m not worried you’ll overdo it with sponsors or lose the feel of your blog. =)
Natasha, I have to say that we all love you and I think everyone will support you. I have to admit I am glad you are no longer doing the Kane Show blogs. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE Kane, the show and 99.5, but I felt like LPM got the short end of the stick. Sounds like this new opportunity would be perfect. I have to admit I am very excited. I love when you do Pinbusters and think this will be similar….but hopefully in a good way. It’s always nice to get recommendations on different products and know how they really work. I wish you the best of luck.
Best of luck and looking forward to the projects!
Hi Natasha,
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and you’re so open and honest…it’s refreshing. You have to do what you love and you shouldn’t feel guilty for trying to make a career out of it. The fact that you’ve passed on other offers because they weren’t the right fit shows that you truly care about the quality of your content. It shows that you are looking out for the best interest of your readers. You can’t ask for anything better.
As far as your TV dream, I say go for it! Life is too short and you should do what you’re passionate about. I almost lost my fiance to kidney failure a few months ago and it really made me look at my life and realize I’m not doing what makes me happy. I just started blogging a few weeks ago as I’m trying to get healthy and achieve a dream of mine…to run a half marathon…and I’m learning that I love writing as well. We all have our obstacles but if you truly want to do it, do it! I wish you all the luck and success and I’ll still be reading to find out what happens as you start this exciting journey!
P.S. – I love your Pinbusters series! Keep it up! 🙂
I love LPM … Have for a long time now . I love your crafting ideas and that fact that they don t take me 10 years to complete bc I am so that girl who has a ton of half done projects laying around … And I love that I can relate to you … Sure I wanna be a Martha but I’m not and I don’t want to feel like I’m the only one who isn’t perfect. So to sum it up … Keep giving me great ideas and “chatting” with us now and then and I won’t go anywhere… No matter who’s sponsoring you 🙂
What a fantastic opportunity for you! It sounds like you have found something that satisfies your own values and that is something to be extremely happy about. I knew something was up last week as I noticed you weren’t on the Kane Show site anymore. Looking forward to more great posts on your LPM!
glad you’re sticking around here and not selling out. so please tell those businesses on the hot dog line that you are not interested 🙂
Yay! I’m actually glad you’re back over here full time- since this is what I follow (selfish of me!)
I personally have NO problem with people making money/doing sponsored posts, as long as it doesn’t scream ‘sell out!’ (and even then I don’t get mad, I usually just don’t read the post or internally roll my eyes). Like- if it’s clear the product is awful but the person is shouting its praises anyways, or if it has *nothing* to do with the theme of the blog, etc. Doing paid projects on crafting items is absolutely perfect for this blog though. You put in a lot of time and energy for the blog, there’s no reason you can’t benefit a little too 🙂 And since you’ve been around for so long, its clear that’s not your sole motivation anyways 😉
My youngest son (around the same age as Sophie) has been turning everything into a phone lately as well… cracks me up each time 🙂
I have to agree with everyone here – your blog is such an important part of my routine that I am glad you have found a way to continue it and be happy at the same time! Sorry that you felt any stress over your decision – it seems like your readership is fully supportive of you. I know I am!
I’m so happy you’re staying at LPM! It was a little inconvenient having to jump over to the radio blog to read your posts. I think a lot of good bloggers do review posts, both paid and unpaid. If it’s something you’re interested in and inspired to write about, we probably want to read about it too. Why not get paid on the side?! Also, I have to say that I love the mommy posts more than anything. I know the blog has morphed over the years from lots of crafting to less crafting, and I really like it that way. Keep up the good work!
(: I’m glad to hear that, thanks
Good for you for finding a way to make money while doing something that you love! I say as long as the content is something you would have blogged about anyway then chances are we never would have known you were being paid! Though I think its noble of you to be upfront about it.
Yes. Do it. There should be no question about it…we came to this blog for your craftiness and we will STAY for it too…I also think its great that you will not only be making some bucks for your family, you’ll also be clueing us in on some craft products. I like that, but Im also a “review-aholic” 😉 Anyway,you got my 2 cents. Go for it!! and good luck, Im a jellybean (jealous) you get to do this!
Hey Natasha –
I have been reading (and loving) your blog for a few years now and I just felt like I needed to say that I think you are doing the right thing committing solely to one blog. I felt sorta “caty-wompass” (is that a word?) flipping back and forth between LPM and the radio blog. I didn’t want to miss anything, so I did it, but I feel much more at home at LPM and will love reading everything there. Thanks for the time you put in, I really enjoy reading your blog.
You’re so welcome! (: and that makes total sense now that you mention it, I hadn’t really thought of it that way…
Awesome. I’m glad you’ve found a balance that works for you. I also think you should go for the TV aspect of your dream. I think you’d be a great fit with that, too.
I’ve been visiting your blog for a few months now, and I love it 🙂 I don’t normally comment on blogs, mainly because it usually feels as though my comments may get lost amongst the sea of others, however I have to leave one this time.
I love the honesty on your blog when it comes to being “real”, and your sense of humour. I think that as long as you keep writing the way you do, you’ll gain more followers than you could ever lose 🙂 All of the blogs that I follow are ones where the poster writes as if I’m talking to her on the phone for a regular “catch-up” chat, and you do that perfectly! I love it!
But if I could, I’d like to make a couple of requests. First, for every sponsor post, you need a post of either your cute little monsters or that equally cute new kitty. Or both for a total cute overload! Second, and more importantly, always follow your dreams (or your instincts if you’re a weirdo like my husband and don’t dream! lol) ^_^
LOL, thanks Denise! It is cuteness overload isn’t it? Thanks for the sweet words…and for thinking my kids & cat are cute (;
Natasha no matter what I love you and your blog and everything you stand for (the fact that we share the same first name doesn’t help lol). I’m happy you have sponsors and look forward to those post as well as all the rest. As you mentioned LPM is a family and I’m so glad to be apart of it and support you with any decision tou make. I sincerely thank you for blogging. You touch more lives than you know. 🙂
I love that this is going to be your sole bloggy home! And we all are so thankful that you take your readers into consideration and ask their opinion, alot of bloggers kinda just go with the flow. The cash flow. Even if it’s flowing in the wrong direction. Ok no more bad puns. But seriously, reviewing craft products is great! Crafting was the reason why I even bookmarked LPM almost a year ago, and if you happened to earn money from reviewing craft products, well there’s nothing wrong with that 😀 it’s a win win for all, mi amiga.
Natasha , thank you so much for being so awesome. I personally agrees I prefer your blogs on LPM and to be honest for about the past month I had stopped evening viewing your blog because it seemed like the content had changed a lot and I wasn’t as interested . However I love your photos, crafts and personal stories it just has been different lately . I would like to thank the Kane Show for introducing me to you . I do enjoy listening to your opinion on the show when you call in . But I LOVE LPM! I am so happy you are going to be focusing more on this .
Go for it. I enjoyed seeing your Pinbusters videos also and the recipes you posted to please picky little eaters ! 🙂 I hope you can still do some of those once in awhile too.